I’m writing this post weeks in advance because I just have something on my heart that I feel like you might need to hear today.
Before becoming a writer, I was “just a mom.” Have you ever thought that about yourself? When someone asks you what you do, you respond, “I’m just a mom” or maybe “I’m just a wife” or “I’m just a ______(whatever you might say).”
Been there, done that. But we are not JUST anything.
We are women of God.
We are warriors in the kingdom.
We are raising a new generation to love and serve Him.
And we are so much more. God designed us to be and do SO much more.
And Satan wants to keep us from achieving God’s purpose for us.
I have two children that Satan is trying to silence in whatever way he can. Maybe you don’t believe he is active, but I do.
One of my children, a son, has the call of pastor on his life. He ran into some bumps in the road and, unfortunately, didn’t understand them and has walked away from that call.
For the moment.
I believe he will return.

the truck
He has been in any number of car accidents since he started driving, most of them because he was reacting to another’s poor driving. In one particular accident, he hydroplaned on a puddle on the interstate doing 65 mph(or more) and did a 360° spin, stopping next to the concrete barrier. The truck was drivable, though in need of some repairs, and he didn’t hit anyone else, nor did anyone else hit him.
Another child, a daughter, has a different call on her life. A prophet. She is young yet–hasn’t even gotten her driver’s license–but has been in two major car accidents. The one mentioned above, and one at the end of August.

my daughter
I truly believe that God’s ministering angels protected her (and my son) in the above accident, and her and the other occupants of the car in the most recent one.
They could have both been fatal with one or two minor changes in the circumstances. But God…
I just love that phrase.
Ephesians 2:1-5: “Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins. You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God. All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else.
But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)” (NLT, emphasis mine)
We have all been created with a purpose. We have all been designed a certain way with a goal in mind.
The bloggers on InspyRomance are all writers. Many of us, if not all, will say we have been called/designed to write. We don’t mind being alone with our thoughts. We all have vivid imaginations. And if the others are like me, those imaginations can be used for good and bad. I’ve woken many a night unable to go back to sleep and imagine all sorts of fire or other equally distressing scenarios.
So…what are you designed to do?
PS. If you made it this far, thank you. Comment to enter a drawing to win an e-copy of my recently released novella, Broken Holiday. Winner will be drawn October 30, 2015 and announced November 1, 2015 in the InspyRomance Sunday Edition. No other notification will be sent. Chances of winning are based on the number of comments. Good luck.
Thank you so much for this post. I am 55 years old and have often been asked, “What do you do?” My husband and I chose for me to stay home when our son was born. He is grown now, but, during those early years, although I stayed home with him, I was still very active. Volunteer at school and in the community, church volunteer, Deacon, Elder, friend, caring for aging parents, and many other important roles. I totally believe that even if I did none of those things, I am still very important, because I am a child of God. :-)
Hi, Ginger! Nice cover for your novella…
Excellent article. May God protect and draw your kids into a deep relationship with Him, where they will walk in the best path that He has laid out for them.
Thanks for your encouragement! My kids are almost all grown. Our youngest is a senior in nursing school. Our two older have been out of the nest for a while. You are right, raising children is important! I am an in home daycare provider, so I still spend my days with little ones. It is important to not grow weary in well doing.
Ginger, thanks for sharing what was on your heart. It’s sometimes a challenge to discern our calling from God, but I think children have to do with mine. I’ve been around kids my entire life, whether it be in the churches my family has attended, baby-sitting, tutoring… I’ve always had a passion for orphans, though I’ve not yet done much with that passion. One thing I have done is sponsor and write to a Korean orphan for the past six or so years. I have a feeling that God has bigger plans for me where this passion is concerned, and I’m eager to find out what those plans are. And yet, I’m experiencing patience right now, as I know He has me where He needs me to be, tutoring the middle school students He sends my way.
I drank in this post because I also worry about loved ones who have turned away, convinced that the call they heard was not real. I am working hard to learn, once and for all, that God is in control and it will all end exactly as he wishes it to. Your faith (I believe he will return) gave my faith a needed boost – thank you!
Now I am off to buy a copy of Broken Holiday!
Absolutely, Melissa. A daughter of the King – a princess. :)
Thanks, Jennifer.
Thank you, Tammy, for both the encouragement and the blessing.
Very hard not to grow weary sometimes, but DEFINITELY important.
One step at a time, Andrea. When God sees you taking care of the little things (the parable of the talents comes to mind) then he grows your influence to the bigger things.
Diane, I am so glad my little post gave you a boost.
Broken Holiday – as a stand-alone novella – has not yet been released. I hope to get it done this week. Keep looking for it. :)
I guess we never stop worrying about our children! I love the topic of your post this time. Callings are so important but can be so hard to hear and understand.
No, I don’t think I will ever stop wondering (and trying not to worry) about my children. But I know I can trust God with them. He has them in the palm of his hand. They are his and just on loan to me for a short time.
I love seeing God’s hand on my kids’ lives. I love it even more when they respond, but they don’t always. Praying.
Thanks, Valerie. All prayers are appreciated.
Thanks for this post. What I am designed to do is something I’ve struggled with. But I take everyday in stride and thank God that for each day he has given me is another day closer to figuring out what his purpose in life for me is. As you mentioned BUT GOD… yes but God know our future and we only need to believe and trust that he knows when.
Absolutely Colleen. Our job is to trust Him and do what we know He’s told us to do until He tells us to change. We always want to be busy, but sometimes God just wants us to be still.
I used to detest being “just a stay-at-home-mom” or wife or whatnot….I used to rage and say “what about ME, the person I want to be”? Well no more :-) I don’t know what changed or how God did it, but I’ve become content in my role. Taking care of the house, running errands for the family, preparing delicious meals, doing laundry for my family, etc. I find great satisfaction in serving in this capacity as if I’m fulfilling the role God called me too. And if he ever has anything more for me, then I trust He will show me and open that door. Now obviously I am MORE than just all that, a princess and my Father is the King! I’m so glad that He changed my heart attitude towards my role in the family, and now I’m reaping the benefits in watching my grand-daughter grow up & enjoying every moment with her! God is SO good :-)
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your novella “Broken Holiday”. And for the post today, I surely enjoyed reading it!
I enjoy getting to know all of the authors on this blog through the books they author, but it is especially precious and telling when we get to hear your heart’s cry. Ginger, thank you for answering what I know is the prompting of the Holy Spirit and sharing intimate details about your family. I was truly blessed by your post and it gave me thoughtful pause. You never know in what ways God is using you life story for the continued building of His kingdom. Sincerely blessed, Terrill R.
I agree Trixi, being a stay-at-home mom is absolutely fulfilling and WORTH every minute of every day of every year. And that’s just it. We’re NOT “JUST” stay-at-home moms, giving the impression that we sit around on our couches, eating bon-bons and watching soap-operas. We are VITAL to society as a whole and what we DO is important.
I’m not saying that being a stay-at-home mom is bad. On the contrary. I’m saying it is something to be PROUD of and not looked down upon.
Thank you, Terrill. More words fail me, and if this were in real life, that would not be unusual, but on here…the lack of words is telling. Thank you.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Ginger. I hadn’t thought of the parable of the talents in regard to my situation. Thank you for sharing that perspective with me.
My pleasure, but the thanks go to God. He dropped the thought in my head. I just obeyed by writing it. :)