As writers we love to tell stories.
As readers we love to read stories.
Life is a story.
I remember being at a writing conference where the Keynote Speaker, who is an amazing best-selling NYT author spoke about how she was struggling to write. Throughout her speech she would refer to a book she was reading, that was seemingly inspiring her. Making her want to write again. At the end of her speech she revealed the name of the book and the author.
I told you that story because that’s what’s been happening for me. While I’m working on a story I’m passionate about, it’s been slow going and hard. The story isn’t spilling forth quickly, or easily. I’ve been stumped more than pumped.
And then I picked up a book to read. I’m always reading something. Always! And this book is like reading my heart. I’m not done with the book yet, and I’m glad because it gives me something to look forward to when I come home and fill the bathtub with hot water and bubbles. I would love to copy-cat that speech and tease you all the way through this post, but that would be cheating–and copy catting! :)
Patti Callahan Henry is unfolding a family drama in a way that captivates! I’m drawn into Eve and Cooper’s world and everything in it. How everything has the appearance of being okay while nothing at all is close to okay. Patti’s writing style is how I dream to write. Except that I can’t. I’m made differently. I tell stories in a different way. And that’s all right.
It’s all right because I can enjoy these amazing books as a reader.
And even if you aren’t a writer, most of us are story tellers in some fashion or another. Even if you tell your co-workers about the traffic jam on your way to work, well, you’ve told a story. And we’ve all heard stories from our elder family members. I’m sure we’ve retold some of them.
How about you? Do you have a story to tell?
Life is funny sometimes isn’t it? I am no writer, but I can only imagine those times when the words just don’t flow like they once did & how frustrating it must be. Where, say, your last book the words just came spilling out so fast you could hardly get them written down? I can only come from my experience as a Christian. There have been many “dry” periods in my life. As if I’ve been in the desert for many weeks, each step like slogging through quicksand. Maybe in those times the Lord is telling me it’s time to slow down & reflect on life. Or just a time to be still…that’s a hard one for me! I don’t like being still or waiting for something or anything…but it’s in those times that God is molding me to His image. I don’t know all the in’s & out’s on how He does it, I just feel a change in my heart, perhaps a new attitude or feeling. I just trust He him completely.
So take time to slow down, maybe God has a different direction for you to go in your story or perhaps He’s just simply trying to tell you to be still & the story will come as He sees fit? Who knows, but it’s always good to reflect & read someone else’s story until it’s time to tell our own :-)
Trixi O—:) Your words brought me to tears. They are thoughtful and spot on. I AM enjoying reading Patti’s story. And yes, I think I am being rejuvenated and molded and God is working His story into me so I can tell it in His way. Thank you! (Oh, and I love your name. My heroine’s mother in Rich in Love is named Trixie–I spelled it with the E.)