Heraclitus of Ephesus, the ancient Greek philosopher hit the nail on the head when he said there was only one constant in life and that’s change. We all face change, some of us more than others. Sometimes change stops by on a daily basis while for others, he’s is an infrequent guest. But visit, change will.
I have had more than my fair share of change of late, especially since Covid hit. One minute I’m at home, the next I’m flying down to Cape Town to fulfil my motherly and grandmotherly duties. Why, just last week change came knocking at my door again, luring me back to Cape Town where I currently find myself.
You see, I found out my oldest son was planning to move my youngest son’s stuff out of his apartment by himself. Change recently sought out my youngest after he and his wife moved back to Finland last year during the height of our first lockdown in South Africa. They had only planned to go back to my daughter-in-law’s home country for a few months, but found those plans changed after Covid messed up international travel plans. Now they’ve decided to stay for at least another year and a bit as my son seeks to fulfil the last two years’ unbroken stay in Finland required for him to obtain his residency.
Yep, the one constant in life is change.
But change hasn’t just been a frequent guest in my and my family’s personal lives lately; change drops by, often unannounced, in my writing life too. My constantly-changing writing schedule attests to that fact.
However, it’s not just about what book to write when, it’s about what changed in a particular story too. For instance, in the novella I’ve just finished writing, I Take You, book 1 in my new Bootiful Brides series which will be releasing in September in the Save the Date anthology, my hero and heroine are faced with an enormous change in their lives just seven weeks before their wedding. Suddenly, they need to start replanning their big day. Talk about change with a capital C.H.A.N.G.E.
Almost a decade ago, I got the idea to write a series of stories about The Pirates of Ostrobothnia for pre-teen boys. This happened after my son created a short video clip for YWAM Finland about Living Your Adventure while he was doing a few months’ stint with them. This idea has always been in the back of my mind until about a month ago when I took the first step toward making the idea more real…I created covers for the series and started thinking about a pseudonym to write under for this very different genre. The jury is still out on what pen name I’ll choose.
Tonight, another change came a-knocking when my tech-savvy son suggested the exciting idea of turning these stories into interactive ones, something along these lines except way, way better as they’d be in 3D and with audio to listen or read. We spent about an hour brainstorming a bunch of ideas based on my Pirates of Ostrobothnia ideas. I can’t wait to get that first story written so he can do his 3D gaming magic and create a demo to present to an investor he thinks may be interested. Another huge change to what I’d envisaged. I told my son I could now see why God had me sit on this idea for nearly ten years; my son needed to get where he is today in programming and gaming.
Ah, God … the constant in life that Heraclitus clearly hadn’t thought about when he made his famous statement about there being ONE constant in life. And this wonderful, creative Creator that we serve who never changes, who is always the same, is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. What an exciting life He offers us!
There’s one other change that’s recently happened to me—exciting in one way, sad in another. This will be my last blog on Inspy Romance for now. I’ve been thinking about it for several months now, and have decided to step aside for a season to allow myself the extra breathing room that has become so necessary over the past year with my frequent trips between Pretoria where I live and Cape Town where my kids and grandkids live, and in the midst of the mayhem of looking after and home schooling grandkids, trying to carve out writing time.
Or trying my hand at something new.
I can’t believe this is my 70th blog on Inspy Romance. It feels like yesterday that I blogged for the first time in mid-April 2015, and yet, six years have passed since then. So I felt the time had come to step aside and let some other wonderful author have their turn at being an Inspy Romance blogger.
I will miss being part of Inspy but hope to catch you all from time to time in the comments.
I am going to embrace this season of change with both hands because I am going to need them to hang on to this crazy and glorious ride God has called me to.
ps. Amy Perrault is the winner from my last blog. Amy, I’ll be sending you your e-copy of A Time to Push Daisies as soon as I’ve contacted admin for your email address.
You will be missed but can understand the issues with time when having to go between places I am sure we will see you again at some stage.
The books sound interesting and I am sure will be a hit with the target market.
Change can be most welcome.
Wishing you well in your future endeavours.
Thank you so much, Jenny. And for sure, this isn’t goodbye, merely au revoir.
Thanks so much, Mary.
Hi Marion! This past year has been a year of change for this Oma & Mom. As a retiree with 3 sons and 2 grandsons, I am intrigued with your new adventure. My youngest son and grandsons game. My grandson is taking an elective virtual course in gaming. Will miss your blogs. Best wishes on your new endeavors, my creative friend. Keep making the memories.
You will be missed here, Marion!
I’ll miss you here, Marion, but as you know, I’m stalking you everywhere!! lol!!! The new adventure with your son sounds cool, too! And, can’t wait to read the new series!
I will miss your posts but hope you enjoy this season of change. It sounds like you are really embracing it and rolling with it.
You will be missed here, but SO so glad you are part of Mosaic!!
You will definitely be missed here, Marion! (((hug)))
I’m sorry to see you go, but I wish you the best in all your new adventures. It sounds like God’s got some amazing things in the works for you and your family.
Another goodbye???? You’ll be missed :_(
Blessing in new adventures!
You will be missed, but Greater adventures for you are ahead. God Bless you and your family. Thank you for all your wonderful posts. Change is good and God knows when we all need a change , all we have to do is listen to Him. Have a Great week and stay safe.
Thank you, my friend. What a great elective for your grandson.
I will miss being here, Paula ❤
Thank you so much, Trudy. It wasn’t an easy decision to make. And I so appreciate all your mentions every time you get a chance.❤
Thank you so much, Jessica 🤗
Aw, thank you, Regina ❤
Aw, can I cry 😭😭
Thanks so much, Megan. I hope so 😊
I’ll be back one day, I hope ❤
Thank you so much, Alicia, for your wonderful encouragement. Sometimes we do need to step aside so that God can use others ❤
This has certainly been a year for changes hasn’t it? LOTS of them. I’m glad God doesn’t change, He’s the one constant in life :-)
Marion, you will be missed! I’ve enjoyed reading every post you’ve written. It sounds like some new adventures for you in the future, getting to work with your son is awesome! I pray God’s best for you always, here’s to new experiences!
Thank you so much, Trixi. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my posts. It will be exciting to see what comes of the endeavor with my son. I know my grandson is excited.
Marion You and Your Post will be missed here Hugs and Blessings to You !
You will be missed. Thank you for sharing your time and your talent. God bless you.
We will miss you. Blessings for your future endeavors.
Thank you so much, Sarah ❤
Thank you, Debra. It’s been a wonderful 5 years.
Thank you so much, Merrillee. And to you too. 😊
Best wishes!
Sorry to hear you’ll be leaving Inspy, Marion! The new project sounds fascinating.
Oh, Marion, you will be missed but your writing will still be looked forward to :)
Om te hoop is om verandering te verwag.
Verander dan na die beeld van Christus!
Today I wish you the ‘luck of the Irish’ – may Blessings follow you wherever you go and whatever you do.
Thank you so much, Denise :)
Thank you, Alexa. Now to find time to squeeze that in between my other commitments :)
Thank you so much, Lincoln. This is definitely only au revoir.
En baie dankie vir die vreeslike mooi boodskap :)
Thank you very much, Sandra :)