Greetings from Ohio, USA! I don’t know how winter fared in your region, but it was a pretty mild season in our neck of the woods. My mom, in Upstate NY, saw tulips coming up. I have a feeling those flowers will see some snow still, but overall, I can’t complain how the first few months have been.
This is my birthday month, and with where I live and the time of year, I never know if I’ll be celebrating with shorts on, or snow boots. I’ve seen it all. In fact, my literal birthday was on a Good Friday with tornado warnings. My mom said that spoke volumes. LOL
Not only am I celebrating a birthday, but it’s a milestone. 50. I have no idea where the years went. There are days I feel like I just graduated college, but that was in 1992. I’ve been a bit nostalgic, and even when working, I was thinking about my life so far and how God weaves things together. Like a quilt, the backend might look crazy, but the final project is beautiful and makes perfect sense.
What got me thinking was doing some marketing work for my books, older and newer releases. I don’t pay a lot of attention to reviews because man’s opinion used to be a real stumbling block to me. I absolutely appreciate reviews and need them, but overall I’m not an author constantly checking. I do use them for marketing purposes, and I read a few that made me smile.
For example:
“Great storyteller…”
“Draws the readers in with realistic characters and situations.”
Thing is, as a child, those were things I was teased about. Growing up the feedback I received was I asked a lot of questions. Had a lot of stories. Had a big imagination. Couldn’t just give a straight answer, but had to share every last bit. That I had a flair for the dramatic.
I used to beat myself up wishing I were more normal. My friends didn’t walk into a football game and start conjuring up scenarios and conflicts. They didn’t watch the news and take a story and find ways to make that story keep going. No one else on the bus was handing out daily copies of a story starring pretty much everyone on the bus.
Today? I’m so glad God made me with the personality that asked questions. Dreamed up scenarios. Wrote those little stories. My writing life is all about taking those little stories and encouraging others. Praying their lives are transformed by Christ because of something they read. Sure, I still can’t give a straight answer. I remain a tad dramatic. Where my anyone else sees two dog walkers on the same street every day I pick my daughter up from school, I imagine a couple falling in love and contemplate their dog walking story in my head.
If there’s something that others teased you about or maybe even got you in trouble (I was sent to the assistant principal’s office for reading ahead,) turn the fabric of your life around and ask God how He can use you. He has an amazing plan for your life, no matter what your age!
Was there something in your personality that you struggled with that God has used? Did you talk too much? Spent too much time reading instead of socializing? I’d love to hear your memories and testimonies. One random commenter will be chosen to receive Match Made in Heaven. US winner can choose print or eBook. International winner will receive eBook.
Have a great March, rain, sun, or snow!
Dianne says
Happy Birthday Julie!!!!
When I was young being bad was cool, so living a life of service meant I was a dork and now fifty years later some consider it being a people pleaser. The difference fifty years has made to me is that they can take their opinion and keep it – if someone makes a difference in my life I share that with them (yeah, sometimes it makes them so happy they cry, oh well, they get over that) and mostly people are just shocked. Though sometimes it is a struggle because what the heck is wrong with people, so that’s a trigger for me to take a breath and step back. In this instance, thank you for reminding me that following my heart is what’s important for me in living an authentic life, and apparently you too!! Have a wonderful birthday and keep on writing please.
Lori R says
I was always the one reading which led me to being a first grade teacher for 39 years. I loved teaching the children to read, especially the children who struggled. I also have a son who has dyslexia.
Renate says
Happy Birthday Julie! Congrats on reaching the BIG Five O milestone. In May I will have seven decades under my belt. Even though in the sandwich years I enjoyed my fifties. As a child, I enjoyed school so much that I continued on into adulthood. I tell my grandkids that this Oma is a slow learner and went to school for fifty years. I also liked to read. Told my mom that I had lots of homework, when in reality I was reading. Homework was an excuse, so I didn’t have to help with my younger brother or do chores. This Michigander is also pleased that we have had a mild winter. Downside is that our shoreline has taken a beating. Thursday night we had 10 – 15 feet high waves wash over our lighthouse. Best wishes.
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
From seventh grade on I always had a romance book either in my hands or close at hand. I would usually wait in the car for my parents when we went places so I could read. When we were home, which was seldom, I would be in my room reading. Between classes at school I read. I guess I was known for reading a lot. :)
God used that education I received from reading to foster my love of story telling and in my early 30s I started writing. I understood category romance very well since I’d been reading it for more than half my life.
Renate says
Lori! I also enjoyed teaching my students to read German and Second Language Learners English. My oldest son also struggled with reading while in school. But as a designer, he has three patents.
