As many of you know, I’ve struggled with my writing life for a while now. I released a single book last year, and sadly, I have nothing ready to release (or even close) for 2020. This affects my blogging here as well. So, for this month, I will be sharing part 1 of a serial story that I originally posted back in March-May of 2016. If you’ve been around InspyRomance that long, it will be familiar to you. If you’re newer to our blog, I hope you enjoy this tidbit of my writing.
The Getaway
Peter broke into the thief’s safe and grabbed his mother’s stolen jewelry, tucking it in his bag. A humming sound came from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder. A cute, twenty-something maid entered.
He pushed the painting over the open safe and ducked behind the desk. The humming turned into a soft song.
She rounded the desk, and he couldn’t hide any longer. With a quick movement borne of desperation, he stood, pulled her close with one arm, and covered her mouth with his hand, snagging her earbud cord with one finger. “Shh.”
Her eyes widened revealing the clearest, most vibrant green he’d ever seen.
Shadows appeared just outside the door. His mind scrambled for a way of escape. He looked up. A gaudy chandelier illuminated the room. “I’m going to kiss you. Your life depends on your positive response.”
Her eyes widened even farther.
He removed his hand and pressed his lips to hers. Peppermint—his favorite. She stiffened beneath his hold, but then she relaxed and returned his kiss. With his now free hand, he retrieved his gun from its holster.
The embrace had to last long enough for the guards to wonder at their intimacy. Distracted as he was, his body still responded as hers melted into him.
Just a few more seconds. Now. He shot toward the chandelier’s base. It fell, darkening the room. Grabbing her hand, he sprinted out the open French doors and dashed toward the tree cover. “Keep up. They think you’re with me now.”
The truth of his words must have hit her because she picked up speed. “Where are we going?” She panted between words.
No sense responding. Around the corner at his car, he shoved her in the passenger seat. Shots rang out behind them. Revving the engine, he slammed the car into drive and rocks spewed as his tires fought for traction. More shots. “Get down.”
She crouched in her seat, half on the floor. “What did you get me into?” Tears filled her voice.
Jada pressed her face to the car’s cushioned seat. Shots continued to ping off the car. When the back window shattered, it took all she had not to scream.
“Why did you involve me in this?”
His eyes went to the rear view mirror and then back to the road. “Once you walked into the room, you were involved. If I had left you, they would have accused you of breaking into the safe.”
“You broke into the safe?” She swallowed the bile rising in her throat. Her employer was a powerful, heartless woman. Everything Jada had worked for shattered like the window.
“I only took what belonged to me,” he said.
“But you just ruined my life.” She screamed. “What am I going to do now? I’ve lived and worked there since I was thirteen. I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“I guess I just saved you then. I’m Peter. What’s your name?”
She sighed. “Jada. What now?”
“First, I have to lose the tail.” His knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. “Hold on.”
Several heart-stopping minutes later, he slammed on the brakes. “Let’s go.”
Once out of the car, he pulled her toward a small, but fast-looking boat. “Get in.”
She did. Something about him drew her, made her want to trust him. Maybe the kiss. Her first. But not his. Not the way he’d moved his lips over hers.
He pulled away from the dock without turning on the boat’s lights. Hugging herself to fend off the chill, she remained quiet as he drove silently into the open water. Once they were a safe distance from the shoreline, he flipped on the lights and picked up speed.
“There’s a blanket under the bench seat. Get it and come up here. It’s not quite as cold.” He spoke without looking at her.
When she’d grabbed the blanket, she joined him. He wrapped it around her shoulders then pulled her close to his chest. His warmth penetrated her front, while the blanket warmed her back. She looked up at him. His eyes widened before dropping closed as he lowered his lips to hers.
At least this time, she knew he wanted to kiss her.
Many blessings,
Thank you. I’m going to enjoy this.
Hi Ginger! Great action packed story. Has me gasping for air. Besides romance I enjoy reading suspense and mysteries. In my thoughts. Hope you find your Muse soon. Best wishes.
Somehow I missed this back in 2016. I think I’d discovered InspyRomance by then. Maybe not. Anyway, I’m glad I got to read the whole thing at once :-)
Thanks, Renate.
Haha. I hear you, Margaret. It’s nice to get the whole story at once. :)
Father, we lift Ginger up to you. Please give her peace and hope as she faces her challenges in writing. Touch her imagination. Speak to her words of confidence and love. May she find her muse in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Great story!!! I didn’t find Inspy til the end of 2019, so this was all new to me!! I had to read it all!!!
Thank you, Lincoln.
I’m glad you liked it, Trudy.
Hi Ginger, coming in a bit late today!! I loved this story and so think you should write it out to a full novel someday:)
Thanks, Wemble.
I’ve actually never considered it. I wrote it originally for a flash fiction site and then added parts 2 and 3 to the story for Inspy Romance.
Ooh, I loved this story! Thank you!
I’m sorry about not reading anything new from you. I love your books.
I also enjoyed this story and I’m pretty sure I’m just going to repeat myself (and others): this would be a fun novel(a).
I really enjoyed reading your work.
I will pray that your talent will be stirred by the Lord.