A big howdy to y’all from Texas! (Did that feel forced? I think that felt forced… It may take this Midwestern gal a while to get used to speaking like a Southerner.)
But we did make the move from Wisconsin to Texas two weeks ago and are getting settled into our new home. In fact, things are unpacked enough that I’m starting to feel like moving is no longer a full-time job (forget the unpacking, the paperwork involved in a cross-country move and enrolling in new schools and setting up new accounts for everything is no joke). And with the kids now in school, I feel like I finally have some time to get back to work. The only problem is, I feel so behind that I’m not quite sure where to start.
At my youngest daughter’s school, they have a period each day called “ketchup.” When she saw that on her schedule, she giggled, then asked her teacher, “What’s that?” Turns out, it’s just what it sounds like (though not so much what it looks like): a time to “catch up” on any work the students need to finish.
So now it’s my turn to play “ketchup.” Ketchup on administrative tasks. Ketchup on marketing. Ketchup on editorial work. And most of all, ketchup on writing. That’s the one I’m most looking forward to (and also dreading a little bit because what if I’ve forgotten how to write a book!). Which is why I thought I’d enlist y’all to help me brainstorm! The next story in my Hope Springs series will be Bethany’s (Cam’s sister from book 8, Not Until Now). The basic premise of the story is fairly clear in my head, but I do have a few questions I’d love your input on (*a little disclaimer: though I hope to incorporate the results into my story, sometimes my characters refuse to cooperate…I’ll do my best!). Feel free to choose more than one answer if a question has more than one selection you like!
Thanks for your help with my “ketchup” work! What about you: Is there anything you need to catch up on? One reader who comments by September 1 will be drawn at random to win a $5 Amazon.com gift card.
I love that play on words at the school. But it’s gonna take me awhile to get the visual of “ketchup” on everything! Lol. I’m positive your writing skills will not be affected at all! Looking forward to the next book.
Sounds all exciting! This makes me a little nervous, as we *may* have a move on the horizon. Just waiting on sale of a property to see what happens. But I’ve been a nomad since I was a little girl, so moving around has always excited me. The hardest part is the packing … and unpacking … and choosing what to get rid of :-)
Have to say in Australia Ketchup is tomato sauce. Which wouldn’t work for ketchup time but I digress.
I still have a quilt which will now be a quilt cover to finish. I did have the top done but got a new king single bed. (not sure what you call it but its bigger than a single longer but smaller than a double) I have to make it about a foot wider. It will get done eventually.
I need to ketchup on yard work. I have been working so hard on the inside of my house and we have had so much rain this month. Maybe next week…
Hi Valerie! Congrats on your new move. In 2019 our youngest son moved from Michigan to Texas. Different culture for a Midwesterner. Love the pun on Ketchup. Best wishes there. Thanks for giving us input in your next work. Question – James is a good name for police officer. All the Michaels I know, hubby included, were ministers. Archangel Michael all of that. Question 2 having lived on the shores of Lake Michigan most friends I know prefer to kayak in rivers – even though some do in the lake. In our area SW Michigan the Shuler Dairy Farm is open for visiting, but my 8 year old granddaughter is allergic to hay (hay fever). Had a terrible time after her kindergarten class visited the farm. Know two people that had brain aneurisms – the Spanish teacher where I taught school and a friend’s daughter. The teacher and I often attended conferences together, so on the road trip we talked. The problem with using a phone for notes is that with forgetfulness, the phone is easily misplaced. Question 4 – most grade schools have lots of fundraisers. In our community local landscaping companies often volunteer with school grounds. Most parents help with costumes. Another idea to help would be Donuts with Mom or Breakfast with Dad or help serving lunch for special meals like Thanksgiving or Christmas / being room parents. A Michigan retired teacher, a mom and Oma to 4 grandkids – 11th, 8th and 2nd grade plus preschool. Amazon Gift card are always an added blessing. Thanks. Best wishes and Happy Writing.
Congratulations on your move. We moved to our first purchased house a year ago. We have been married for 52 years.
I like your unique idea for the quiz to help you out.
You will get there. And think of the opportunity to re decorate!
I need to catch up on my review books and reviews to post. Upcoming release dates loom!
Reading always reading. 😁
I’m glad your move went smoothly and thatvyou’re beginning to feel in your new home. I need to ketchup on cleaning. I don’t really enjoy the process, although I appreciate the results, so it always gets pushed to the bottom of the list of things to do.
