Pictures Provided by June Foster
I became acquainted with June Foster a few years ago when I was starting out. We were in the same critique group at the time, and June was the most patient person ever mentoring me in showing versus telling. I love June’s books and her heart to use romance as she writes about tough issues. I asked June to share today, and I’m so glad she agreed. Please enjoy her post about “the story behind the story.”—Julie Arduini
The Story Behind the Story
A Harvest of Blessing was inspired by a real life couple my husband and I met in Pensacola, Florida. Several years ago we were traveling and living in our RV full time. Since my husband is retired army, we generally stayed on military posts in their RV parks. This year we stayed at Pensacola Naval Air Station and attended the military chapel.
One Sunday we got to talking to a great couple and wound up going to lunch with them after church. Their story amazed me. They were both visiting the graves of their dead spouses when they met. They even pointed out the graveyard as we passed on the way to lunch.
Cupid went to work, and they eventually married. Their story has been on my mind for several years, and I finally got the chance to tell it in A Harvest of Blessing where my hero and heroine who’re in their mid fifties meet in a graveyard. But that’s where the similarity ends. I deviated from the real couple and made Nadia’s husband a jerk and Jared’s daughter an obstacle between the two of them.
In the story, Nadia’s son David is serving a tour of duty in Germany. I put him in Germany because my husband and I were there before he retired from the army. Wood carvings abound in the European country, and I thought it would be fun to have David bring one of the lovely pieces—like the one I own—back home for his mom. The real wood carving used to hang on my mom’s wall. Today it sits on a cabinet in my dining room.
The carving is special to me as it is the artist’s rendition of a loaf of bread and a chalice, an important element in Christianity—communion or the Lord’s Supper.
I loved writing A Harvest of Blessing as this is the first book I’ve penned where the characters are middle aged. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Seasons of Blessings
After the death of her husband, Nadia Maguire never expects to meet handsome Jared Abrams in the cemetery where she visits her dead spouse’s grave. Though she falls for the handsome bank president, his daughter hurls a wedge between them. Will her life be a harvest of blessings or a season of drought?
When bank president Jared Abrams falls in love with one of his tellers, Jared’s daughter does everything in her power to keep them apart. Will he reap a harvest of blessings or a season of drought?

The Story Behind the Story with June Foster
June Foster is an award-winning author who began her writing career in an RV roaming around the USA with her husband, Joe. She brags about visiting a location before it becomes the setting in her contemporary romances. June’s characters find themselves in precarious circumstances where only God can offer redemption and ultimately freedom. Find June at
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Hi Julie and June. Thanks for sharing the inspiration for your story. I think this is the first book I have come across where a couple meet in a cemetery!!
This book sounds like something I would enjoy, thanks for sharing!
Thanks to the Inspy and Julie for allowing me to share with your readers. I have fond memories of the days when Julie and are were critique partners. We worked hard on our craft. What an adventure!
I am heading out to Columbus, Georgia, today to attend a military function with my husband. I should be back on my computer by tomorrow night so please don’t think I’ve disappeared into cyber land. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
It’s too early. I can’t seem to type. I meant the Inspy authors and Julie.
Thanks for your comment, Wemble. I love to find elements in real life and put them in my stories. I had never heard of a couple meeting like this before, either.
Paula, the characters are in their fifties, unlike my previous younger characters. I enjoyed writing Nadia and Jared’s story.
I love June Foster stories! I feel like I could know the characters in real life. :-) Always uplifting and inspiring stories from June.
I have to agree, that’s a first! I love that June made her hero and heroine a couple in their fifties. Thanks for reading, Wemble!
I love June’s books. I think you will, too!
Thanks, June, for sharing your story with us. I’ll pop in throughout the weekend as well to respond to comments. I wish you a “Harvest of Blessings” with your writing!
I feel the same way. June always draws us in with multi-layered characters. I love how she uses romance to tackle the tough issues that exist in our fallen world. She was the perfect person to mentor me. I’m forever grateful for that.
Also, thank you so much for the sweet card, Melissa! I appreciate you very much!
Thanks for your kind words, Melissa. I didn’t think I could check in today as we are on the road then I remembered my cell phone. ? It’s a little bouncy but I’m here! Melissa wrote an endorsement for this book. I so appreciate you.
Sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for reading, Lucy!
I read your article about June Foster
but this is what I saw when I read it.
Instead of “I became acquainted with June Foster”
I saw “I became acquitted with June Foster”.
So that is how you two met each other?
Seriously, I want to thank you for a very interesting article and thank you for entering me in your giveaway.
I’ve had more laughs reading things that way than I care to admit. That would make a great story, though! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. June is a gem, and you would love her books.
Thank you for sharing! Sounds beautiful!
Thank you for reading, Natalya!
Thank you so much for sharing sounds like an amazing read!
Thank you, Julie. The same with you. I love your wonderful stories. I’ve enjoyed reading them since the first one when we were critique partners.
We had such a good weekend in Columbus, Georgia, at the Georgia State Hall of Fame ceremony where one of Joe’s friends from Vietnam was inducted into the hall of fame. He never returned from Vietnam and earned the Congregational Metal of Honor a few years after he was killed. His brother and sister were there to represent him.
Thanks for stopping by, Lucy. Glad to have “met” you on line. (smile)
Hi Janet, so glad to see you on Julie’s website. I also got a big laugh. Julie and I weren’t in prison together though sitting at this computer on occasion seems like it. (Just kidding.) Hope you’re doing well.
Natalya, I love your name. Maybe I should name my next heroine Natalya. Nadia’s name is almost like yours. (ha, ha.)
Thanks for stopping by, Sarah. I hope you’ll get a chance to read A Harvest of Blessings. Happy Thanksgiving.
I love June. She’s been on my personal blog several times and I got the pleasure of meeting her in person a few years ago at a writers’ conference. She and her wonderful husband drove me and my roommate to our hotel. Even though we couldn’t find it. They were troopers as we directed them down several wrong turns because everything looks different at night.
That doesn’t surprise me about June at all! I’m so glad you got to meet. I have yet to have the pleasure.
Shannon, thank you for your kind words. We loved meeting you and your roommate at the conference.
Julie, I hope we can meet up soon, too. Maybe at next year’s conference.