I have an extremely romantic heart. I love love of every variation, and I’m not quiet about it. I probably tell my family that I love them no less than thirty times a day.
That’s a lot of love.
I give my whole heart to the things I’m passionate about. My feelings are extreme in every sense. If I’m sad, I’m heartbroken. If I’m happy, I’m elated. If I’m mad, I’m furious.
My mother always called me a tender heart. I cry over the littlest things. I cry when I’m overwhelmed with joy. I cry when I’m angry. I cry when I’m missing the people I love. I cry when I watch the news. I cry when I hear an ambulance siren. I cry when I pray. I cry in church.
I just feel things so deeply, and those emotions are often hard to contain. They spill out in tears.
I cry every time I watch the old Disney animated movie, The Sword in the Stone. It’s not sad, right? But there is that one scene where Merlin and Wart are changed into squirrels, and the little auburn girl squirrel is all twitterpated with Wart.
Then he turns back into a boy, and the girl squirrel is heartbroken. Merlin already mentioned that squirrels love for life, so my torn up heart is boo-hooing over this girl squirrel who has spent her forever love on an unavailable boy squirrel.
To drive the point home, Merlin gives us a mental image of the power of love. It’s more powerful than gravity–the force that holds us to the ground beneath our feet.
Love is beautiful and tragic.
The Bible is a wonderful testament of God’s love for us. It’s the greatest love story of all time, hence my blubbering sobs during almost every church service.
My major in college was English, and you can imagine what my parents thought of it. It was useless. But it wasn’t about the money I could make if I’d chosen a different career path. For me, it was about love. I had a passion for stories, and once again, love influenced my decision.
I remember the day I first encountered Edna St. Vincent Millay’s poem “Love is Not All.” It really hit home for me. The takeaway for me is that love can’t sustain us in the same way we need food or shelter, but it’s vital to our health.
It’s no wonder I enjoy reading and writing Christian romance. It was the clear path for me.
When I write Christian romances, I do so with my unfailing love of people, places, and the Lord in mind. When we read about characters with flaws and shortcomings, we see a bit of ourselves. When characters make the journey to healing, growth, and love, we are reminded of the hope that the Lord promises us. His unending love for His sons and daughters here on earth.
The next time you read a sweet, Christian romance, I hope you think about the greatest love of all–Christ’s love for us–and how we can show that love to others around us.
On June 14th, the Love’s Treasure Box Set will be releasing, and I have a book included called A Thousand Words. It’s a story of truth, love, and forgiveness that fits well with the other thirteen books in the set that feature love and life right alongside faith in the Lord.
You can pre-order this set of fourteen books now for 99 cents, and you can get more books sent to your email if you enter your pre-order transaction number on the Love’s Treasure website. The extra books won’t be available after the box set releases, so I hope you get the chance to sign up for those soon.
As a young man, God took me through some serious events and one of the outcomes was that I got past my aversion to crying. I don’t cry often (except for back when I was dealing with clinical depression) and only rarely when I’m out and about. That’s mostly because if you look up ugly crying, my picture is there under “example of extreme ugly” :-) It is a blessing to have the release for expressing those deep emotions. Do you cry when you laugh, too?
I’ve got the set all pre-ordered and got all the extras, too. Looking forward to all the new stories! Thanks for your part in putting it together.
Hi Mandi! Set preordered and looking forward to the wonderful stories. Enjoy your day.
There’s nothing wrong with crying! I DO cry when I laugh. Those are the best times.
I feel like crying is a catharsis that we need every once in a while. It’s freeing to purge those emotions, whatever they may be.
Thank you! I hope you enjoy them!
I love the Sword in the Stone, too. My favorite bit isn’t the squirrels (though I love it) but when Archimedes laughs and laughs and takes a deep breath and laughs some more. You can’t help but laugh with him. Laughter is contagious!
Your sensitivity and love of people show up in your books through your character’s situations and actions. It is good that you wear your heart on your sleeve – at least for your fans.
This is a great set! I’ve read the ARC’s!!
That’s such a good part! We quote the movie a lot at our house. My husband likes to shave his beard and leave his mustache so he can wiggle his lip and shout, “Pellinore!”
Thank you so much! I’m glad it shows because I do want to share it with everyone.
We appreciate you for taking the time to do that. I’m glad you enjoyed the books!
This set sounds really Good! Thank you for sharing. Have a Great week and stay safe.
I’m a stoic…lol! My husband accuses me of making for a good Vulcan. So when I cry, it’s for a really good reason. Don’t get me wrong though, I feel things deeply and I grieve for bad things that go on in the lives of those I care about.
Funny thing, the scripture I read this week was talking about sowing in tears and reaping in joy. Sometimes I’m a bit jealous of those who can easily cry over things in life or for other people. But what I am learning to do, is pray for people when they ask for it, no matter what it may be. I am part of many FB reader/author groups and members share prayer requests. So I bring those before the Lord, my heart truly goes out to their situations.
I do like a book that makes me cry for real (by myself, lol) because the author engages me in the lives of their characters and makes me care for them :-)
Feeling deeply is part of being an empath. I’d rather feel than be cold-hearted.
I like it when the love shines through.
I hope you have a great week too!
It’s wonderful that you pray for those who ask for it. I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer.
I think it’s good to feel. Emotions are so powerful and important.
Me too. <3
I love this story ❤️❤️❤️
It’s beautiful!
I cry too 🙃