Isn’t it fun to travel, whether vicariously in a book, or in real life? Last year, I was blessed to get to travel to Ireland with my family. This year, I relived a good bit of that trip when I took my characters on a similar journey! It was so much fun! One particular scene is set at the Bunratty Castle. We almost didn’t go, because some of the travel books said that it was too touristy. Apparently, we like touristy stuff!
The castle sits on a good bit of land where they have a folk park. In that area, they try to recreate life in Irish history with a little village that demonstrates the old ways of doing things. Picture thatched roofs on stone cottages. Then, we toured the castle and had a medieval banquet there. They had singers, harpists, other instruments being played, and actors who entertained, while we ate a meal served family-style at long banquet tables. No silverware, just your fingers to eat with, LOL!
Here’s a small excerpt of Star Rising, where the hero Paul is picked to be the “scoundrel” by the actors and forced to sing a song to be set free. Don’t worry, because he deserves the punishment/embarrassment at this point in the story!
“Fetch the prisoner from the dungeon.” The earl clapped his hands, and the two men escorted Paul back to the stage but remained at his side. “The king and queen have resolved to grant mercy on our villain. But first the scoundrel must”—the actor gave a dramatic pause, waggling his eyebrows, and Paul readied himself for more humiliation—“perform a melody of their Royal Highnesses’ choosing.”
Yep. More humiliation. Good thing he’d had a few glasses of wine.
“What will you have the scoundrel sing, Your Majesties? Danny Boy? I’m a little teapot? Don’t Go Drinking with Hobbits?”
Paul groaned. Star and Will had to come up with better choices than those.
Star shot an apologetic look Paul’s way, then leaned close to Will. They discussed back and forth, shaking their heads as they selected his penalty.
Finally, Star nodded, and Will smiled. Will stood and shouted, “Do you know Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey? Maybe a little dance to go with it?”
Paul rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately.” One of his boss’s girlfriends had been a huge Journey fan and had played the group on the plane every flight. Plus, most every cover band in the world played that song.
“We’ve a treaty, then.” The earl raised one hand high in the air. “Singing and dancing to Don’t Stop Believin’. We will judge if your frolicking entails the proper amount of punch.” Wiggling his hips, the earl turned in a circle, and the audience laughed. “Go forth, scoundrel.”
Paul did his best to get out of trouble! I think you’ll enjoy the scene when you get to it in the book!
This was a fun book to write, and I hope you enjoy it!
Star Rising
Star Youngblood has always been a fighter-a necessity after her mother married a monster of a man. Now, she’s finally on the path to the stable life she’s always wanted. Her employer, Priscilla Kelly, is a sweet woman ravaged by rheumatoid arthritis, and Star will do anything to help her. Even if that means going toe to toe with Mrs. Kelly’s neglectful son.
After being betrayed on the mission field and devastated by the tragic death of his father, Paul Kelly gave up on God. He lives life on his own terms, biding his time as a corporate pilot until he can save enough money to begin his own flight school closer to home. His mother is all he has left, and he wants to be near her. He just didn’t expect her health to decline so quickly. When he discovers his mother has taken in a stray–a woman he’s not at all sure can be trusted–his protective instincts kick into high gear. Paul’s handled a lot of turbulence, but he’s never gone up against a force like Star.
As Paul and Star strive to protect his mother in their own ways, they soon find their hearts are at the greatest risk.
You can preorder your copy on Amazon Barnes & Noble iBooks or Kobo now for 2.99! Releasing January 2020!
I have a few ideas for my next story settings: Atlanta (I’m there often with family), Dauphin Island (they have a sea lab), maybe Scotland (never been, but would like to go)!!
Where would you like to travel in a story next?
I do enjoy my armchair travel. Very happy to traverse the globe and across time.
Hi Janet, I too would love to go to Scotland one day. I think a story set around Torre Pellice, Northern Italy, would be great- elements of the Waldensian history, beautiful settings, great food..
