Hello Inspy Romance friends! Shout-out to my good friend Deb Kastner for inviting me to blog today. My name is Danica Favorite, and I write historical romance for Love Inspired Historical. Not only do I write, but I’ve also been hard at work putting together a retreat for writers. The theme of my retreat is all about self-care and nourishing yourself. Which is an important topic for me, and I believe it applies to all of us, not just writers!
We live in such a fast-paced world that it seems like we’re always on the go. We always have too much to do. I write, I have a full-time job, I have a very active family, I’m a parent volunteer in my kids’ activities, and I’m trying to launch a business. Crazy, right? Where’s the time for me? I’ve learned that the only way I can maintain such a fast pace is to take the time to take care of myself. When I start snapping at my husband, snapping at my kids, and being grouchy, I can always trace it back to not having enough me time.
Sometimes we hesitate to do something special for ourselves when there is work to be done, a family to care for, and a never-ending to do list. I’ve sometimes thought I was being selfish when I’ve taken an afternoon for myself. But here’s a little secret: I am a better wife, mother, worker, and writer when I make the time for me. I fill my mind, body, and spirit with things that are good for me so that I have something to give everyone else. They don’t tell you on the airplane to put on your oxygen mask first just so you can look silly for your kids. No. They know that you can’t help your kids if you’re gasping for air.
If you’re a writer, I’d love to have you come to my retreat in November. If you’re a reader, you can still come, but we will talk about some writer stuff too. If you can’t go, be sure to sign up on the retreat page for my newsletter to get tips on creativity and other fun self-care topics.
In closing, here is my challenge to you: TODAY, take some time to do something to care for yourself, whether it be to take a walk, read a good book, have a luxurious bubble bath, eat your favorite food (and really savor it, don’t just gulp it down on the way to someone’s practice), or something that you really love that will fill your body, mind, or spirit. You are worthy! So give yourself this gift. And, for those of you who post saying that you did something to care for yourself today, I will enter you in a drawing for a copy of The Lawman’s Redemption.
About Danica Favorite:
Multipublished author Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life. Living in her dream home in the mountains, Danica is passionate about helping others live their dreams. After all, what fun is living your dreams alone?
You can connect with Danica at the following places:
Website: http://www.danicafavorite.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danicafavorite
Instagram: https://instagram.com/danicafavorite/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanicaFavoriteAuthor
D K Stevens says
Thanks for the reminder to do something for yourself, so, Today I think I will relax with a good book & my favorite cappuchino.. after Hubby takes me out for lunch.. :)
kathyscottage says
I’m laughing. Your blog post is wonderful. I’m laughing because I have a head cold and I have to take care of myself. I’ve been in a fluffy, warm comfy bed with big soft pillows trying to recover. I’ve been drinking hot tea and in spite of the luxury I still feel miserable. Sigh. Blessings!
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
Cheering you on, Danica. This is a pet topic for me, and I’m glad to see someone else talking about it too. I hope your retreat is a great success.
Valerie Comer says
We do get so focused, don’t we? I was raised that Mom put her husband and family first (probably in the other order!) and it was hard to realize your oxygen mask principle above is so vital. It CAN be a fine line between selfishness and self-care, and a balance must be found so all a family’s needs can be met. Even as an empty nester, I still struggle with this.
Jill Weatherholt says
Hi Danica! If anyone needs a retreat, it’s you, my friend. I see you all over the internet.:) I don’t know how you do it all. Living with a chronic disease, I know the importance of taking time for ourselves. Stress is the number one cause of so many health issues, it’s imperative that we all take time to slow down and enjoy the journey.
Deb, thanks for inviting Danica.
Dana Michael says
Women do tend to care for others and not so much for themselves. Well, I went and got me a diet coke and a donut! lol! I plan on working some this morning and then take the rest of afternoon and read.
Margaret Nelson says
I slept in this morning :-)
Colleen says
I have the day off from work because of the rain we are having in Hampton Roads. So as inreward to my self I slept in until after 7. That’s late for me since I get up at 5 am normally. Next I am going to try and finish up the book i am reading and relax in this weather.
danicafavorite says
Ooh, I LOVE this!! And I love that you’re letting your hubby spoil you!
