Well, it’s release day today for my fourth novel, Whatever Happens Next. Of the whole series, it’s easily my favorite. Not only because it’s my eighth book now, so I’ve learned more and write better. Nor is it the characters, who I absolutely love and were a joy to write. Those are part of why I love this book and am excited to share it with the world.
But the biggest reason? The title prompts me to think and to trust.
Finishing a series is a bittersweet thing. Both author and reader reflect on the books individually and as a unit. We say goodbye to characters we’ve grown to love.
Authors also reflect on our craft. What did we do well? What could we have done better? When should we turn it into a boxed set? And of course—what’s next? Christian authors have the honor and privilege to bring that question to God, trusting Him to guide our steps for the future. What are His plans? What story has He birthed in our hearts? What spiritual truths can we impart to our readers that will inspire, uplift, encourage? We have a lot of praying and trusting to do when it comes to what’s next.
And trust is hard, isn’t it?
In the novel, Air Force TSgt Dyson receives PCS orders that will send him clear across the country just as he’s beginning to care for Jenna. When should he tell her? Can he trust that God’s in control over their relationship the way he trusts God to order the rest of his life? Jenna has a hard time trusting, mostly herself, after a single bad decision left its mark. Change stirs up her life from every direction, forcing her to let go and realize that even if she doesn’t trust herself, she can trust the Lord. Letting go and allowing Him to order her out-of-control life isn’t easy, but it’ll be the most beautiful thing in the world if she can. And wow, does Dyson partner beside her the whole way (well, most of the way, because he’s not perfect and has a lot to figure out himself).
I find in this uncertain season and the utter insanity that has been 2020 so far, a lot of us are asking, “What’s next?” It’s been one thing after another this year, so what awful thing is awaiting us after COVID? Lots of questions. My anxious heart has been encouraged by remembering those three title words in prayer. I will trust the Lord with whatever happens next, because I know He holds me in the palm of His mighty hand.
Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds us, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Isaiah 41:10 says, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
So in the midst of all the nuttiness and heartache that has been 2020, I hope these words will be a positive reminder to you. Trust Him with whatever happens next—whether it’s a pandemic, a health crisis, an election year, a job change, fiscal worries, or something else. Be blessed, my friends.
And now, to change the subject a little and celebrate together, how about a quick excerpt from the book?
Excerpt ©2020 Jaycee Weaver (formatting may be wonky or contain errors due to copy/paste issues):
I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit from Whatever Happens Next. Today’s the last day it will be available for the 99¢ pre-order price, so I do hope you’ll take a chance and give the book a try! It’s not necessary to read the previous three books in order to enjoy this one, though there will be some characters whose stories will be clearer if you have.
Hi Jaycee! Congrats on your new book release. Daily one faces uncertainty and blindly we trust what will happen next – in our marriage, family, at our jobs, in our community, church, and especially during this pandemic. One day at a time, dear Jesus. One day at a time. Best wishes.
When I was hoping to be married in my 20’s and 30’s and watching all of my friends get married, I had to trust thatGod had a plan for me. It turned out well. I got married to a wonderful guy in my 40’s!
So excited about your release day!!❤️
Congratulations, friend!!!
This book sounds great! When I lost my job in 2011, and then the next two I found were not good fits. Mom and I started praying differently, and the answer was that I was NOT to get another job, but to stay with mom as her caregiver. After I was home with her for a year, the next step became to get my insurance license, and now the next step (after being home 8 years) is to become a proofreader. So far, things are going really well!!
I’m looking forward to reading this book. It’s my first of your books for me to read, and it looks really good. Have a great day.
Your new story is on my Kindle!
We switched jobs and moved long distance many time times in the first years of our marriage, so there were many instances of not knowing if/when the pieces would click together. But I remember one saga in particular where my husband and I both felt like we were in a bubble watching a movie unfold. The way things happened, the order and speed they happened, etc, were surreal to us. Every day we’d say to each other, is this happening TO US? Because we felt we had little to do with it once the ball was rolling. God’s hand was written all over it.