Paula Marie says
Happy Birthday, Julie!! I was always told I asked too many questions in class…that I just needed to accept what I was being told was truth, but I always liked to pick it apart….🙄
Kelley Blair says
God has used my 150 pounds plus weight loss to speak to others!
Merrillee Whren says
Julie, happy birthday month. I don’t know that I was ever teased about it, but I’ve been a storyteller since I was a little girl. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-thirties that I decided to try to write something for publication.
Lila Diller says
Happy 50th! I never got in trouble for hardly anything. I can count the number of times I got in trouble on one hand. I was an extremely conscientious child. But my classmates teased me as the “Brainiac” because I got straight As. God has used my ability to study and my love of learning to dig deep into His Word and now share what He’s revealed to me on my blog.
Susanne says
Happy birthday! I am very much an introvert, so it is difficult to be the first to start a conversation. Growing up, I would notice the kids at school that seemed to be alone and I would sit with them at lunch or play with them during break time.
Laurie Larsen says
I can’t think of an example, but I did want to mention that my younger son was born on St. Patrick’s Day and his birthday was always a complete toss up from a weather standpoint. One year, we’d have his birthday outside in the back yard and the next we were in the basement with a foot of snow outside!
Julie Arduini says
Dianne, what a great perspective to have! Thank you so much for sharing that, and for your encouragement!
Julie Arduini says
Lori, I love how God gave you a career and ministry that started with a love for reading. That’s so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
Julie Arduini says
I was similiar in that I would announce I had homework but I was working on my story where I handed out a new chapter each day on the bus! To me, that was a deadline! I bet the visual of those waves had to be something against the lighthouse.
March blessings to you!
Julie Arduini says
I remember eating up those teen romances from the 80’s and often thinking of ways I would have written it different. I devoured those books!
Julie Arduini says
Paula Marie,
I was told the same thing in Sunday School. The question that got me in trouble was asking about the virgin birth.
Julie Arduini says
Way to go! And people will listen because you have a testimony. Thank you for sharing!
Julie Arduini says
I wonder if the early storytellers all became writers?
Julie Arduini says
Isn’t it amazing how God works? I love that. Thank you for sharing!
Julie Arduini says
I bet even as an introvert that was hard to do. What a blessing you are.
Julie Arduini says
Yes, those late winter/spring birthdays are so unpredictable! I’ve seen it all!
Megan says
I’m not sure exactly what what my talent is, but I do tend to notice all sorts of things that others don’t. I try to use that to notice people and encourage them if I can.
Lincoln says
I guess being a know-it-all eventually turned useful when there got to be a lot to know :) March is my birthday month, too! This is 6-0 for me. So happy birthday to us both!
Arletta says
Happy 50th! I turned 50 at the end of last year. I agree with you – there are times I still feel 38. I don’t long for the high school days back, though. They weren’t the best. I got teased a lot and it taught me to not tease others. That everyone has a story, and if you dig down a bit, you’ll uncover reasons for things they do/say. I think it’s made me more empathetic.
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
I’ve always struggled with social anxiety, but God has brought me a long way.
Trudy says
Happy Birthday!! I was always teased as a child because I was small for my age. However, I used that to my advantage by making friends with others that were picked on, and we just stuck together. I did that throughout school, tried to make friends with everyone, and learned not to tease others, as I sure didn’t like it! I’ve always loved to read, and sometimes Mom or Daddy would say something about my always having my head in a book! Lol! I always told them, and still remind Mom, that it’s their fault for reading to me as a child!
Penelope says
Julie, Well! I think it was terrible that a young, impressionable child was sent to the principal’s office for Reading Ahead!! You should have been encouraged & offered additional fun opportunities to read – goodness! SMH. My father used to allow my sisters & I to read in bed with the lights on an additional hour past our bedtime, as long as we were in bed & quiet. I absolutely took advantage of that. Then I tried to read after the lights were put out, in the dark as long as I could. Perhaps it’s why I need contacts & correctional lenses to this day – lol. I can’t think of issues growing up. I was raised to think for myself & stick up for the underdog. Both values remain to this day, years after my parents have gone. It’s wonderful that you turned to writing, even with that unimaginable beginning. ❤️
Julie Arduini says
That’s a wonderful thing. It sounds like you are discerning, and use it to be a blessing. Encouragement is so needed in this world.
Julie Arduini says
My parents said I knew it all as a teen, LOL. Happy Birthday! What a fun month for us.
Julie Arduini says
I was able to have dinner with my friends from high school and only one of us misses those years. I was wounded during those years, and it took a long time to heal. You took a difficult season and used it for good. Blessings to you!