It’s a funny image, lol! Looking forward to getting this book written!
Moving is definitely a lot of work…but a great adventure as well! Blessings as you prepare for your potential move.
Lol! I had no idea ketchup was called tomato sauce in Australia. The wordplay definitely wouldn’t work there. :) It’s neat that you’ve found a way to adapt your quilt project so it will work with your new bed.
Oh boy, I haven’t even begun to tackle the yard work here! It seems like catching up on one thing always means something else gets behind. But there’s always another day…
Thank you, Renate! It’s definitely a cultural adjustment, coming from the Midwest, but we’re enjoying it so far. :) Thanks for your input on the questions–you make some great points! Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you, Paula! And congratulations on your home purchase! Redecorating and making a home your own is always fun…I already have lots of plans… ;) Enjoy catching up on your review books–reading is the best kind of catch up work!
Lol! I can relate…so many books, so little time!
Oh, I know what you mean! I love having a clean house…but it’s easy to push it to the bottom of the list because there are so many other things I’d rather do. It always gets done eventually, lol. ;)
Moving is a lot of work. Hopefully it won’t take to long to get settled in your new home and that you get used to everything really soon.
So glad everything went well with your move and that you’re feeling more settled :) also, your first line reminded me of when my friends in TX decided to teach me how to say howdy and y’all. So just be patient; it’ll come naturally, eventually ;)
As for ketchup, it seems I need to catch up on some reading (of the non-fiction kind) in order to finish a project that’s been going on for a while now.
I have work things and a Bible study that I need to “Ketchup” on.
I need to catch up on my reviews
Hi Valerie, Welcome to Texas! Yes, I still have some decluttering to do, it seems like it is a never ending job, especially since we have lived in the same house for almost 30 years. There is always things that I need Ketchup on. Have a great weekend and stay safe. God Bless you and your family.
I need to catch up on some reading (only because my TBR stack is sooooo high!). I have to decide how to make my Christmas cards, too! So glad the move went well and y’all are getting settled in!
I’m glad you feel settled in your new home.
Oh Renate….my daughter moved from here (Michigan) to Texas too! We have a huge dairy farm in our area and smaller ones at every turn. In spite of half the kids already living on a farm it is still a large share of school trips!
Hi Val! Remember not to get on-ree! 😂 I am so glad you aren’t melting in the heat down there….it’s bad here right now but still more than 10 degrees cooler!
I have to pop a review up for a book I read yesterday then it’s time to “Ketchup” on my editing. I have 2 more in this set of devotionals then I think she said she has 14 more. If I don’t keep getting sidetracked by the rich content I would do them much more quickly!
Give yourself some leeway my sweet friend, it will come back to you! That huge of an adjustment takes time to come back from & when you do you will be a writing machine! You will have a day when all of the sudden you stop and say, when did I start writing so freely again?? Tell Chloe that made me giggle too!
Is there a way to catch up on sleep??? :D
Thank you, Patricia! We’re getting there. :)
It’s good to know y’all and howdy will roll off our tongues naturally someday. My oldest daughter already said it regularly before we moved (no idea why, lol!), so she’s ahead of the rest of us. :)
Enjoy catching up on your non-fiction reading!
Sometimes it feels like there’s more “ketchup” to do than time in a day. But I’m sure you’ll get there! One day at a time. :)
Hopefully that will be something fun to catch up on!
Thanks for the warm welcome, Alicia! I hear you on the decluttering…we did a major decluttering before we moved, so you wouldn’t think that I already have a new donate box started–but I do, lol!
Thanks, Trudy! I am with you on the super-high TBR stack. Seems like every time I finish one book, I add five more to it. Have fun designing your Christmas cards (oh boy, is it time to think Christmas already…I’m way behind, lol!).
Thank you!
Lol! I’m glad you told me about on-ree because I’ve already heard someone use it…and thanks to your heads-up, I wasn’t even confused. :) I know what you mean about getting caught up in the rich content of devotionals you’re editing…sometimes it’s hard not to just read them as a reader and soak in all their insights! It’s one of the reasons I love working on those kinds of books!
And I know you’re right about giving myself some leeway…I’m trying–while also being eager to dive in. I even wrote some words on the book this week (though I don’t think I’m quite back up to writing machine yet, lol!).