Deb Kastner says
Welcome, Danica! This is an area I really struggle with, especially since I work at home. Going for a weekend jaunt with my honey to see The Texas Tenors for my birthday and am feeling guilty for “leaving the kids in the lurch.”
danicafavorite says
ugh, head colds are the worst! I hope once you start feeling better, you keep taking care of yourself. Sometimes we push too hard when we’re feeling better instead of easing back into life. Hugs!
danicafavorite says
Thanks so much Kimberly! Yes!! This is a passion of mine because I see too many of us women and writers struggling with burnout. We need to care for ourselves to be the best we can be.
danicafavorite says
It can be a fine line, but I’m amazed how often people see it as selfishness first. I’ve met very few people whose self care is selfishness, which tells me that we’re still stuck in the trap of thinking we’re being selfish when we’re just being wise. It’s hard to evaluate what’s best for everyone, that’s for sure!
danicafavorite says
Thanks! I am definitely all over the place, but that’s my job. :) And yes, stress contributes so much to illness. What’s crazy (and wonderful!) is that I don’t get sick (even with colds) when I’m not taking care of myself. And, when I do get sick, I can always trace it to not taking care of myself.
danicafavorite says
You go!! I’m a big fan of healthy eating, but I’ll be honest with you. Sometimes, you just need the donut! I am so glad you gave yourself that gift. :)
danicafavorite says
Yay you!!! I wanted to sleep in this morning, but I had a repairman coming to the house. Maybe tomorrow!
danicafavorite says
Sounds like a perfect day to me!!
danicafavorite says
Go Deb!! Guilt is the worst, and I so know that one. But I know how hard you work, and what an amazing mom you are, so go enjoy your birthday, your time with your honey, and of course, your beloved Texas Tenors. You deserve it!
kda61 says
My, you have your hands full. I spent my morning being pampered at the beauty shop. You should have seen all the hair I left on the floor. LOL It always feel so good when I get my hair trimmed up and thinned out. This afternoon I’m enjoying sitting outside in the garden swing under the shade tree reading my book.
Sue Williams says
Hi Danica, I had the chance after work today to get a caramel frap and read a Tamara Leigh novel! It was a lovely break from a stress filled month of September. And tonight I get to go to a dance lesson and dance with my hubby. Keeping my fingers crossed that this remains stress free ;-).
Trixi says
Now that my kids are no longer little (one is 23 and on her own & the other one is 18), I can take the time for myself more. In fact, I just went to visit my sis-in-law last week up in Washington (4hr drive) for the ENTIRE week :-) Talk about relaxing & refreshing….I even knocked 2 books off my to-read pile! I felt a little lazy taking two days just to read while she was at work, but not TOO lazy, lol! I do try to take some time for myself in some way. Maybe it won’t happen everyday, but quite often. My son is still in school (he’ll graduate this year) and my husband is at work during the day, so I get the house to myself. I do cleaning, or run errands, or spend some time on my computer or whatever I put my mind to do. If I really feel the need to do something outside the house, I love to peruse our local Goodwill (hitting the book section first to see what LI titles they may have) or perhaps just go for a short drive. I also enjoy the lunch dates my husband & I take when he can get away. I think those are the highlight of my day when it happens :-)
I already have this book Danica, so no need to enter my name….unless you have another title to offer….lol, just kidding! Loved reading this post today & finding all the ways and times I really do have to take care of myself. Blessings!
danicafavorite says
Oh, I like the idea of the garden swing. Sounds like you had a wonderful, pampering day!
danicafavorite says
I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! One of the best things I ever did for my marriage was take dance lessons with hubby. He gets to have me in his arms for a whole hour! :) So glad you got your stress break!
danicafavorite says
What a gift to have all that great time to relax and read. It sounds like you’ve got a lot of great self care happening.
danicafavorite says
Thanks everyone for participating today! I think we all won this one, because we all took a little time to do something good for ourselves. I hope you all find ways to make it a habit. :)
Margaret, you’re my winner. Email me at danica at danicafavorite.com with your mailing address and I’ll get your book off to you!
katie07edgar says
I plan to read today! I am taking care of my daughter who had some pretty extensive dental work yesterday and she is 5 and I’m a single mom…. So MAKING SURE I take time today for me sounds so needed! Thank you for this reminder! Katie Edgar
Debbie says
Thanks for the info. I did something good for myself by sleeping in this morning. The first time I’ve slept in after 8. Very relaxing and I felt very spoiled. :-)
Narelle Atkins says
Hi Danica, You’re writers retreat sounds wonderful, and I wished I lived closer! :)
danicafavorite says
Love it, Katie!! Hope you had a great day!
danicafavorite says
So glad you go to sleep in! Hope you are still feeling rested!
danicafavorite says
Thanks Narelle! Wish you lived closer too!