The Book of James tells us to “count it all joy” during trials. I admit, sometimes it’s hard to count my blessings when faced with adversity. But today, when I was thinking on it, I remembered how much the joy of reading has helped me.
Reading can be the ultimate escape experience. It can take us away from our problems. When life is handing me multiple lemons, Christian contemporary romance offers me hope. Thankfully I have some awesome critique partners who are writing and supplying me with uplifting reads.
Betsy by Sarah Monzon
Sarah is currently writing Betsy and I’m loving every moment of it. The hero, Asher, is fantastic and everything we like about a hero. He recognizes the greatness of the heroine, doesn’t see her insecurities and hurts as flaws but something that has shaped her into the person she is today. All he wants is a chance to show her he’s different. I love that!
And Betsy is everything I love about a heroine. She’s got wit—okay, lot of the times it masquerades as snark or sarcasm, but I’m so there for it—and a loyalty to friends and family that makes me want to join her squad.
Not to mention there are many laugh-out-loud moments that brighten my day and turn the gray sky blue.
Betsy releases in June and is up for preorder now. It’s also the last book in the Sewing in SoCal series. A series I have greatly enjoyed.
Just Like That by Teresa Tysinger
I’m on Teresa’s street team so I get an advanced reader copy of her novella, Just Like That, featured in The 80s Rom-Com Club. I’m so excited for this collection as it has some of my favorite people (authors) in it. I started reading Teresa’s book early in the week during a hospital stay with my youngest. It was just the thing I needed.
Sure About You by Jaycee Weaver
Jaycee is my critique partner so I had the pleasure of reading this book as she wrote it. Pax is the perfect reformed bad boy hero who wants to do better in life. And Isley is that heroine who needs to learn how to relax. I so enjoyed watching their dynamics, laughing at the antics, and sighing over the satisfying ending.
What are the reasons you enjoy reading Christian contemporary romance?
Is it strictly the faith? The modern times the stories are set? The romance blossoming between two people who have to overcome adversity? For me, it’s all those things and more. It’s knowing these books are a light in a world filled with too much darkness. I could never say thank you enough to the authors who have filled my TBR pile with their light-shining truths.
To enter to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what Christian Contemporary Romance book saw you through a difficult time. Comment by 3/12/22 at 2:00pm EST and I’ll draw a random winner.
Christian Contemporary Romance saw me go through a divorce and the death of my mom. It helped me get through those tough times.
Contemporary Christian romance in general gave me an alternative to what to read when I converted and helps me feel less alone (at my university I have not found anyone who is a believer) it also shows me sometimes through a united community what would have liked or would like to have someday.
I also think it’s educational, for a girl from non-Christian new adult literature and Young adult secular books, Christian romance teaches you what you should really want in a man and gets the lies out of your head.
I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Hugs and prayers.
I’m so glad you found CCR! Praying that a friend and community is coming to you and will richly bless you!
I am currently reading a book that I thought was CCR but is actually just sweet/clean and, while I am enjoying the story, I am really missing the faith element. So that is one of the reasons I enjoy reading CCR. Also, of course, for the happy endings.
I really do enjoy the faith element. Always seems to bolster my own.
Reading brings me SO much joy. And escape sometimes, too. Hugs.
Giving you a hug back!
I like books with a sense of humor like Betsy. Laughing makes the cares and burdens of the world go away if only for a moment. Christian books have faith-based principles which help navigate hard times. They also show gratitude for friends, family and service.
Yes, laughing does make the cares and burdens go away for a bit.
A book by Diann Mills or Patrica Bradley really helps me escape.
Always need those great escape reads.
I agree with you so much about the book of James and that verse. I have always loved the wisdom in this book. In fact we named our son Richard James (Richard is after a really good friend of the family/associate pastor/wedding guide yes he was a busy man, but very godly) and James because it is our favorite book of wisdom in the bible.
The series that has gotten me over some tough times is: American Heiresses by Jen Turano They are not contemporary but they really do the job of lightening the mood and atmosphere.
James is one of my favorite books in the Bible. So much wisdom, like you said.
And Laughter can be some of the best medicine!
I think for me, it’s the mix of faith, clean romance, and overcoming adversity. Most Contemporary Romances can have the latter two, but I love CCR for pointing God as the hope and strength for overcoming said adversity. Truly, thank you to all of you CCR authors for all the work you do! As for the book that’s helped me, I think it’s my current read, “Magnolia Storms” by Janet W. Ferguson.
