When Christians Lose Faith–Star Rising #giveaway
Recently, some high profile people in the Christian world —musicians, authors, pastors—- have renounced their faith. Call me weird, but in my latest novel, Star Rising, I wanted to delve into why a Christian might lose their faith.
I named my hero Paul, because, in a way, I pictured him sort of like Saul/Paul from the New Testament. He was once zealous for the Lord, but perhaps for the wrong reasons. This Paul went into ministry because he wanted to please his father. He also wanted to be known for doing the right thing, and he held others to a very high righteousness standard.
The thing is, when Paul’s world crashed around him, he had no anchor to keep him in place. He meets Star who is a fairly new Christian but a person who will fight to protect those she loves, including her newly found Savior, and Paul is in for a battle. I threw a few other Christians around Paul while he is on a trip with his mother, along with God pursuing Paul subconsciously, and it makes for a mix of the funny and poignant when things fall apart for him again.
So what is it that causes people to seemingly lose their religion? I have to wonder if perhaps their faith was based on an emotional experience, or a situation, or a parents’ approval, or a mentor’s influence, or something other than trusting in the Word and love of the God of the Bible. I also have to wonder, as Christianity becomes less culturally popular, if those who never truly anchored their faith on the Living Savior are leaving the church.
Christians mess up, because we’re not perfect. I don’t have the answers. But I believe we have to keep our eyes on Jesus. If we do, we have that anchor when life throws all that chaos at us. We don’t give up.
Hebrews 12—-And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
I hope you enjoy going through this faith journey with Paul and Star and Paul’s mother Mrs. Kelly.
Star Rising
Star Youngblood has always been a fighter–a necessity after her mother married a monster of a man. Now, she’s finally on the path to the stable life she’s always wanted. Her employer, Priscilla Kelly, is a sweet woman ravaged by rheumatoid arthritis, and Star will do anything to help her. Even if that means going toe to toe with Mrs. Kelly’s neglectful son.
After being betrayed on the mission field and devastated by the tragic death of his father, Paul Kelly gave up on God. He lives life on his own terms, biding his time as a corporate pilot until he can save enough money to begin his own flight school closer to home. His mother is all he has left, and he wants to be near her. He just didn’t expect her health to decline so quickly. When he discovers his mother has taken in a stray—a woman he’s not at all sure can be trusted—his protective instincts kick into high gear. Paul’s handled a lot of turbulence, but he’s never gone up against a force like Star.
As Paul and Star strive to protect his mother in their own ways, they soon find their hearts are at the greatest risk.
Get your copy here Amazon
Meet Star first in The Art of Rivers! I’m giving away one copy of it to one person who comments by 1-20-20. Void where prohibited.
Renate says
Hi Janet! No need to include me in the drawing. Enjoyed reading both The Art of Rivers and Star Rising. Ever since the Jesus Movement in the 1970s and churches catering to the unchurched, many churches no longer have in-depth Bible studies that give people strengthen their faith and give people hope in diversity. Yes God is Love, but sometimes this is tough love – not just feel good love. Then some churches are filled with gossipy, back biting hypocrites. With so much negativity in the world, one doesn’t need to go to church and be surrounded by more negative people. Over the twenty plus years as pastor’s wife I can understand why people loose their faith. Best wishes. Stay warm and dry.
Valerie Comer says
Star Rising is on my Kindle waiting for me! Now I’m looking forward to reading it even more than I was before.
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
The cover draws you in. Thank you for the chance.
Merrillee Whren says
Janet, your book sounds wonderful. Our Christian life really is a long endurance race. Thanks for the reminder to keep our eye on the prize.
Paula Marie says
Janet, you did a phenomenal job writing this story! I absolutely loved it!
Megan says
Now I want to read it even more!
Trudy says
I’ve been wanting to read The Art of Rivers, and now I want to read Star Rising, too!!!
Janet W Ferguson says
Interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought of that. I’m definitely trying to stay dry down here. Too much rain. Hope you have a good weekend!
Janet W Ferguson says
Thanks, Valerie! I noticed I had a couple of typos on the post, so I corrected them. Ooops!
Janet W Ferguson says
Thanks, Lelia! I love how the cover turned out!
Janet W Ferguson says
Thank you, Merrillee! Yes, endurance!
Have a great weekend!
Janet W Ferguson says
You’re so encouraging, Paula!! Thank you!
Janet W Ferguson says
Oh yay! I hope you enjoy!
Have a good weekend, Megan!
Janet W Ferguson says
Thank you, Trudy! I hope you enjoy both of them! Star Rising was more fun to write, but I feel like The Art of Rivers has a lot of truth in it.
Elle Love says
Hi Janet,
I’ve seen this book everywhere on social media. I love the cover and the premise. Putting this one in my wishlist. I need to buy a gift card for my Kindle.
All the best,
Cynthia Roemer says
I don’t often read anything but historical, but this storyline sounds intriguing! Thanks for the opportunity, Janet! May the Lord bless your ministry!
