by: Staci Stallings
I think people who don’t write have a notion about how the process goes. They think that a writer gets an idea, mostly fully formed, then they sit down and plot the book out, crafting all the twists and turns on paper before they ever start writing. The writing is of course an idyllic time of peace and tranquility punctuated with tea and scones in the afternoon and long gazes out a window filled with inspiration.
The truth, however, is often much different, and when you write with God as your partner, that difference can even take a writer who is used to it by surprise. That’s what happened with “Deep in the Heart” for me.
As with most books, I was writing a different one at the time, and it was going quite well (God likes to see how obedient I will be in following what He puts on my heart at the most inconvenient times). Then one morning I awoke with a name.
That’s right.
A. Name.
Not a story. Not a plot. Not even a glimpse of any of it. All I had was a name that whispered through my soul and wouldn’t leave me alone.
Even stranger, I knew this name had a specific presence. I knew what he looked like though I can’t tell you how because honestly I never saw him in a dream or anything before that. I also had a gut-suspicion that he was a real person though I don’t think I had ever seen him before or knew who he was prior to that morning.
So I got up, drawn to the computer like iron to a magnet. I typed in the name, and sure enough, there in living color was exactly the guy I was picturing! That morning I sat down and with only that name to go on, I started writing “Deep in the Heart.”
The beginning of that book was so interesting as I stumbled around trying to find the pieces God had thrown out there for me to use. I changed the heroine’s name about five times. I changed the name of the book at least that many times. But the plot itself–complete with every twist and turn came out so naturally, I know it wasn’t me writing this story at all. It was God.
Things happened in this story that I didn’t plan for or plot out. Things that surprised even me. At one point I had to quit writing because I was so stunned by a twist. But as a whole, the story is a powerful one of redemption and love and trying to do the right thing even in impossible circumstances. All these years later, I still love this story, and I love most of all how God gave it to me.
It taught me to follow Him even when He doesn’t lay the whole thing out for me, even when all He gives me to go on is… a name… the thinnest thread of all.
Jill Weatherholt says
I loved this, Staci! The surprises are the best. Congratulations !
Wemble says
Great glimpse into the writing process. Exciting where God leads, always the unexpected and unplanned:)
Diana says
It is always interesting to hear how God leads . His ways are so different from ours!
Priscila says
That’s a beautiful story about God’s leading role in your writing. Thanks for sharing.
Tina Radcliffe says
That’s an amazing history behind this story. I love it when God lays these things in our laps.
Staci Stallings says
Thanks. God loves surprises!
Staci Stallings says
Never a dull moment when you follow God! Thanks for stopping by!
Staci Stallings says
Always reminds me that I’m not the one with the ultimate plan.
Staci Stallings says
Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day!
Staci Stallings says
God amazes me every day! Have a wonderful day!
Chloe says
What a fascinating journey. Thank you for sharing it.
Sally Shupe says
Love your description of how this story came to be. Sounds like a great one!
Margaret Nelson says
Great story! I’m eager to read it!
Staci Stallings says
Walking with God is a fascinating journey! No end to the surprises. God bless you!
Staci Stallings says
Trust in God with all your heart…. no matter what the world looks like. That’s what this story taught me.
Staci Stallings says
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing a few minutes with me today, Margaret! May God bless you and your day!
Valerie Comer says
I’ve never started with just a name (that I remember), but often the threads at the beginning are, indeed, thin. I love seeing how a story fleshes out from the barest beginning! God, the creator, made me in His image and that means I, too, can create something out of nothing… with His hand guiding mine.
Nancy K. says
Staci…I have read Deep In The Heart and enjoyed it very. Thanks for the back story. I would highly recommend Deep In The Heart.
Winnie Thomas says
I loved reading this and seeing how God works in the lives of authors. I’ve read several of your books and have enjoyed them all so much! Thanks for sharing your time and talents.
Esther Morehead says
I have a friend a Christian friend who is struggling with her 1st novel. She’s written the 1st chapter & then ending, but has no idea how to proceed. I encourage her to Free Write for a while, not focusing on her story, suspending her inner critic, & to trust God. From what you said, her struggle isn’t unusual.
mylittlegrayhome says
I loved Deep in the Heart. I am always moved by your books. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Staci Stallings says
Just today in the story I’m writing two MAJOR twists happened that I never would have thought to plan. God is so much better at writing than I am. The trick is to let HIM do it and quit thinking I have to! :)
Staci Stallings says
Awesome! So glad you enjoyed it, Nancy! Have a blessed day!
Staci Stallings says
I love sharing my time and talents with those who get something out of it. Thanks for reading!
Staci Stallings says
Oh, no. Not unusual AT ALL. Quite common actually. My best advice to new writers is… WRITE. Just write. Everything and anything that comes into your imagination, write. Poetry. Prose. Short stories, long stories, articles, whatever it is, write it. The more you write, the better you will get at it. You will not be perfect, and first drafts will not read the way they came out of your head. Even after you’ve written 35 books like I have. It’s just a fact. Get over or past or through that fact and write anyway! Otherwise, you will be one of the 99% of the people who say, “I always wanted to write a book….”
Staci Stallings says
Thanks for reading them! God bless!
Trixi says
I know many writers and I know for a fact that the story is never neatly packaged up with a bow!! They often struggle, or like you, only have a piece or two but no idea how to put them all together. That’s when lots of prayer (and coffee??) come into play! And this is why I pray for the authors I know, that God would fit all the pieces the way He wants them :-)
I’m glad even your own stories take you by surprise!