If there is, I’d love to know it, lol!
I moved from Illinois to the Oregon coast in 1996 and was definitely a different culture. It took me a while to acclimate myself, but I love it here now. I hope you feel settled soon!
I can’t think of anything that I need to “ketchup” on right now, maybe a TBR pile, but that’s not a hardship, lol!
So glad you’re getting the feel for your new environment. It takes time! The Texas slang will become part of you naturally, so just enjoy your old identity while you can!!
Well I have in theory. haven’t done anything on it yet!
I need to ketchup on my knitting – or rather sewing the jumper together. Not a lot of fun.
I need to clean up my inbox.
After a move like that I hope you can ketchup on some rest, whilst enjoying the new home. After an ABI noise and balance issues are a problem too and kayaks do they make them for three people so they could all go together. I’m procrastinating on ketchup on everything especially tomato sauce as allergic to the tomato mould in it, no hives on me, though do occasionally receive a figurative kick in the rear whilst my head is in the sand avoiding ketchup, lol! Have fun wrangling your characters. :)
Yes, yes and yes. I have mail to go through. I have put off paying bills which will be coming due next week. We are still working on decluttering. We were gone for three days this week with doctor appointments and errands. By the time we returned home, I was too tired to tackle anything. We have been dealing with high temperatures and humidy. God will give you the words to write. He will lead you in the direction you should go. God bless you.
It amazes me how very different the various regions of the country are! But it is fun to get to experience new cultures. Enjoy catching up on your TBR! :)
Ah, good point! I didn’t think of it that way–enjoying our old identity while we can. Thanks for the tip!
I have no talent when it comes to either knitting or sewing, so I’m always impressed by people who do! I hope your jumper comes together well.
Oh boy, that one can feel like a never-ending job!
Oh yes, definitely looking to ketchup on some rest too! Good point about the balance and noise issues–thank you for pointing that out. Sometimes procrastinating isn’t such a bad thing…it can help you decide what really needs to be done and what can be let go.
Ugh–mail and bills are not my favorite things to catch up on (probably not anyone’s favorites, lol). And decluttering is always such a process. But it will get done–one step at a time. :) Thank you for the reminder that God will lead me as I work on this book!
Hi, Val! What’s NOT to ketchup on. Cleaning, bills, laundry, reading, decluttering, exercise, you name it. I’m failing faster than I can lower my standards. :-P
Glad to hear that the transition is moving apace. Transitionitis is rarely pleasant but it is not fatal nor even long term. As for adapting to the culture, y’all certainly will, but best not to try too hard. It tends to end up poorly. You don’t want to wind up bein’ all hat and no cattle!
Oh my goodness, Lincoln, I’m still laughing about that turn of phrase: all hat and no cattle! You can tell I’m not a real Southerner yet because it took me a while to puzzle it out. :) But I hear you on the not trying too hard.
As for having too much to ketchup on, I can totally relate…although my kids would say there’s not such thing as too much ketchup.
If you came up with “All show and no substance”, you got the right idea. :-)
Texas is my 2nd favorite state, Valerie. I bet it will grow on you pretty quickly.
I loved doing this & the book also.
Sounds exciting
I’m excited to read this story and see what, if any, of the things I’ve voted for end up in it!
Yep! Although I like your expression better. I can just see the city slicker swaggering around in his cowboy hat–with no cows to wrangle. :)
Oh, I’m sure it will! We’re already loving the tropical (if hot!) feel and the Southern hospitality.
Oh yay! I’m so glad!
Thank you! :)
I can’t wait to incorporate these ideas! I’m going to try my hardest. :)
I can’t wait to read it!
I need to catch up on housework! We started back with students on the 18th and I’ve been in lesson planning, grading, getting to know my students mode since then. I need to take some time to focus on the house :)
Thanks, Shanna! I can’t wait to get it written so you can! :)
Housework is one that always gets behind on my list when other things come up too. Hope you’re having a great start to the school year!
We just sold our home in SW Florida and will be moving to East Texas in the next month or so. We are staying at my Mom’s in the town next to the one where we sold our house. I will have massive unpacking to do when we get up there and find some land. I would love to win!! Thanks for the chance!!
I need to ketchup on cleaning up my house and reading!!
