Happy Reading to All, and to All a Good Year!
‘Twas the night after Christmas, when all through the house
Not a human was stirring, not even my spouse—
The peppermint tea at my elbow did sit;
The cat on my lap was too fat to fit.The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While memories of new toys danced in their heads;
And Pa in his flannels, and I in my robe
Curled up with our books to circle the globe.When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But stories of romance to close out the year.
Now, cowboys! Now chefs! Now pilots and teachers,
On, rock stars! On farmers! On actors and preachers!To the front of the pack! To the top of the list!
Win the fair maiden’s heart with a romantic twist.
He’s dressed all in armor, from his head to his toe,
Ready to battle, his ardor to show.His eyes — how they twinkle! His dimples, how merry!
His muscles like steel turns my breathing all airy;
His sweet precious mouth is drawn up like a bow
Speaking words of forever in a voice timbered low.When they kiss in the sunset, my eyes close with a sigh…
Outside, snow sifts down and the wild blizzards fly,
The tea is all cold and the cat purrs aloud.
The fire is low when I drift off my cloud.The tale ripples echoes of the greatest romance
As Jesus’ pure love makes my heart dance.
Both sweet stories fill my thoughts with good cheer.
Happy reading to all, and to all a good year!
© 2019 Valerie Comer
I hope you had a great Christmas yesterday. Did you get any books? What romance is at the top of your TBR today?
PS: Kids and grandkids descend on my house today, and tomorrow is our family Christmas. I’ll check in when I can!
Mary Preston says
That was fun thank you. I gave books but did not receive any.
Ausjenny says
love the poem, I got a book with only pictures! its of cute animal photos and they are cute.
I had a quiet day. Went to church then watched some Christmas movies. Today is Boxing day so another public holiday
Renate says
Hi Valerie! Delightful poem, which made me chuckle this early morning after Christmas. Received no books for Christmas, since we as a family kept presents to a minimum; but have enjoyed reading the historical romance series Gifts of Christmas by Shanna Hatfield. Gift of Grace, Gift of Hope, and released early this morning Gift of Faith. Best wishes.
Valerie Comer says
I hope you have plenty of books on hand, anyway! Happy Boxing Day :)
Valerie Comer says
It’s Boxing Day here in Canada, too. :) Sounds lovely. Our church does a Christmas Eve service, not Christmas morning. We had a quiet day, too… but today it gets busy for the rest of the week!
Valerie Comer says
I’m glad the poem brought a smile! We haven’t done family gifts yet — that’s for Friday this year — but I doubt I’ll get books. It would be too hard to know what I’d already read and what I still wanted! Enjoy your new read.
Paula Marie says
Great poem! I did receive a new to me author book for Christmas, and a few favorite books in paperback as well😘. I also received a few gift cards that I plan on using for books🤣!!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebration!!
Kathy Schnitz says
Loved the poem! I “received “ some books last night, but they were mine that my SIL had borrowed and was returning! LOL
Valerie Comer says
Sounds like a good Book Christmas! Enjoy :)
Valerie Comer says
Maybe they’re ones you wanted to reread?!?!?! Merry Christmas, either way!
Merrillee Whren says
Cute poem! Today is the last day with ours kids. They all leave tomorrow.
Trudy says
Love the poem!!! I didn’t receive any books; however, I did receive an Amazon gift card!! So, I’ll be adding to my TBR stack!!
Valerie Comer says
Your Christmas is ending – ours is just starting!
Valerie Comer says
Oooh! Remember your favorite Inspy Romance authors!
Margaret Nelson says
Love the poem!! That’s worth keeping. I got an Amazon gift card and a gift card for a local bookstore!! I was happy to get Kimberly Rae Jordan’s newest on my Kindle last night. I had a nice Christmas with my aunt and two cousins & spouses. More cousins arrive this weekend and my niece and family come a week after that!
Deb Kastner says
Love it, Val!! Merry Christmas and wishing you the best New Year ever!
Valerie Comer says
Sounds busy! KRJ’s ebook landed on my Kindle, too :)
Valerie Comer says
Yay! And Merry Christmas to you and your family, too. :)
Laurie Larsen says
Impressive poem!!
Valerie Comer says
Haha, thank you!!
Caitlyn Santi says
I loved this poem, it totally made me smile!
I didn’t get any books for Christmas, but I did get some money so there will definitely be some book buying happening in the near future! 😊💕
Valerie Comer says
Yay for after-Christmas smiles :D Enjoy your book shopping!