This summer, my town in Texas, USA has experienced 60+ days in a row of temperatures above 100 degrees. To say I’m ready for a reprieve is an understatement! This time of year, as I (im)patiently wait for the weather to turn lovely as fall creeps into the States, I always think about my book Suddenly Forever.
Set in the mountains of North Carolina in autumn, I freely and without reservation admit that this is my favorite book that I’ve written. It’s got cozy cabins, a small town fall festival, crunchy leaves and moody weather, the most endearing and spunky secondary character, and a love story about redemption and hope after grief. Today, I thought I’d share one of my favorite passages out of this favorite book—a passage that really gets to the heart of the message.
The following excerpt picks up in a scene during which Cora, our widowed heroine, is helping her elderly neighbor, Ina, pack up some things because she’s going to move in with Cora. Their only other neighbor, Luke, who’d moved in several weeks ago, had recently inspired Cora to step out of the bubble she’d put herself in—but that new beginning, and Cora’s feelings about Luke, started to feel threatening and she pushed him away.
An Excerpt from Suddenly Forever
Ina nodded and twisted a finger under the hospital bracelet still dangling around her thin wrist. “Tell me again why Luke isn’t here? Will we see him later?”
Cora’s insides knotted. She turned to grab a laundry basket from the floor at the end of the bed and started layering the hangered clothes in carefully. “I think he had some work to do at his place.”
Ina shuffled her feet along the worn carpet until the walker inched up next to Cora at the bedside. She placed a cold hand on Cora’s. When their eyes met, Ina’s were narrowed behind her glasses.
“What happened?”
Cora resumed packing the clothes. Why was everyone around here so nosy lately? “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean, what occurred … what took place … what transpired between you and our tall, handsome neighbor?” Ina’s voice oozed with sarcasm. “Did you have words? Did he kiss you?”
Cora gasped and eyed the old woman, mouth gaping. “No! He did not kiss me. Where in the world do you come up with these wild ideas, Ina?”
Ina rested her elbows on the low handlebars of the walker and intertwined her bony fingers in front of her. Her white eyebrows raised, deep wrinkles folding along her forehead. “My, my. It is a wonder how one could possibly fathom the notion of two attractive single persons like yourself and Mr. Bassett finding one another inclined to canoodle.”
“I am not single.” Blood pumped through Cora’s veins like the raging spring streams full with runoff from the melting snow.
“Oh dear, but you are.” The biting sarcasm in Ina’s voice was replaced with a tender softness. “The vows we took say ‘til death do us part. You and I both are as single as the day is long, I’m afraid.”
Cora’s knees suddenly threatened to give up supporting her. She sat atop the patchwork quilt on Ina’s bed, the sweater in her hands crumpling into a mound on her lap. She searched Ina’s face and found a stoic resignation that came with a life well experienced in unfairness. “But I don’t think of myself as single.”
Ina looked passed to a window on the far wall past the bed letting in the day’s brightness through sheer white curtains. After a moment, she sighed and returned her gaze to Cora. “That’s the thing about loss, dear. Those of us left on this side of heaven must redefine ourselves. It’s the only hope we have of continuing to live in the here and now.” She reached out and patted Cora’s knee. “Otherwise, we end up doing something that only resembles living in a version of the past that doesn’t actually exist anymore.”
Cora swallowed hard, her brain working Ina’s words over. Is that what she had been doing? Carrying on an existence that merely resembled living? It resonated in a way that made Cora’s stomach turn. Angst percolated inside and she shook her head.
“I have a hard time believing that after decades and decades with Charles, you care to define yourself as anything other than his wife.”
Ina’s eyes filled, lips pressed tightly. After a long pause, she answered. “What I care to do and what simply is are two very different things. The one and only thing I was, am, and will be forever is a child of God.”
Cora bit at the inside of her lip and stood to return to her task. “Well, nothing about that has anything to do with Luke.”
Ina clicked her tongue and shook her head.
Cora picked up another handful of clothes and turned to face her. “What?”
“My stubborn child, I believe it has everything to do with him.”
A heat rose from Cora’s toes, through her stomach and chest, and straight to her cheeks. She cleared her throat and blinked back tears. Ina could go on and on about how handsome and charming she found Luke Bassett. Whether or not he was handsome or charming or interesting or pleasant to be around didn’t change the fact that he didn’t know when to mind his own business.
Sigh. Is it weird for an author to reread their own book? I might have to!
Suddenly Forever is the second of four books in my Laurel Cove Romance Series, but each story can be read on its own. You can find it here if you’d like to read more!
What’s the weather like where you are? If you’re like me and holding out for cooler days and cozy nights in the US—let’s remember, fall is coming!
that is hot. here we are now in spring. Last summer was mild a few hot days but on a whole mild and has been for a couple of years. This winter was mild and wet. We had a few weeks where it was cold and Ironically the first few mornings here at my new place we had the coldest mornings with frosts and being top of the hill it was cold. but over all its been mild. They are warning a hotter than normal summer here. This new house is like the one I lived in before the last house. The big difference is this one has insulation in the roof so will be a bit better but will be much hotter than the last place which was limestone and kept cool in summer. (we also have a dryer heat which helps). I am looking forward to the longer days and more sun. Getting into the garden ok I should say getting a garden started. (got one small patch done) and planting some screening plants. I don’t like it at 100 but can handle 80.
