Carol here!! Did ya miss me last week?! The hubs and I spent the weekend together. No kids. However, he came down with a sinus infection. Sigh. Ah well. Is it still all snowy for any of the rest of you? We’ve had a nice few days, but tonight and tomorrow? Oy!
So much love in the air this week! That seems like it’ll be a common occurrence around here ;).
Winners email us at:
prizes at inspyromance dot com
And this coming week is your last week to enter the KINDLE FIRE giveaway!!! See the Rafflecopter below to enter both this week’s drawing and the drawing for the Fire.
This week’s Book Bundle winner is: Beverly Lytle
Monday, Merrillee Whren talked about February and gifts.
Tuesday, Annalisa Daughety talked about her real life romance and wedding.
Wednesday, Pepper Basham talked about that wow moment when the hero first sees the heroine and realizes he’s in love.
Thursday, Ginger Solomon talked about love being a choice.
Friday, Lisa Jordan talked about friends falling in love. Lisa’s winner is Alyssa Washburn!!!!!
Saturday, Elizabeth Maddrey talked about love enduring all things.
Cathy Bryant has a winner of Pilgrimage of Promise! Kris [no last name] come on down!
Up next week:
Monday: Valerie Comer
Tuesday: Laurie Tomlinson
Wednesday: Gail Sattler
Thursday: Beth Vogt
Friday: Lorraine Beatty
Saturday: Heather Gray
We have news!
Lynette Sowell has a guest column “Have Book Will Travel” in the March issue of Book Fun Magazine (p. 129), about her research trip to New Bedford, Mass. for her latest release, Tempest’s Course.
Kristen Ethridge’s Cupid Caper is FREE on Amazon through Sunday, March 2, 2014
Staci Stallings’s Coming Undone is 99¢ through Monday, March 3. It’s climbing high in the Kindle ranks, so grab your copy!
JoAnn Durgin’s Awakening will be on sale at Amazon for 99¢ ONLY on March 4, 2014.
Giveaway at Heather Gray’s blog! Enter to win TWO books before March 7, 2014.
JoAnn Durgin’s Second Time Around is on sale at Amazon for 99¢ until March 10, 2014.
LIKE Cathy Bryant’s Facebook page and receive a dollar-off coupon for a paper copy of your choice of two Miller’s Creek novels! Ends March 15.
Elizabeth Maddrey has giveaways of Faith Departed! This link will go live on Monday and you’ll find all the info in one stop!
Goodreads Giveaways!
Enter to win a copy of Valerie Comer’s novel Wild Mint Tea: A Farm Fresh Romance on Goodreads before March 17, 2014. (USA only)
Check out the NEWS page regularly for more giveaways and discounts :).
Be sure to participate in the Rafflecopter! This is the last week to win both a book bundle and the Fire! Be sure to check back next week to see if you’re our winner!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Andrea Cox says
Carol, of course we missed you! Valerie filled in quite nicely while you were away, though. Y’all really have got a great team here.
Valerie Comer says
That was awesomely tactful, Andrea! Good job! lol (And yes to the great team.)
Andrea Cox says
It’s a tricky thing saying I missed one lady while appreciating another. :) Everyone here is so amazing and brings something unique to the group. Each one of you is greatly appreciated for your point of view, honesty, and everything that makes you YOU. Have a stupendous day… and stay warm if you’re in the path of Titan like I am. It sleeted all day yesterday, so now my world is white and very cold. I look very Russian or Ukranian in my coat and hat.
KayM says
Love your snow pictures! It’s pouring snow here in East Tennessee right now, but so far, I don’t think it is going to amount to much. It is beautiful, though!
Mippy/Sabrina says
Congrats to the winners! But what stood out most to me is that BEAUTIFUL picture you have posted. Just makes me want to cozy up to a fireplace with a wonderful romance and read into the night. :)
KayM says
I shared on my Pinterest board and also on Twitter.
brightflute says
Congrats to this week’s winners.
joeym11 says
This is a awesome site with a lot of great authors. Thanks for the great books you write.
barbjan10 says
Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful gifts.
barbjan10 says
The Christmas Promise by Kimberley Rose Johnson is a sweet story.
Miralee Ferrell says
This is the first time I’ve seen your blog. Great group of authors. I”m thrilled to have found it. Thanks so much for the giveaway, as well!
Miralee Ferrell says
I forgot to mention, I’ve read A Christmas Promise by Kimberly Rose Johnson an really enjoyed it. I didn’t see an entry for liking her FB page or Twitter, though?
Valerie Comer says
Hi Miralee! The way we’ve set up each week’s Rafflecopter is not by which author has a book in the giveaway, but by which authors are blogging in that week. So Kimberly’s book is this week, but her post was a week or two ago. Make sense? We’re just not coordinated enough to get it ALL coordinated into one week!
Miralee Ferrell says
That does make sense, thank you for explaining, Valerie!
judyvandiver says
Just saw this blog via something Kathleen Y’Barbo posted. Glad to have found it.
judyvandiver says
Good to see names on this blog that I recognize. Can’t wait to see more from this group.
Super Carol says
LOL! Thanks Andrea!!!!