I had no idea I’d be assigned this date to blog in October until our fearless admin Elizabeth Maddrey made the schedule, but I’m happy (and amused) that it was for today. Why? Because this day has been a loooong time coming. It was this time last year that Jan Thompson asked if I would be interested in joining a multi-author project, which we now know as the Save the Date anthology. What we didn’t know then—and couldn’t possibly have imagined—was how much our group of authors would go through before release day.
There have been numerous health issues for several of our 12 authors, including injuries and surgeries. The most heartbreaking and challenging part of this journey, however, has been the loss of two of our precious members—Marion Ueckermann and Shoshanna Gabriel.
Over the course of a year, we have been in touch with each other on a daily basis via a Facebook group. During this time, we have shared our needs, lifted one another up in prayer, encouraged each other, and mourned together. We have also put our faith in God and trusted that He knew everything that would happen, including the need to postpone our release date by a month, which actually turned out to be the perfect timing in retrospect.
Why am I amused that I was scheduled to blog today? Because in all honesty, I am weary. It’s not only the physical tiredness that inevitably sets in toward the end of a big project like this. It’s also an emotional weariness and a wish to push aside the grief of these last few months and pretend that it hasn’t taken a toll on me. I was so ready for today to arrive, so I could leave this project in the past, but it looks like I can’t quite do that yet. In His sovereignty, God allowed for me to be scheduled to post on this day, and for that I am grateful.
I am grateful because I now have the chance to share with you how good He has been to us. We were able to get all of our promotions changed to the new dates we needed, even though these ads are often booked months in advance—and we didn’t need to pay extra. We have also felt such an immense amount of support from authors and readers—including so many of you!—in the Christian romance community who have prayed for us and waited patiently for this day to come.
It hasn’t been easy. But through it all, one thing has been clear. God took the many lemons that life handed us and made them into the sweetest lemonade.
On that note, I hope you will celebrate with us as we launch Save the Date into the world.
Giveaway: I’d like to give away a $5 Amazon gift card. Please comment and let me know of a time when God turned your “lemons” into “lemonade”. One winner will be randomly chosen from the comments below. The giveaway will remain open until midnight on Friday, October 15th.
Over the last year plus, I’ve had to consistently refocus and pivot . Since last August and 3 surgeries later and still having issues I’m thankful every day for Gods protection. I continue to pray for total healing. Thank you kindly
Forty-three years ago, or soon was born. When he was 18 months old we were told he would never develop mentally past the age of 5 or 6. I was devastated at the news, and asked God, Why? Why us? Why me? But God had a plan. Our son had not developed mentally past the age of three. But he has been such a blessing to us, his sisters, and our church family. Although I still sometimes wish things had been different, all I have to do is remember that God is in control.
Hi Liwen! Thanks for you honest post. As an avid reader, who was on Marion Ueckermann’s review team and followed the Save the Date project, I am feeling so many emotions on this release day. I also follow the project on FaceBook and look forward to reading the stories. Love the premise of this set.
For this retiree, these last 19 months have been trying – worry about health and family. Our sons and grandkids have had a trying year. Working from home, virtual school for the grandkids last year (grades 1, 7, & 10), son#2 going through a nasty divorce and fighting for joint custody then moving twice in a year (life finally settling down for him), son #3 moving back to Michigan from Texas, finding a job in hospitality, and then moving to Idaho. Yes, God so often hands us lemons and makes lemonade (Raspberry Tea Lemonade – our family’s favorite – especially the granddaughters. First thing this Oma taught them to make). As a retired teacher and pastor’s wife, I have many stories about how God gave me lemons and made lemonade. In 1997 going through a house fire and so much more. Humor and reminding myself that God is in control. Trying to keep a positive attitude. Even during difficult situations, I still had a roof over my head, food on my table, support of family and friends with so much beauty in our Lake Michigan Resort town. Best wishes.
Many authors whose work I love are part of Save the Date. I preordered my copy months ago and have shared the anthology with my readers. Marion’s death hit really hard, and I pray that God lifts you all up and blesses all the work you’ve put in.
Thank you, Liwen. That was well said. I am trying not to cry. Missing Marion and Shoshanna as well. And now when the box set is finally published, I am battling COVID. I do like lemonade, but this is a lot LOL. Praise the Lord that He is faithful, kind, true, sovereign, and always good. He who began a good work will complete it. To God be the glory forever!
Many years ago my husband lost his job and it was devastating to us. He eventually found another job in a town closer to my mother and my sister. I was able to spend quality time with both before they passed away and that was definitely a blessing.
I’ve followed along the “saga” of this collection and have prayed for this day and all of you involved. I certainly understand the mixed emotions. I know God has good things in store for these stories. Congratulations, and hugs!
Thanks so much for sharing, Liwen! One of the times I can remember is when my husband and I were asked to go to Cambodia for 3 years as missionaries, and we really didn’t want to go. We finally said “yes” in obedience to the Lord. It turned out that our 3 years there were wonderful. The young people we worked with became our kids, and now we have a lot of grandchildren as they got married and started families. One young man who lived with us while he finished seminary is now the leader of our churches there!