It has helped me after my grandma passed away suddenly on March 24 2020.It also helped me when my brother got a major surgery in California and was down there for 5 weeks with my mom and dad and we couldn’t even go see him because of covid but at least we had facetime.
Oh that was such a good book!
I’m so sorry!
I like reading CF in any time period! Reading helps me to relax, and I like seeing how characters deal with different things, as it sometimes makes me look at things differently and get a different perspective.
Amen Trudy!
Hi Toni! At this chapter in my life as a retired teacher, wife, mom, and Oma, I don’t read CCR to see me through difficult times. Depending on my mood and state of mind, I change genre – CCR, historical fiction, cozy mysteries.
Because of the Conflict in the Ukraine, this German American is researching European history. Great Uncle Otto immigrated from a village near Kyiv to Chicago in 1914. On March 7, 1955 my parents and I sailed into New York harbor as German refugees. Great Uncle Otto was our sponsor. As a friend posted: When they say history repeats itself, I wasn’t expecting all of the 20th century in 2 years.” So I count my blessings and name them one by one. Family, friends, faith, love, hope, shelter, food, and more. Thanks for sharing.
Christian Fiction has been my escape a lot lately. With all the stresses and hard things in life and the world right now I love that I can disappear into a book, experience life through someone else’s eyes and be reminded of hope, that God is still working and He can make all things new.
And thank you for sharing. Your Uncle Otto sounds amazing.
“Be reminded of hope, that God is still working and He can make all things new.” Amen to this! Definitely the biggest blessing of reading CF.
I can’t remember the tiltle of the book(s) since it was so long ago, but I was dealing with severe chronic pain 24/7 and the doctors couldn’t find what was causing it. Many books reminded me that God was there and I wasn’t going through it alone or dealing with more than He thought I could handle, especially since it took almost 10 years for doctors to finally give me a diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no cure for it, but they have helped make it somewhat manageable most days. I also remind myself we are here to learn for Him and that helps get me through the bad days.
I think for me, just about every CFF romance has gotten me through every day life. The stories speak to something going on or maybe just an encouraging word I need to hear or be reminded of. I glean at least one thing from each book (most times more than one thing). :-)
A line from a book I just recently finished goes like this: “I realized that nobody but God knows what tomorrow will hold. Each day is a gift, and I’m pretty sure God doesn’t want our worries about what may or may not happen in the unforseen future to keep us from savoring every moment of the life He’s given us today. ” See what I mean? This came at just the right moment for me and reminded me that God is in control of my life & circumstances and I don’t need to worry. In spite of what I might be going through, I can rejoice knowing God has my best interest at heart. He will work things out for my good. Isn’t that awesome??
So I’d say, each CFF romance book I read has something good to glean from it! :-)
Sending hugs to you. So glad that the books helped you.
Love this. I completely agree! Thank you for sharing that line.
CCR books are very inspirational and they just make me feel good altogether.
Hear hear!
No particular book, but the genre in general is comforting.
can’t think of anything specific
I can’t pinpoint any one, but books have always been a lifeline for me.
I have enjoyed Tacos for Two by Betsy St.Ament last year as we were dealing with my Mom not being able to come back home. She is living in a nursing home. I read Safe House Exposed by Darlene L. Turner this fall when I felt like everything was changing and I had no control over any of it. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Susan May Warren’s books are amazing in spiritual depth.
I don’t have a special reason. I like them all.
I like them but haven’t read to many yet.
I’m so glad.
Blessings to you as well, Debra.
She’s an amazing writer.
That’s good!
Hopefully you’ll get some reading time soon.
It’s an escape experience for me too!
Stress relief 😅
Reading brings me so much joy and escape but I don’t know if there is a specific book that stands out to me, but there are so many that have ministered to me
I’m glad there are many books that have ministered to you. CF is awesome for that.
I enjoy when a Christian book helps encourage me while still being fun even if it is sad at times.
I love reading CCR because of the faith element, the ability to go into a hook knowing I won’t find any inappropriate romantic behavior, and for the happy ending. In these days of turmoil and uncertainty, it’s refreshing for me to know I can escape for a bit into CCR.