Did that mean God’s hand wasn’t in things if the “movie” was less dramatic? Of course not. We recognized that at the time. Still, it was a special, surreal experience, and one we clearly remembered when, in 2000, we faced the other scenario. Distinct belief the next step was clear, but the house.would.not.sell. For months, we straddled two communities with hubby working at his new job while a teen and I stayed back finishing a school year. Then moving before the house sold. It was trying at best. But we learned lessons we couldn’t have learned in an always sunny/easy scenario, and it did work out. It just took a lot longer!
Trust and patience are the hardest elements of faith sometimes. But He is so faithful, isn’t he? Blessings on your marriage!
Thanks, Paula!
Thank you! 😍
That’s wonderful! Stories like this are such an encouragement. I pray He’ll lead you to where you need to be and open all of the right doors you’ll need opened.
Thank you, Mary! I do hope you enjoy it! It’s been my favorite one to write.
Jaycee, thanks for sharing that.
AMEN, Valerie! Yes. The sagas and journeys aren’t always easy and sometimes the paths are dimly lit, but with Him the struggles are ALWAYS worth it. We had a similar scenario in 2012-2013 with selling our home/building a new one and right at the same time a precious family member was diagnosed with cancer. It was a hard road, but we trusted and leapt in the directions God kept pointing us, and we came through on the other side having learned so very much. Thank you for sharing your story!
My pleasure, Merrillee! Thanks for reading. :)
When our library began plans to reopen after this pandemic began.
Definitely not an easy thing to wait for!
Whatever Happens Next sounds delightful! And congratulations!
There have been lots of times we’ve had to simply trust God & hang on for the ride. Getting three active, rambunctious guys through their high school/college years with our marriage intact was one of the most trying. Yet we all survived – praise Jesus! One of our sons give me a GC for Mother’s Day flowers this year & said, “Thanks for sticking it out with the 3 of us, mom.” I just laughed; thankful & relieved to be on the other side. :D God is good & a sense of perspective helps.
Amen to all of this!
The first time I was diagnosed with an incurable, but treatable disease–I have three chronic autoimmune diseases.
I can attest to a solid 20 year gap between one difficult experience and an understanding that God was doing something good for me. The current round of difficulties has been going on for many years, now. I have told friends and family that we are not being punished or treated unfairly, we just qualified for the advanced class in faith, LOL!
Oof, that’s rough. I’m so sorry you’ve had to face not one, but three! I’ve typed at least four other responses, but they all sound inadequate and I know how frustrating cliched replies can be after awhile. Thank you for sharing, truly.
Lincoln, you always have the very best attitude. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I’m totally going to keep that line, “advanced class in faith” in mind!!
I had uncertainty when I took my first teaching job. I moved 3 hours away from my family and friends to a place where I knew no one. The place was so different from where I grew up but the people were so friendly. It was a great experience and I still have friends there even though I don’t live there anymore.
Aw, that’s wonderful! Thank you for sharing your story!
Uncertainty was huge when I was pregnant with our 3rd child, a hard 9 months both health and financial for us. We had moved to Oregon for my husband to work and less than a year later he was let go. Part of the reason was me expecting our 3rd child, his nose had 2 and family business so how they felt played big part in decisions. Found out later he had pattern of going through employees. Only problem for us was no income as work in private agriculture does not have to pay into unemployment we had moved from the Southeast to Northwest of country so no family. Thankful there was a small church that we were welcomed into. I had a baby girl who has had multiple health problems all her 37 years. God took care of us while my husband worked any job he could find. We received money from people that heard our story from people who knew our family and wanted to help. Our faith in God became stronger the more we depended on Him and he took care of us throughout the 5 months we lived from day to day. Wonderful doctor for me that offered to buy us groceries and his wife a fantastic pediatrician that cared for our children above the normal. Our youngest would not have survived her health problems if not for the care she gave to our family.
Waiting on an urgent tribunal hearing tomorrow to hopefully have the landlord stepping up and repair the apartment so it doesn’t make me ill anymore.