Janet A Ferguson says
Sweet! Thank you so much for the encouragement and blessings!
Janet A Ferguson says
Wow! Thank you so much, Elle!! I hope you enjoy the story :)
Perrianne Askew says
After reading and thoroughly enjoying Falling for Grace, I am definitely interested in Star Rising. It sounds much different but very enticing. I like that Star has been hired by Mrs. Kelly, as Star sounds like a very caring individual. I really do see some reasons why people may lose their faith and one may be in some churches the focus is on the pastor and not Christ.
Janet A Ferguson says
Thank you, Perrianne! Star was an interesting character to delve into, both in The Art of Rivers and Star Rising. I hope you enjoy!
Your right about not focusing too much on human beings, but Christ.
Eva North says
This book looks really good
Susan Bates says
This looks like a very interesting story line.
Alicia Haney says
Your book sounds intriguing and like a very good page turner! I love the cover, it is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing about it, I will be adding it to my TBR list. Have a Great weekend. God Bless you.
Janet A Ferguson says
Thank you! I like the cover too! It reminds me of our trip to Ireland! Hope your weekend is great too!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thanks, Susan! I hope you enjoy!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thank you, Eva! I love your name. It would be a great name for a heroine.
Eva North says
Thank you, for the longest time, I hated my name. Until I found out I was named after my grandmother, whom I was very close to. Although, she passed away back in 1993. Using Eva as a heroines name sounds awesome 😊
Janet A Ferguson says
It’s beautiful! We all probably struggle with not liking our own name or hair, etc.
Lincoln says
What a great post! It’s interesting to consider what we mean by faith in this context. Some might lose their belief that God exists at all. In that case one might question whether they had a true relationship with God in the first place. Another view might be that a person could still believe that God exists but turns away from the idea that He is kind or that He has our best interest at heart. I suspect that might be the most common experience. Some very negative experiences have occurred and now we don’t think God really cares when the reality is that those blows were what knocked loosed some sinful attitude or some reliance on our own ability when the only ultimately solid refuge is God Himself and His steadfast commitment to love His children.
Hmm. Okay, now I need to go listen to my own sermon! :-)
beth shepherd says
This sounds like an amazing story. Thank you for this.
Judy says
No need to include me in the giveaway. I downloaded it, today! I’m so looking forward to reading it. :-)
Lual Krautter says
Sounds like an interesting story! Thanks for an opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print copy!
Janet A Ferguson says
You’re welcome! Have a great weekend!
Janet A Ferguson says
Sweet! Thank you, Judy! I hope you enjoy!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thank you! Hope you enjoy!
Janet A Ferguson says
Ha! Very good ideas! Thank you for commenting!
Sara Beth says
Beautiful post, I have often wondered myself as most of my childhood friends have lost their faith. Its disheartening.
Thanks for this explanation. I’m also writing a character who loses and finds his faith again.
Sandy Klocinski says
Looking forward to reading Star Rising. Thanks for the opportunity to win. And thanks for keeping us focused on what is important in life
Kara says
Sounds like a great book concept that applies to my generation. I’ve not read a book like this, so it sounds like it will be a good read.
Kris Markovich says
This sounds wonderful and since I’ve loved your other books, I know I’ll love this one too!
Cara Lynch says
What a great post on such a tough topic! Your book sounds amazing!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thank you so much, Cara!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thank you, Kris! So glad you enjoyed them! You’re such a traveler, you might like the Ireland adventure in this one!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thanks! I hope it is useful and enjoyable, too, Kara!
Janet A Ferguson says
You’re welcome, Sandy :)
Janet A Ferguson says
So sad to hear, Sara Beth. I hope your writing goes well!
Connie Porter Saunders says
Hi Janet, thank you for sharing your synopsis of your book, I’ve seen it mentioned several times lately but didn’t know the topic. I agree that sometimes a person’s conversion is triggered by reaction to a very emotional occurrence that may be fleeting. Then, if there is an improvement to the situation, one’s faith isn’t allowed to blossom or deepen. I look forward to reading Star Rising. Thank you for your giveaway.
Janet A Ferguson says
Yes, sometimes God has to bring us back around. I hope you enjoy the story.
Patty says
I find situations like this very sad! I remember hearing recently about one high profile pastor who basically walked away from his faith, I can’t imagine…
Sometimes ‘Christians’ are not a great example of the body of Christ, and when the outside world sees things like this happen, I can’t imagine what they think.
I would love to read your book.
Janet A Ferguson says
It is sad, Patty! I hope you like the book.
Candie L says
It is so easy to get caught up in the daily chaos that we forget what is so important!!! Thank you for reminding us!! Thank you
Hesper Fry says
I like the book cover and plot sounds very interesting from reading the summary above. Would definitely love to read this!
Janet A Ferguson says
It is! Being busy messes with me all the time!
Janet A Ferguson says
Thanks! I like how the cover turned out. I hope you enjoy the story.