Well written post Liwen; it says it all. What a challenge… what a blessing… life…lemons…lemonade yes! Learning to be a homeschool mom to my three gorgeous girls was never a part of my plan; but God has a better plan and this “new” homeschooling family is learning to make lemonade. Not the path I would have chosen but so grateful for His Presence each step along the way.
Looking forward to reading this set of stories; they are something very special too. Love and appreciate all of you who contributed; and desperately miss Marion who was a special virtual friend xxx
I believe that whatever God brings to you, He will bring you through it. He knows what we need before we need it and is always faithful to provide for just the right moment in just the right ways.
I have found this to be true every time life handed us lemons. Last year when my husband was furloughed for three months, the Lord provided a temporary job and enough money that we didn’t have to worry about finances. His place of employment opened back up at almost the same time the temporary job ended. When we desperately needed a less expensive place to live, God provided in an unexpected way. I mean I could name hundreds of ways God’s hand was in our lives…..and not just in the big ways either. It always amazes me when that happens. I don’t know why it surprises me when I KNOW God will provide….He has remained faithful in everything!
Hi Kelley! So glad God brought you through those surgeries. Praying for healing for you! Thank you for reading and sharing.
Hi Linda! Praise God for the unexpected blessings your son has brought to so many people. Thank you for reading and sharing.
Hi Renate! Yes, you’ve been with us from day one of this anthology. Thank you for your support! And thank you for sharing your stories of God’s faithfulness.
Hi Milla! Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We hope you enjoy the anthology!
Hi Jan! Big hugs. You have led our team so, so well. Thank you for always pointing us to the Lord. Praying for healing for you!
Hi Jeanna! What a blessing indeed. Thank you for reading and sharing your story!
Hi Teresa! It sure feels like a saga, doesn’t it?! Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Hi Margaret! How wonderful!! That made me smile. Thank you for sharing your story!
Hi Charmaine! Yes, so thankful to God who always leads us each step of the way. Thank you for sharing your story. We hope you enjoy the anthology!
Hi Trixi! It’s probably surprising because of how perfectly God works everything out for us. :) Thank you for sharing your story!
Hugs to all of you!
I’m still going through turning lemons into lemonade. Yesterday was the ten month anniversary of Mom’s homegoing. God has been carrying me each step of the way on this journey of adjusting to my “new normal” of no longer being her caregiver. It’s gotten easier, but it is so far from over! I can now sense the light at the end of the tunnel, and I know He’s got this and will continue to get me through.
Thank you for your prayers. Team work! God is always good! Thank you so much for your hard work in the box set, running ads and keeping it in the forefront of reader minds. Whew. Now we all could use a nice little vacation!
This summer our daughter, son-in-law and their 6 young children moved in with us. It was supposed to be for only a few weeks as their large bus was being remodeled into a motor home so they could travel the country. Well we all got COVID in August and as bad as it was my son-in-law had it the worst. He ended up in ICU for several days and on oxygen for several weeks. As hard as it was it happened here where we could help each other and had a support system. They weren’t out traveling the country in the bus and there was a home base. We have to look for the blessings during these last 2 years so we don’t get discouraged.
Thank you, Toni! <3
Hugs, Trudy! May God continue to give you strength and grace.
Oh my, Wren, I’m so glad you all had each other during that rough time. Yes, I definitely agree that it’s been so crucial to remember God’s blessings, big and small. Thanks so much for sharing.
I applied for a job but was not successful. The next job I applied for was my dream and I succeeded.
I was able to move when I needed to with very little notice amid some health issues.
Hi Mary! That’s great to hear. :) Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jcp! So glad God provided for you then! Thanks for sharing.
My younger brother was born 10 years ago with serious health problems and mental retardation, my parents were academically demanding of me and very perfectionists, I was not a very empathetic pre-adolescent either.
We had to change many of our priorities and we improved as a family, now we are much more united and my mother and I have become closer to God than before, Having my brother has made me realize that while society today pretends to be inclusive in various areas, it still makes physical disability and mental problems untouchable.
On the other hand, two of the best changes to educational centers that I had in my life were preceded by crying, fear of change and pleading to God about why I could not stay where I was already adapted. Both times were for the better.
I have not read Shoshanna Gabriel but I found her conversion testimony on the internet around the same time that I was converted and I told a friend about it, I was saddened to know that she had died but it impresses me that the Lord saved her before and she was able to live several years as a Christian writer.
Hi, Liwen!
Sometimes it feels that we are on a lemon picking crew with samples of lemonade along the way. :-) Since losing my job for health reasons many years ago, we have seen God provide above and beyond. We have learned lessons of humility (we really are inadequate but He is more than enough). We had a relative pay off our mortgage after my wife lost her job due to COVID. We still struggle emotionally quite a bit but, if He has brought us this far, I can (and do) give Him the needs of my heart. Do I know what the road between here and whole looks like? Nope, sure don’t. However, He Who is faithful will provide. He will make for us LOL (that’s Lemonade Of Lemons) :-P
It took me some time to get pregnant with my first child. So many of my friends were getting pregnant and it was tough emotionally as I wondered if my husband and I would be able to have kids.
