I love books and I admit, I love bargains, so I’m grateful for the existence of box sets. I believe the first box set I bought was Splash! where I discovered several new to me authors (also a plus about multi-author sets).
Later, I found it was fun to work with other writers while publishing a set and I was introduced to more readers. Plus, my other books found a new audience, maybe not huge, but as a relative newbie in the world of publishing, I was thrilled!

Autumn Macarthur: “Splash was the first boxed set for all of us! For Alexa as a reader, for Marion as an author, and for me as both author and reader! I loved that set.
Every set is different. Some are easy and fun to work on, some are challenges all the way, most there’s a little bit (or sometimes a LOT!) of give and take needed. As Marion said, multi-author projects inevitably give us another opportunity to pray for the fruits of the Spirit! ;) But iron sharpens iron, and the process doesn’t just get wonderful sets out to readers, but grows us spiritually too. Gotta be a good thing!
This year, like Alexa and Marion, I’ve launched some single-author boxed sets. London Loves includes four stories from my Love in Store series, and Come to the Lake features three stories from my Huckleberry Lake series. Plus, launching very soon, Together for Christmas, a Christmas set with one book from each of my four main series will be just 99c! I hope you enjoy all these sets. :)”

My favorite time of year because of the Christmas books.
I adore box sets! I love getting my favorite author’s books all together so I can read them all at once.
I also love the multi author sets because then I get to meet new authors!
I am just finishing Somewhere Beyond the Blue right now, and I bought the set because of Marion Ueckermann being in it, but I am thrilled to now have four new authors I had not read before….and I will definitely be getting more of their books!!
Hi Alexa! Thanks for your insightful blog. I enjoy boxed sets, as long as they are under 10 stories. As stated, boxed set are a wonderful way to be introduced to new authors. I enjoy boxed sets with a common theme – setting or holidays are the most common. It was through a boxed set that I was introduced to Valerie Comer and the wonderful authors at Inspy Romance. Two boxed sets that forever stick in my mind are: Frosting and Flurries: Five Delicious Christmas Romances and Picnics and Promises: Six Delicious Summer Romances. Authors: Jan Elder, Clare Revel, Mary Manners, Cecelia Dowdy, Autumn McCarthur, and Marion Ueckermann. Both sets are no longer available. The reason they stick in my mind is because of the recipes and Jan Elder’s moosetacular stories.
I love boxed sets.It is a great way to find new authors.I prefer the set to have one common subject .I read sets with Navy Seals,animals,suspense and holidays.One I recently read was to benefit animal shelters.They were mystery or suspense stories but each had an animal that was part of book.
I love boxsets and have discovered lots of new-to-me authors through them. Occasionally, I also discover an author that I don’t care for! One thing though, it seems most multi-author boxsets need to be more carefully edited. I don’t know if it’s because they’re written under a time crunch or what. I often find missing words, sentences that don’t make sense, etc. It’s annoying to me.
Thank you, Paula :) Yes, the other authors in the set are great writers with a whole lot of books to choose from.
Thanks, Renate. Sweet treats, and Jan’s wonderful moose stories are great reasons for having enjoyed the sets.
Thanks for a great blog, Alexa, and the trip down memory lane to Splash. It was actually Autumn and Splash that got me started in indie publishing. I remember sitting in snowy Finland at the end of 2014, a trip to Lapland just behind our backs. I was sitting in my room on the bed, working on a story, when I got an email from Autumn asking if I’d be interested in doing a story set in Africa. The one condition was that the story had to be set on or beside water. I immediately thought of the mighty Zambezi river that borders the land of my birth, and was sold on the idea. I’ve never regretted that decision.
So glad to see your comment, Renate! Jan’s Moose stories are wonderful! She’s an excellent writer and I enjoyed working with her on the box sets!
Mine, too! I love Christmas books! Thank you veey much for commenting, Kelley Blair!
Thank you so much, Paula! You’re truly an avid reader. Glad you’re enjoying reading sets.
Thank you so much for commenting, Catherine Ojalvo! You provided an interesting insight about a set that benefitted animal shelters and had an animal in it. I think that was wonderful and generous of authors to do that.
Thank you for stopping by, Sherri! I appreciate your insight. I’m glad you discovered many new-to-you authors via sets. And thank you for useful information about where sets could use improvement.
I loved this story, Marion! What a beautiful beginning of the journey into indie publishing! Thank you so much for sharing.
Ah, we did have fun with Splash! didn’t we!
I’m currently in my seventh (if I remember them all) multi-author box sets. Every organizer has her own style, and I’ve led a few of those groups myself. But I truly believe Christian authors (or authors in general) don’t need to feel like we’re in competition with each other, and box sets are a great way to demonstrate that to each other and to our readers! We can work together and share the stories God has laid on our hearts. Now that’s a win-win!
I love box sets by one author because I like to continue reading a series without waiting for the next book to come out. I also like box sets with multi authors with a continuous theme.