I am in “ketchup” mode on weeding my flower beds. We have had HOT weather here in NY state near Rochester for weeks. We had nine inches of rain in early August and now the rain is tapering off and it is dry. But I need to week the flower beds and the garden. It is supposed to cool off for a while in a day or two!! Hallelujah!!!
My “ketchup” is a trout cross stitch that I am making for my husband for his birthday gift. He loves to trout fish. Also ketchup on Manifest show on Netflix 😂.
I need to ketchup on decluttering my home. I get so discouraged when my husband won’t make a decision on stuff he needs to declutter! Uh!
Enjoyed the voting 😊
With four kiddos, there’s always something to ketchup 🤓
I need to “ketchup” on reading my TBR pile!
Yay! How fun to meet another (almost) new Texan! The unpacking does take time, but it’s also kind of fun to find a spot for everything. :)
Now the question is, which order? Do you clean first and then reward yourself with reading? Or do you read first because it’s more fun and then get to the cleaning later?
Weeding sometimes feels like one of those never-ending “ketchup” jobs. As soon as you’re done it seems like the weeds have sprung up again! And I can only imagine that the weeds are loving the heat and rainfall. I haven’t even begun to think about tackling the weeds here yet…but I should!
That sounds like fun “ketchup” work! What a thoughtful gift too. :)
Decluttering is another one of those never-ending “ketchup” jobs. It can be hard to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. As we were packing, I noticed that my husband and sons seemed to have a harder time with getting rid of things than my daughters and I did. Maybe it’s a guy thing!
I hear you there! Thanks for voting!
The very best kind of “ketchup” work! And something I need to ketchup on too. :)
Weeding my flower beds. Husband was diagnosed with cancer and flower beds and reading have taken a back seat to his care.
I need to ketchup on my financial record keeping. Oh boy, do I ever!
I need to ketchup on all things house organization and decoration! I’m looking forward to getting to it in 6 weeks. I am a 53 year old doctoral student looking forward to completion on October 8! I am also a busy Professor at a school of nursing in Columbus, OH! In addition to that, I am a wife, mama, and Gigi (grandma). I also have a hobby farm where we raise chickens and sheep. Oh! I am learning to spin the wool from my sheep too.
Night time is where I grab my Kindle and unwind with your inspirational books – thank you!
Keep writing!
Blessings ~ Patty Severt
The larger king size bed is called a California king.
I have a lot of things I need to ketchup on, I think cleaning tops the list. I love that term for kids. Makes it seem like more than what sounds like a study hall. Much more fun to call it ketchup! Maybe that’s what I should call my cleaning!
I love the ketchup idea. I think we all could use some time to “ketchup”. What a great thing to plan that time in the school day.
I hope your daughter has a wonderful school year.
This was fun, thanks!
I can understand that. Praying for you and your husband.
Ugh. That’s another one of those that’s not so fun–at least in my opinion! I hope it goes well!
Wow, Patty! Sounds like you are busy! And loving every moment, I can tell. :) Your hobby farm sounds like so much fun. Congratulations on your upcoming degree completion!
I love it! Maybe calling it ketchup can make even cleaning fun. :)
Yes, I agree! I’m grateful they have that time. So far, the school seems to be a great fit for her!
I’m glad you enjoyed it! :)
Getting my kids back into a full time homeschool routine.
I can only imagine how much work that must be! I hope you have a great school year with them. :)
Ha! I’m 4th generation Texan and never say “Howdy”. I do, however, use y’all a lot!! A lot of people use “mash” instead of “push” or “press” just sit back and enjoy the differences. :)
As far as “ketchup@ work, I have WAY too many things to catch up on. Housework, laundry, school filing…
We’ve had too many doctors appointments and such to be home for more than school and sleeping.
Hope you can relax and settle into a good method to get things done. :)
I have to admit that I haven’t heard anyone here say Howdy yet either… I wonder if that’s more of a TV thing–or maybe there are places in the state where Howdy is more common. I’ll be on the listen for people using the term “mash.” :)
Appointments that keep you out of the house make it hard to stay caught up. I hope you’re able to get back to your normal routine soon!
I really need to “ketchup” on cleaning my boys stuff in the basement. They are older now and have outgrown so many things.
That’s always a hard one for me–I probably hold onto too much of my kids’ old stuff…but it all has such memories. :)