It turned out I had my most difficult class of kindergarteners the year I was hoping to be pregnant. God protected me by not having the stress of that year affect my pregnancy. And I had a wonderful group of students the following year when I was pregnant.
Hi Lilly! What touching, amazing stories you have shared. They encourage me so much. Thank you for sharing them. And yes, Shoshanna’s testimony is so powerful. I’m glad you were able to hear about it.
Hi Lincoln! What a wonderful blessing to have had your mortgage paid off! Thank God for providing for your family’s needs. I love how you put it — “the road between here and whole”. Truly, what awaits us on the other side is more perfect and good than anything here on earth. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Akemi! Oh wow! I do love how we can see so clearly God’s hand in our lives when we look back. So glad He protected and provided for you! Thanks for sharing!
My husband used to work in a uranium mine in NM, we came down to TX to visit one of my sisters and my husband put in an application at a Gas company, well we went back to NM after our visit and they called him for the job in TX. We have been here for 40 yrs now. We went from having no family living close to for over 7 hours to living here much closer to family. God is Good.
After an interview for a job I really thought was the perfect fit and opportunity, I was so bummed to find I had not gotten the position. Turns out, God had something better just a few months later. Same position, closer to home, with higher wages and people I already knew . This month it will be three years. Since then, I have met so many wonderful people and gained new experience. We even have a new larger building which accommodated social distancing- who knew. I always say, if you have to work somewhere, a library is an awfully nice place to be.
Happy book birthday!! You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. Yes, I have had a time that lemons were turned into lemonade by the Lord. My husband lost his job. My Mom’s health was declining. We moved in with her to help her. We were able to to have 8-10 years with her caring for her that we would not have had. God is an awesome Lord. God bless you.
Hi Alicia! Oh wow, what an awesome story of God’s grace! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Kathleen! Oh boy, you have every author’s dream workplace. :) What a great job God blessed you with. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Debra! Yes, He is! So glad you got that special time with your mom. Thanks for sharing!
I guess one time was when the previous landlord evicted me (for no reason) but mum had gone into fulltime care after breaking her leg and he wanted to sell the place but used something which he gave permission for (to get the place evaluated) as a reason to evict me saying I had no right to get the property evaluated even though I rang and asked. Next breath asked if I wanted to buy it. But the rental market is so tight here and still is. If not from a lady I clean for having a house where they needed to use a room for storage and at the time 2 rooms I would have been homeless. I moved in with a bedroom, living room bathroom and kitchen. The other 2 bedrooms were full of stuff as were some of the rooms I had. One room still is a storeroom. been here over 12 years now and it is a safer place. If not for this place I could have quite possibly been homeless.
I have the book and part of the reason for pre ordering was the passing of Marion.
I had brain surgery in 2004 & I think my Poppa & God were taking good care of me while I went through it.
I think God as well my Grandpa we’re watching me when I was only about 4 years old & had blood poisoning due to a dog bite & in the hospital for months.
Hi Jan,
Last night before going to bed I finished Marion’s story (again) and I started tearing up while reading her end remarks. WOW! I will miss her sweet spirit!
I also just read the comment that you are dealing with Covid. I’ll be praying for you during this time! Take care!
Hi Liwen,
I don’t really remember a time where I had lemons. I do remember times God provided for me when I thought all was lost. I love looking back and seeing how He is walking there with me each step of the way. It gives me hope to face a new day!
I hope all of you authors in this collection can rest and see God working in many ways and blessing you! Take care!
Hi Jenny! Oh wow, I’m so glad God provided a home for you. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hope you enjoy the anthology.
Hi Amy! Wow! Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Sylvain! Oh my! I’m so glad God got you through that! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Marylin! Yes, it’s so great to look back and reflect on God’s hand in everything. Thank you so much for your kind words!
Trust in the Lord! He is always there for me – no matter the circumstances.
Amen, Natalya! Thanks for reading and commenting!
What a sweet, heartfelt post, Liwen. I’m sorry for your loss. This last year and a half stank. I’m glad you were able to find some joy in your project though.
Hi Shannon, thank you so much. <3
A few years ago, on my youngest’s birthday, I received an email with a job opportunity. I said yes. It was tailor-made for me.
Oh wow, that is awesome, Denise! Thanks for sharing!
Last year my mom was scheduled to have a surgery done just before our state shutdown for Covid. The surgery got delayed though and we didn’t know when/if it would happen that summer. Praise the Lord though, it did happen a few months later and it worked out so much better that it happened then as we were more prepared for it then if it had happened in the spring when it was originally scheduled. God’s timing is always perfect, even when we don’t like it at first.
Hi Megan! That’s great to hear. Yes, God’s timing is always perfect — couldn’t agree more!