Julie Arduini says
I could not handle any aspect of life without Him. Social issues are hard. Thank you for sharing that.
Julie Arduini says
What a true friend you must be, then and now! My mom jokes about bedtime reading. I was always reading along even when I couldn’t read, and my sister was hanging off the bed. She’s the one that became a teacher!
Julie Arduini says
My guess looking back was I embarrassed the teacher by being so far ahead. The good news was that the assistant principal realized I wasn’t being challenged and I believe I was moved to a different class. But I remember that teacher was MAD!
I still love reading as much as when I was a kid. Now I have to watch how often because I need to be writing! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!
denise says
Happy Birthday!
My love of reading has brought me amazing friends and opportunities.
Linda Herold says
Happy March birthday! My son turns 30 on 3/21! When I was young I said I was going to be a nun, but then decided to be an elementary school teacher! I ended up being a special education teacher for 30 years!
Ausjenny says
Happy Birthday Julie. Oh I love tulips.
I talked to much, still do. I often got into trouble for talking in class and I tend to talk to much now but in my defense now I have 2 cats to talk to as I live alone and I know I tend to talk a lot cos I am alone. Ironically people think I don’t listen cos I talk a lot but I still hear what is said and remember and will ask about what they said at a later date which often surprises them. I have also learnt partly from doing cleaning and visiting some older people and even some people who live alone they often jump in before you finish your sentence. Sometimes with there own thought or they think they know what you are going to say and just but in. I have actually stopped talking or trying to say what I am and they have gotten the hint. Its like I will start a statement or telling something and get the first few words out and they but in and say something or think they know what you are saying.
I was a day dreamer. I would read a book and then daydream about being in the book. I normally didn’t read ahead as I was a slow reader and also often was reading at a lower level (probably partly from starting school a few weeks before I turned 5). I had trouble with spelling and found words hard to work out sometimes. I could read silently but out loud I had a huge amount of trouble. (I could not picture how to spell in my head).
Todd Rumsey says
I’ll say Hi to your mom in upstate NY.
Saratoga had a decent amount of snow, but yes the buds are poking their beautiful heads up all around.
Spring is springing (is that a thing?)
Hope this birthday month brings you happiness, calm, and even some chocolate!
Melynda says
I was made fun of a lot during elementary school. I was painfully shy, insecure, and had a speech impediment that required I go to speech therapy weekly during the school day. I believe it’s given me an ability to be empathetic to others and notice kids who seem to need a friend. I try my best to also notice those kids and reach out to them. It’s more natural forum daughter than my sons, but all three have done it at different times.
Julie Arduini says
That’s great, Denise! There are no drawbacks to the love of reading.
Julie Arduini says
Happy Birthday to your son! Teaching, especially, Special Ed, is such an amazing vocation. Thank you for your service!
Julie Arduini says
I am a daydreamer as well. Our imaginations can give us such great adventures. Thank you for sharing!
Julie Arduini says
Waving hello from Corning! Saratoga is one of my favorite places. Beautiful, beautiful area.
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
Julie Arduini says
I also had to go to speech. I really believe God gives us those broken places so we can minister to others. Have a blessed month!
Natalya Lakhno says
Happy birthday 🎉
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 ESV
Sheila Lee says
Happy birthday! I, too, was born on Good Friday and my mom said she was blessed with a baby girl that day. I had 2 older brothers, 4 and 6 years older than me, no sisters. My dad was in the Navy so we moved around. I guess that’s why I learned to enjoy reading; as long as I had a book, I was never lonely!
I met my husband at a church youth camp, although we didn’t get married until 10 years later. This month we will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary!
We also lost our only child to cystic fibrosis. We survived that loss through our faith in God and belief that we will see our daughter again. In spite of that tragedy, I can honestly say, “God is good!”
Julie Arduini says
Thank you, Natalya!
Julie Arduini says
Amen, Sheila. You have been through much but held onto the Anchor who never fails. Continued blessings to you.
Caitlyn Santi says
Happy Birthday, Julie!
I was a bookworm growing up! As a kid I found it hard to define what I loved most about my favorite books, so I had a hard time finding books I loved, and would often end up only rereading my favorites rather than branching out and trying new books. About ten years ago when I was in my late-teens I discovered Christian fiction and immediately knew these were the books I’d been searching for my whole life! I now have a never ending TBR list full of books I can’t wait to read! I’ve been a book review blogger since 2012 and I love getting to in some small way help people discover God-honoring books they’ll love! I feel like this is part of God’s purpose for my life. 😊