When I look out the window of my writing room, I can just see a portion of the back of a house on another street. This morning, I noticed two men removing the siding, and guessed they must be getting ready to add on a room. Why else would they remove vinyl siding? It’s meant to be permanent, isn’t it?
I thought about it some more and decided that there could be other reasons. Maybe the homeowner discovered something destructive hiding underneath the siding, like termites, or rotten wood. I have heard tales of carpenter ants that give me nightmares: 2 x 4s that look strong and sturdy but are actually nothing more than a shell, the inside hollowed out by ants. Just because the outside looks good, doesn’t mean there isn’t something bad hiding on the inside.
People can be the same way. Have you ever met someone who made a wonderful first impression, and later learned that he cheats on his taxes, or his wife? Or that she abuses her children and shoplifts for fun? Maybe you found out that your best friend wasn’t keeping your confidences, or realized that she’s only friends with you for the services you provide. It’s not easy to see beneath a phony veneer – at least, it’s never been easy for me!
Sunny Eden has the same problem. She thought Ramsey was a nice guy, back when she was a teenager visiting her aunt. Once she realized that she had been fooled by his party manners, she made it a point to avoid him … for years. Ramsey Lynch changed his mind about Sunny that same day … and resisted her aunt’s attempts to convince him it was all a big misunderstanding. When Sunny moves to Joshua’s Junction permanently, it’s an opportunity for both of them to take a second look. If only Sunny hadn’t discovered a dead body in her backyard. If only Ramsey wasn’t so determined to prove himself a good deputy …
What about you? Are you a good judge of character? Can you see beneath the tough outer layer to the gentle soul within? Or are you more likely to trust that criminal hiding behind a friendly smile?
I always think the best of everyone I meet.I have been disappointed more than once.
I like to think I am a good judge of character but, like Linda Rainey above, I usually try to see the best in everyone. That does lead to disappointments.
I always want to think the best of people until they’ve proven they deserve otherwise!
Wow, Diane, your book sounds fascinating! I love complicated pasts, and a dead body sure provides a lot of story conflicts!
That book sounds so much fun, Diane.
I guess none of us are perfect, so we all might accidentally mess up and hurt someone. I know I have :(
But those people who look good on the surface yet are deliberately hiding an agenda? Let’s pray for discernment to spot them early, and know that while we still hold them in love, we can do it at arm’s length – or further!
Me too, Linda. But I’d rather judge people favorably and be wrong than be the sort of person who is suspicious of everyone and overly critical. Not that I don’t become overly critical once they’ve ‘done me wrong.’ Working on that one!
There have been occasions when someone made a very bad first impression on me, but I later realized it was a misunderstanding or that they were going through an especially bad patch. Sometimes those relationships turn out better than when I have a good first impression.
People with your attitude are the kind I most like to meet. It’s great to have a chance to make that good first impression rather than being prejudged on account of something we can’t help.
That one required an extra dose of imagination, for which I am grateful! May I never write such a scene from personal experience!
Good advice, Autumn! By time I realize that my new friend isn’t really a friend, I am usually in too deep to easily extract myself from the situation. It would probably be good to hold everyone at arm’s length until I have had a chance to get a good look at their character.
Tough question for me! I’d like to think good about people when I first met them, but since I have been hurt in the past, I’m extra cautious and hold a part of myself back. I’ve been wrong on both extremes….but I’ve asked the Lord to show me that persons heart & I believe He has given me discernment about people. I still get it wrong on occasion but I trust God to protect my heart!
Your book sounds interesting Diane! Finding a dead body would be a game changer for sure!!!
I always think of others before my self and care about them We need to treat others as we would want to be treated.
Maybe that’s what I need to pray for – discernment! I like the way you said it – ask the Lord to show me their heart. Thanks!
If only everyone would follow that advice, Andrea. Sounds like heaven!