I especially enjoyed SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE BLUE because I fit in that category. No mater the age we all need to be loved. Plus three of my favorite authors were included.
Valerie, I love what you said that we don’t need to feel like we compete with each other. We should support and help each other instead, and that’s a truly win-win!
Thank you very much for stopping by, Virginia Jones! That’s a great point about not having to wait for the next book in the series!
I totally agree with you that the box set shouldn’t be more than 10 books, Renate. We’ve actually found that 5-6 authors work well for a set. Personally, I start to hyperventilate when I see these box sets that go on into infinity, like train tracks :)
Thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment, Renate! I agree that sets with a common theme work well. And I like box sets that are fewer than 10 books, too!
I’ve enjoyed sets. I’ve met new to me authors that way. If I see one or two authors that I enjoy in a set I feel safe trying it. I also appreciate the work it takes for authors to coordinate their stories in a set or a series. God bless!!
Thank you very much for sgaring, Diana! Glad to hear readers find new to them authors via sets. God bless you!
This is a wonderful set and I can’t wait to start reading it! I love Christmas books and try to hold off reading them until November, but from then until January 1st, that is mostly what I read.
Thanks for your comment, Renate. Yes, Jan’s Moose Creek stories are a total delight! I’m so grateful that joining the Picnics and Promises set helped me know her and the other authors better. Those were wonderful sets to work on. :)
Splash was wonderful! My first boxed set, and such fun to work on. I’m massively grateful to Valerie for inviting me to join that set. And so glad it gave me the chance to get to know Marion better, too. :)
Thanks so much for putting this post together, Alexa. :) Your new set is wonderful!
I’ve learned something and benefitted from every boxed set I’ve been part of. Christian multi-author sets or series are prayerfully put together, so even when things don’t run as smoothly as we’d like we can trust God brought us to work on the project for a reason. :)
Also guided by Him, putting together my own boxed sets this year has been just plain fun to do!
Absolutely, Valerie. Highlight of my indie career :)
Absolutely, Valerie. Working together is so important in this industry. And so much more fun :)
Thank you, Virginia. Somewhere Beyond the Blue stories were so much fun to work on, and we hope the set will go a little way to filling a gap in the market.
I love boxed sets!! I get sooo impatient waiting for the next book to come out when you buy in singles!!! I also love to find new authors, and new situations that I haven’t thought of or read books like before.
Thank you very much for your kind words, Jan Tomalis! I love Christmas books, too, and there’s something special about reading them. I appreciate you commenting!
Awww, Autumn, thank you so much for your wonderful words about my new set, and right back at you! Your sets are awesome! I looking forward toward the release of your Chriistmas set.
Thank you, Cindy! And authors love to be introduced to new for them readers, so it’s a win-win.
Thank you so much, Trudy Cordle! I agree, it’s great when there’s no need to wait until the next book comes out in the series. And glad to hear you love finding new authors!
I’m a Yay..Nay on box sets. As a reader, I love them because it gives me a chance to meet new-to-me authors. As a book reviewer, I find it harder to review box sets than a novel or novella, that is only one story. I haven’t read box sets put out by only one author. I am eager to see if they would be more like reading a novel.
I do like boxed sets but if they’re more than 6 books in the set, I get worried I won’t be able to finish the set….
Thank you for sharing, Michelle! Glad to hear that sets give you a chance to meet new-to-you authors. :) And I can see how reviewing sets is harder than a novel or novella. I hope you’ll enjoy reading single-author sets!
I find it that I prefer shorter sets, too. :) Thank you for stopping by, MJSH!
I haven’t done any box sets. But it sounds like fun. I once was supposed to do a novella collection with a group of authors, but it didn’t work out. I was disappointed.
Hi Alexa!!!! I enjoy box sets! BTW I’ve just finished Rapsodia! Loved it! Blessings <3
Doing multi-author sets is a lot of fun! And a good way to find new readers. Sorry to hear the novella collection didn’t work out . I hope you’ll get a chance to do sets in the future! Thank you for commenting, Shannon!
Hi Natalya!!! Glad to hear you enjoy box sets! And I’m thrilled that you loved Rapsodia! Thank you so much for letting me know. God bless you and your family! <3
How exciting to read about your take on boxed sets.
I enjoy multi author boxed sets mostly because I get to have many new books of authors that I enjoy reading all at once (I usually buy boxed sets of authors I know) and then also get to know new authors. That being said, I don’t always read the entire set. I’ll start with the authors I know and love and move from there to interesting stories.
Since I don’t like to follow the order, I really like when there is a structured summary that I can use to move to the next book without having to go to the top of the boxed set.
I love boxed sets! It’s one of my favorite ways to discover new to me authors!!
Thank you so much for your input, Priscila! I’ll admit that I don’t always read the entire set, either. :)
Glad to hear it, Tiffany Whalen! And thank you so much for your input!