I love to travel in stories! Thank you for getting this one one written, I can’t wait for Star’s journey, she needs an hea for sure! Looking forward to seeing the possum again too🤣
Both Ireland and Scotland would be dream trips. I love the accents! The scenery pictures I’ve seen all make them seem like ideal vacations.
I like small town settings for stories (fictional or not).
I would like to travel back to Southern California in a book. I have read several set there and really enjoyed them.
I love to do that to, Mary! Where are you traveling today?
I would love to see more of Italy! I’ve only been to Rome. Oh the setting and the food and history, yes, please!
Ha! The possum doesn’t show up much in this one, but is mentioned. Star has her HEA after a bumpy road. :)
Oh, the accents are so great! The scenery is beautiful. I hope we both can go to Scotland. Who knows!
I love arm chair traveling in stories! It’s like taking a vacation without all the cost to do so :-)
The scene you shared in your book made me laugh out loud. Humor in stories is something I enjoy a lot & authors who can bring out the spontaneous laughter are among my favorite ones!
I’m currently reading a dual-timeline book where the one story takes place in 1946 and then present day for the modern one. It’s always interesting to me how an author can keep two timelines straight and weave a story together without it feeling disjointed. She is an expert on it, I think! I haven’t read too many of these type of books, but I think I will be adding a few more to my want-to-read list.
Thanks for sharing your pictures! That looks like a lot of fun to visit Bunratty Castle in Ireland. One day, I’d love to go to a castle somewhere in the world with my husband, maybe Germany where his family originated. Now wouldn’t that be fun??
Small towns are sweet! They have their own character. Oxford, Mississippi made such a great setting for most of the Southern Hearts series.
Oh nice! Any specific town you like?
So glad you thought it was funny! I do love humor!
Yes, dual timeline authors impress me, too!
Yes, Germany would be great! They have some impressive castles!
I hope you get to go!
My jaw nearly dropped on the floor when I saw “Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits.” :D Does Marc Gunn know? I’ve added your book to my Wish List. How fun!
Ha! I loved the name of that song, but I doubt Marc knows I mentioned it! I tortured Paul quite a bit in this. I hope you enjoy the story!
Janet, thanks for sharing the excerpt. I love to write and read about places far from home.
I’m not picky as long as it’s near the beach. ☺
I will be buying your book for sure! I love armchair travels, too. Don’t get around well so travel is out. I am currently reading LI series by Arlene James, and we are in Oklahoma at a ranch!
Jessica, I love the beach! Many of my travels and stories involve a beach, ha!
You’re welcome! Me, too! But I just love to read in general, LOL!
Sweet, Jackie! I hope you enjoy the story! I understand about not traveling. It can be taxing if you have limitations. I guess that’s why learning in a novel is good. That sounds like a good book you’re reading!
I like anywhere, pretty much!! There’s a lot to see and do in Atlanta, so you could set a whole series there!! Lol!! There’s so many places I’ll probably never go to visit in person, but I can visit through books, so I’m good! There are “make believe” places I’d love to be able to really visit, too!
Yes, there’s so much in Atlanta. My characters will be there for a bit in the next story! Yes, there are a lot of places I probably won’t make too. Books are great for that!
I have read a few books that I said I have to go to that place or country. Hawaii was one and Canada was another. Right now I would love to go back to Hawaii or in a book maybe Alaska.
I’d love to go either of those places, but probably will only make it in a book :)
Janet I just finished reading Falling for Grace. I loved the HEA! Made my heart feel good. Nice work, my friend. I’ll be leaving a review too.
Laurie, Thank you! That is so kind of you!! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and review my little story!
Hi, Janet!
I LOVED that excerpt, so funny, and I can’t wait to read more!
By the way, I love this gorgeous cover!
I don’t travel much, but I do love to armchair travel! I’m half Italian and a quarter Irish so Italy and Ireland are two of my favorite places to experience in a book, I also love stories set in England, and Scotland! 😊
Thank you!! I love the cover too :) I hope you enjoy the story. I love Italy and Ireland. Great heritage! I’d love to set one in England and Scotland.