Late last year, I was offered the chance to join a group of authors as each one put one or more of their bundles on sale. Except I didn’t have a bundle, so I had to take one of my series and MAKE one. Quick.
I chose my Broken Holidays Series (three novellas, all stand-alones set in the same location).
I worked on giving them a fresh edit–eyes that haven’t seen the stories in a while will see mistakes that have always been there. :D
I also needed to create a bundle cover. This was something I hadn’t done before. I thought about the characters in my series, and none of them looked alike. I’m one of those strange folks who actually like the cover models to look like the characters. So I decided to go with a couple holding hands.
But what about the original covers? They were not very professional looking. Truthfully, they were my first self-made covers and I didn’t know much, but I did know I couldn’t afford to pay someone. I did the best I could. I looked at them and decided they needed updates.
So here’s the old to new covers for Broken Holiday, the first book in the series.
I wanted to make sure they looked more like contemporary christian romance and less like women’s fiction.
And then I asked for advice on one of the FB groups I’m in. Many said the “new” couple has been used too many times on the covers of books–back to the drawing board, er, the photo site.
Another person said that the ornament replacing the “o” in Broken made it too hard to read. :(
And someone else said that I definitely needed to keep the barn in the picture. Ooookay. The problem with that, and it’s a hefty one, is that in the original cover, the people are covering garage doors and a trampoline. And that lump of “snow” over the girl’s left shoulder, covered cars. :D
Can we say, “More picture searching”? (Now, does that question mark go before or after the quotes? Hmmm (SQUIRREL!))
And so, I did more searching and more searching. I worked and worked. I got this post in late because I couldn’t quite get satisfied with my attempts. I’m still not, and I’m only on cover ONE. My goal for this post was to show you all three new covers, but alas, I fear that is not to be.
Here’s the current cover in progress. Oh, wait, did I mention that they thought my title didn’t meld well with my smiling couple?
Yep, I changed it.
Because the people giving the advice are indie writers like me, and I value their opinions.
But, it’s still not quite there. Sadly, I’m not exactly sure where there is, and so, I’m having issues finding it. LOL
And if you’ll notice, I left the broken ornament in the title. I think with the white background, it’s easy enough to read and understand. I’m debating about the wreath for the “o” in Holiday.
So there it is … the struggle in the redo. So when you see that an author has given their covers a face lift, realize that it’s sometimes a LONG process before you get to see the end results, at least if they create the covers themselves. And sometimes if they hired it done.
I hope to have these new covers finished and available before this posts. If not, know that I’m trying. :)
Have a blessed day,
Hi Ginger, I rarely think about how hard and how long it takes to get a cover right. Best wishes as you keep working on them. I have the original three books, so haven’t purchased the bundle- maybe I should:)
Hi Ginger! Best wishes as you diligently rework your stories and covers. So many elements to consider. Have a great weekend.
I didn’t realize how many different decisions an author has to make. I just love reading. You are progressing nicely so stay positive as you work on your new covers.
I also am in the middle of re-branding my contemporary romance series (but I’ve been advised to market them more as women’s fiction). ;) I don’t know how many iterations I’ve tried, with several polls. I’ve tried five different pictures, with at least five possibilities of each, some with the title on the top, the title on the bottom, the picture on the left, the picture on the right, many different filters, borders, no border, different fonts, different text colors, author name smaller, author name bigger, etc.
The problem is that you can’t please everybody. Everyone has their own opinion of what they like or what works. I personally like your latest version, except for the broken ornament. ;)
(If you want to exchange ideas, you can always email me at liladiller78 {at} gmail {dot} com.)
I feel for you. I liked the original cover, and the others look fine too, so I’m no help at all :-)
Praying you find peace in selecting your covers, Ginger!!❤️❤️
If you have the original three, then you’re good. There is no new content. I’d rather you spent your money on books you haven’t read (or something new that I bring out this year, LOL).
Thanks, Renate. Yes, there are. Sometimes I forget that when I’m READING.
Thanks, Bernice. I think with all things, there are many facets that we never see.
Thanks, Lila. I have given up on the broken ornament, though I loved it. ;)
I’m working on something different with the titling, so we’ll see if it works. I’ll repost the covers when I get them finally finalized.
Haha … Thanks, Margaret. Your encouragement is enough.
Thank you, Paula Marie. Peace is exactly what I need. When I have that then I’ll know I’m on the right track.
Ginger, the journey is LONG, but it makes the destination SWEETER :)