He looks at her and his breath catches.
Wow. Beautiful.
Rough edges? Yes. Perfect? Ha, no.
But wow. He’s in love.
He wants her to be 100% his, to be able to love her and woo her and take care of her when she hurts. To hold her and keep her safe.
He’d even die for her.
In fact… he already has.
He loved her, faults and all, and gave his life so that He might live with her forever, if she would have him.
He’s the “perfect” hero–quite literally.
His bride is not just any woman, his pride is his church. He aches for her to see the true depth of his love.
When we think about romance, I hope we remember the TRUE romance that God yearns to have with us. The true intimacy He wants to have with us.
Sometimes, it’s the same thing our earthly romance needs.
TIME. Communication. Acts of love.
Have you given God time today? Have you talked with Him, shown Him your heart? Have you shown him your love through your daily actions?
Ruth Tredway says
Thanks, Krista- great comparison and great reminder.
Faith Posten (@FaithGiggles624) says
In deed, that is the ultimate romance of the ages! We are bought with a price, a precious price. Wonderful message. Thank you for sharing the greatest truth in this world. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and continue to guide you also.
cherylbbookblog says
No I haven’t given myself to God like I should. I really need to work on that. I feel so lost at times.