Hola, Jolene Navarro checking in from the Texas Hill Country. The colors from my back porch are stunning as we head out for our walk.

Sunrise from my back porch
It’s early morning and my summer is coming to an end. In two weeks I will be driving to my art studio in San Antonio, helping students with their dream of graduating.
I’m blessed to love both of my jobs, teaching art to inter-city kids and writing romance novels.

SARA and Freinds
Sometimes I wonder how this became my life. It seems a bit surreal. When I approached forty I knew I wanted to make some changes to my life, so I took a risk, quit my job and went back to school to finish my education to become a teacher. With extra time on my hands, I also decided to try something I had only dreamed of doing, publishing a book. I found a group of amazing people, San Antonio Romance Authors (SARA) and they showed me the way. Ten books later I really can’t believe this is my life.
There is a couple of things no one warned me about when I became a professional writer.
One. I lost all my reading time. I was an avid reader. Anywhere from three to six books a week. When I started writing I didn’t have the time to sit and read. If I was sitting I needed to be writing. Deadlines do that to you. Lol.
Two. I was sitting a great deal. Those wonderful words might float around in my head all day, but I have to sit and organize them.
Sitting was not good for my health. I found that out the hard way. Three years ago, I had to make some changes and I didn’t, couldn’t give up writing. The one thing I loved but had not made the time for was walking. I love exploring our town, countryside, new places by walking the streets or land as the case might be depending on where we are walking.

Walking Boerne Texas

Exploring Denver

Walking the Texas Hill Country
I also invested in a desk bike on the days I can’t get out to walk. Peddling while writing has turned out to work will for me. (I couldn’t do the treadmill desk).
I love music, but every day makes it was harder to find new music that inspired me. I was also dancing so I needed to find something else to walk too.
Then a friend gave me an audiobook as a gift. She knew I was doing more walking, so she thought I would enjoy listening to a story.
Boy, was she right! Now I’ve gotten addicted to listening to books on my phone. I have found new authors I had never heard of and whole collections of some of my favorites.

Joshua Springs Boerne Texas
The problems my writing had created in my life have been fixed. At home, we are now walking two to three hours. Three years ago I could hardly do 15 minutes. Part of the long distance is the desire to hear one more chapter. LOL. During the school year, I drive about an hour to work, I get there early so I can walk for about an hour. That is two hours of story time before I start my day. When I get home I walk again. Now that I’m listening to books I walk longer. A side benefit I did not see coming.
And it’s not all fiction (even though that’s my favorite) I have listened to Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge at least three times. I had loved the book when it was released about ten years ago, but the audio is even better and the husband and wife team are the narrators too. It just seems so personal, like they are having a discussion with you.
I am having a hard time finding Christian Romance, not sure why. The nonfiction Christian section has a wide variety to pick from.
So I’m the hunt for more inspirational romance writers that have audiobook available. Do you have recommendations? List them here, even if it’s your own. I would love to find new authors in the Inspy Romance genre.
Happy trails and if you get a chance check out the third book in my latest series.

Lone Star Legacy Book 3
Hi Jolene, love the sign that smart girls read romance:) Your pedal desk thingy sounds awesome- I want one for me desk at work!!
I’m not actually into audiobooks that much- my husband is always listening to podcasts and I am slowly converting him to Christian fiction- suspense etc. as audiobooks, but I much prefer to read the story. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions :(
Hi Jolene! Thanks for sharing your journey. As a retire, oh to be 40 again (maybe -I had 12, 9, and 6 month old). Adopting to changes in our lives, aging or both keeps one young at heart and in spirit. Sorry I also prefer to read a story. I used many audio versions of classics in my high school English classes. My favorite was Lord of the Flies, read by William Golding himself. He gave anecdotes every couple of chapters. Loved his rich British voice. As a teacher, I often listened to the same segment 3 times a day and each time I listened, I learned something new. If I had a long commute, I might be inclined to listen more to audio books. Best wishes and happy writing.
I tried a Christian romance fiction audio book while running once and wasn’t all that thrilled with it. Perhaps I should switch to Christian nonfiction and that will keep my attention :)
Thanks for stopping by. Yes that is one of my favorite pictures from the HQ annual party.
I do love the ones with the accents. Lol I didn’t realize how young 50 would feel. Thank you so much for visiting.
There have been some stories I just have to stop. When you have a book you can skip lol. Thanks for stopping by.
I have seven audio books right now with two more in production. Valerie Comer has several as well.
I’m not a big fan of listening myself, but hubby tears through them (not romance, ha) on his hour and 15 minute each way commute each day. That’s about all that makes it tolerable.
Yes, when I hit traffic it not such a big deal now – more time with my books. I will check y’all out. Thanks
Hi, Jolene! I love hearing how you have managed to adapt to keep writing and keep your health!
I know Valerie Comer is getting he books on audio, and Elizabeth Maddrey has several, Janet Ferguson too!
I am not a fan of audio books, but I have read theirs and love them!!
Some of my favorite romance authors have audio books available, though I haven’t listened to them all yet.
Julie Klassen, Carrie Turansky, and Kim Vogel Sawyer.
Happy listening and writing!
Hi Jolene, I love the sunrise pic! I walk a lot and ride a stationary bike for the same reasons as you–too much sitting with all the writing I do.
Regarding audio books, I have several. Just look up Kimberly Rose Johnson and you should find six of my books.
I’ll have to look into the pedal desk. People don’t realize how much authors are chained to their desks. I tried rigging a treadmill desk – a shelf on the wall to hold my laptop in front of the treadmill. I can’t write and walk. I have to think about not walking off the treadmill too much. But I do read blogs I enjoy on the treadmill before I go to my desk. And in the summer, I swim.
Angela Breidenbach has at least one audio book – she guested on my blog and she may have more.
Thanks. I tried the treadmill too…it didn’t work for me. I ended up just standing then I would sit. Lol I go to West Texas Writers’ Academy every June (west Texas A&M campus) they have several of the desk bikes in the library. I tried them several times before buying my own. It works so much better for me.
Thank you
Thanks so much. Can’t wait to check it out.
Thank you!
I love to walk but with the heat we haven’t done as much. We need to get back into the routine. Sorry I haven’t learned to use audiobooks yet. My son loves them though when he takes long trips.
Oh the heat. We have to be up and out of the house by 530 or our walks get cut short.