If you’ve been hanging around with us here at InspyRomance for any length of time, you’ve probably participate in one of our two annual giveaways. But just in case you haven’t, every year we hold a month-long giveaway for our readers. During these times, every comment on every post is an entry for one of multiple pretty awesome prize packs full of books, of course, but also lots of other goodies.
Every year, about this time, the admin team (comprised currently of Valerie Comer, Ginger Solomon, Narelle Atkins, and myself) spends a good bit of time brainstorming what, besides books, we should put into our prize packages. This year, we thought it might be fun to offer up a post where y’all can comment on what you might like to win. I can’t promise what you deeply desire will make it, but we’re definitely open to suggestions!
So, please vote on the poll below — and check back throughout the day as people add other options so you can vote on them as well!
Thanks so much for all your help — and the poll SHOULD let you add something if you don’t see your heart’s desire on there.
Being an Aussie I am only going to vote for a gift voucher as I know most don’t want to send overseas.
Love your books,thanks for a chance to win
Haha! Think everyone is cold? My first thought was blanket before I even saw the choices! What’s better then being snuggled up with your favorite book of the moment?
I love this blog and all all the authors! Happy New Year!!
Hi Elizabeth, Happy New Year:) I hope your Christmas went well- it is always fun with kids, they bring that level of excitement to the season:)
It is so bizarre seeing the headlines about the extreme cold in the US- we had one headline about sharks being frozen, and another about parts of Niagara Falls freezing- that is crazy cold! Hope you all have a warm place to shelter! We are with family and are spending every day at the beach- tomorrow and Saturday will be 37 degrees celsius, how different to US weather!!
Hi Elizabeth! Happy New Year! I am with Paula Dye, I was envisioning cuddling up in a fluffy blanket, reading a delightful Inspy Romance story while sipping gourmet coffee or hot chocolate from a new mug and nibbling on scrumptious chocolate and recording my thoughts in a fancy journal with an Inspy Romance pen. Thanks for a fun interactive post and best wishes.
Ah. That’s fair. We are doing one international paperback giveaway, but we don’t generally ship the swag (it gets pricy as I’m sure you know. Having a gift card for international is an interesting and good thought.)
Thanks :)
It is so cold right now! :) Thanks for voting and hanging out with us here.
Wow. I didn’t see about sharks freezing – I’ll have to go check that out. We are safe and warm inside and trying to avoid going out whenever possible. :) Christmas was lovely – kids do make it extra special. Sending a virtual breeze your way so you don’t melt! :)
Ooh…you just painted a lovely picture that I’d now like to go live :) Thanks, Renate!
I have to say that I’m with Renate and Paula Dye! I guess the cold is making us think of the blanket and hot drinks. But of course chocolate is always a must – along with books which are always my first choice!
There’s no better gift for a reader than books or the ability to buy more books, so my vote is for an Amazon gift card (also the easiest for your international readers)!
I would love an Amazon gift card as I am from Canada. Otherwise a great bundle of books or a kindle yo read them on or store bag and cozy blanket. Thanks for allowing us to visit you and the writing process….busy here with the 3 grandsons this week. Lots of snow and very cold weather. They go home soon so I can get back to my reading and other activities. God bless you and have an awesome New Year!
I’m a paper-reading girl, so a bookmark, throw, and some paper books sound perfect! An Amazon gift card is always good, too! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Thanks for writing. Thanks for the giveaway. I’m a tea drinker so I like tea, mug, blanket, pen giveaway. We have a few flurries I’m watching while drinking my tea.
I like seeing what everyone else is voting for. I also agree with those who would love to cuddle up with a cozy blanket right now. I’m looking forward to the beginning of next week when the weather is supposed to “warm up” into the 30’s.
This is awesome on the new ideas. Some days I think I could read 12-14 hours, but of course you can’t even retired. Please keep up the writing so we can keep reading. Candy
Hi Elizabeth, it’s hard to believe it’s birthday time! I like mugs and the coffee, tea and hot chocolate to fill them while reading a good book, along with a little chocolate to nibble on. And you can’t go wrong with an amazon card to pick up another book or two on a wish list. I voted for the restaurant card too, just because it was an option and a meal out means less time in the kitchen and more reading time!
We got 10″ of snow here in coastal Va, an unheard of amount of snow and wind so strong I could hardly open the back door. Life outside our homes has come to a standstill, so I’m throwing a meal in the crockpot and planning to read the day away! Hope everyone is safe and warm in this artic blast hitting the country!
I voted for several things. I am not a fan of flavored teas or coffees because I don’t drink those. But a lot of the other things sound great. I like seeing what other people voted for.
Great ideas for gifts. :-)
I love birthdays (especially when compared to the alternative)! So glad to have a celebration to look forward to as I wait out the blizzard :)
It is definitely snuggle weather! And in my house at least there’s no such thing as too many blankets. But we’re still big fort builders.
It’s funny because I know there’s actually a potential issue with a gift card as not all international locations can use an amazon.com card and we can’t necessarily buy from .co.uk or whatever.
Yay for grandkid time! :) And yay for getting back to routine, too. Thanks for voting!
Paperbacks are always appreciated, I know. Thanks for voting!
Great choices! Thanks :)
Ha. It’s a sad day when 30 is warm, isn’t it? :)
Ah to have so much reading time!
Wow! That’s a ton of snow! Here in Northern Virginia we barely got 1/4 inch. My boys are sad.
That’s great, thanks for voting!
Ha – birthdays are always better than the alternative :)
I always look forward to the InspyRomance giveaways, except that I usually have all the books already :-) My top vote was for an Amazon giftcard, because no matter how many books I have to be read on my Kindle, I can always use more :-)
Who doesn’t love a giveaway! Amazon gift cards are great. Cute mugs too. I have a great mug for my quilting hobby but not for my book addiction.
Yay. Thanks!
This is very true! When you’re an avid reader it’s hard to not already have purchased the books :) I have that problem too
Anything I win is a blessing. Happy New Year
Such a great attitude — and I agree! :)
To be honest I prefer giftcards or ebooks. I rarely read paperback books now so if you had a swag of ebooks international readers could enter.
This is great info! Thanks!
you can use the amazon gift voucher from the American site it doesn’t matter what country you live in it can be used. I have over $60 there right now and buy as I see books I want.
We are retired, and live in GA where it is toooo cold these days. Life outside our home has really slowed down so I am reading MORE and staying inside. I voted for the Amazon card. This is so generous of you Inspy writers.
THANKS and hope all stay warm and safe!
Oh that’s fantastic to know! I’d been told otherwise and it had bummed me out completely. Yay!
It’s so cold on the whole east coast right now! (I have friends in Wisconsin who are laughing at us because this is normal, but whatever ;) ) Thanks for voting!
Amazon ecards are great gifts because they can be used to buy more books! Other stuff is nice but I’m all about the books. Thanks for having an interesting blog and giveaways.
THanks, Pam!
I love to win Amazon gift cards, books, chocolate. You have some fun ideas there and Happy Birthday to your blog!
its just a matter of changing from what ever country to USA. You can still get things from your own country just cant use the gift voucher there but it will still be in the American account.
Awesome ideas for gifts!
I totally enjoy reading your books. I love mostly that they are inspirational and a testimony to God’s saving Grace. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Or how about “signed by the author” books?