We have had one of the hottest summers on record with the heat index reaching 110. I know that’s not as hot as some places, but we definitely felt it. Temperatures are supposed to be in the upper 80s to the upper 90s this coming week.
It’s been nice, cooler weather here in Western MD, but unfortunately, this coming week is supposed 90 to 100 degrees every day! Hopefully the 2nd week of September will be cool again for my brother’s outdoor wedding. :)
It’s still hot in Oklahoma and praying for the cooler fall temps.
I really enjoyed this excerpt! I’m in Ohio and last week we had some cooler temps but this weekend and next week we’re supposed to be back in the upper eighties and low nineties.
It’s going to get back into the 90’s here in Ohio. I can’t wait for it to cool down for good.
It’s been HOT in Florida, with over 100+ days with feels like temps in the triple digits, which is unusual even for us!! And, since Florida doesn’t usually participate in Fall, I’m ready for Winter, in which we also sometimes don’t participate! I have to admit, though, even the 80’s with no humidity would feel really good right now!
We had hot weather this summer but this last week we got rain and now today it’s supposed to heat up again. A few summers ago we had a week of 110-115 degrees days and that was too hot for not ready for rain yet as we usually have really wet winters and springs.
Fall is my favorite season, and it’s definitely worth the wait (especially when you’re in TX, lol).
Nice excerpt! I have to check out this series. :)
this last week has been in the eighties. But the lows have been in the fifties. Talk about a change. Next week is supposed to be in the low nineties. I am so ready for cooler temps. Most of my garden is done, just a few tomatoes left. I will have some canning to do soon and I look forward to that.
I can’t imagine how it must be to have those sort of temperatures for days on end. Her in the UK it’s been around 70 for the past few weeks which is a little cooler than normal for summer and we’ve had a lot of rain. Last year we had a couple of weeks with temperatures in the 90s and it was awful, I don’t think we’re really set up for heat though as very few places have air-conditioning, the hospital where I work was so hot and it was really hard for the patients.
I much prefer it when the summer cools into autumn, it’s definitely my favourite season.
Eighty degrees sounds delightful!
That sounds like a nice break! Enjoy!
Oh, good luck! I hope it is nice for the wedding.
You’re close by! Fingers crossed for those cooler temps soon.
Glad you enjoyed! :)
Team Fall!! :)
I grew up in Florida, so know well what you’re talking about. Those low humidity days are wonderful.
Our winters and springs are usually much wetter too. Thanks for reading!
today we are going for around 70 today. which will be nice but its windy
Yes, the wait is worth it! Thanks for reading!
Oh, my garden is toast! I’m looking forward to reviving my herb garden at least for the fall. (I’m a novice!)
Summers in the 70s or 80s sounds wonderful!
I’m in SE Texas so we’re DEFINITELY ready for fall. It’s been hot & humid all summer. I’m not even sure how many days we had over 100°F anymore. Usually we can count those days on 1 hand, maybe 2, but this summer was brutal. It’s still hot right now, but we’ve gotten a break in the humidity so it’s been a bit nicer.
I just borrowed the first book in the series on KU & looking forward to reading them all! I love books with fiesty grandmotherly neighbors ❤️
We are in the 80’s today. Starting tomorrow, we will be in the 90’s for most of next week. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
The high was 83 degrees today here in NW Florida. That is the lowest it has been for a while. Unfortunately, it will be going back up to the 90’s. I can’t wait for the cooler weather of fall.
Our weather is still hot and humid during the day, but mornings and evenings are finally starting to cool down a little.
Just borrowed your book on KU. Excited to read it!
Last couple days have been wonderful with cooler temperatures and some drizzle 😊
I grew up in Texas and remember the blistering heat and the months without rain! I live in Indiana now and having only one or two days a year in the upper 90’s and hardly ever over a hundred is okay with me! I do love fall but I don’t think it’s quite as meaningful to me up here as it was when I lived in Texas. Spring on the other hand after eternal winter is probably a bit more precious to me than fall now.
It is still hot in Romania, but I do not like the idea that autumn is coming. (And yes, I like the English word autumn for the season, not fall, which, for me, is just a lack of balance :P I am prone to more than the weather is).
My rheumatic bones hate rain, cold, not to mention the upcoming snow and ice.
Romania is located on 45 parallel, so temperate climate… and I wish a meteorological asylum request was invented. I would have asked for it from November till March…
I’m in northeastern Maryland, and our weather has been similar to Elizabeth Litton’s. We live in an 1870 farmhouse without AC. Over the nine summers we’ve lived here, we’ve learned some strategies to help survive 90+ temps, but I’m hoping that this is the last week we’ll need to deal with that this year!
The book looks really interesting. Right now the weather is still hot but I am excited for it to start to cool down
Great excerpt!
Hang in there, Texas neighbor! I see a few days with highs in the 80s on the horizon! Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy. :)
God bless you, too!
Hang in there! You also have the humidity down in Florida, which can be extra brutal.
Yay! Happy reading!
Sounds lovely. :)
That makes a lot of sense. We often most appreciate things that we don’t often get.
November to March is mostly lovely here in Texas, so I like that idea. :)
That sounds both lovely and a bit rustic for me! :) Enjoy your week.
Thanks so much!
Thanks, Megan!
Here in Georgia, it’s still in the 90s. I’ll be glad to see the 80s at least.
I live in Central Virginia and it has been hot here too, not as hot as Texas but too hot for me. We broke some records this past week with high temperatures. I am looking forward to cooler weather.