Have you ever had God ask you to do something you thought you were totally unequipped for? That’s how I felt when He called me to write.
I’m an avid reader from way back, but I never aspired to write, never even kept a journal. But I am a dreamer. I could spin a story in my head like you wouldn’t believe. Looking back, I wonder at the fact that I never felt inspired to bring those stories to life. I believe it was because the timing wasn’t right. God’s timing. He had other things He wanted me to do first.
I was told at a young age that I wouldn’t be able to have children. I started praying then that I would have kids and that they wouldn’t have the rough up bringing I had. My husband and I married at a young age, and God blessed me with three miracles. I’ve had odd and end jobs–mill worker, truck driver, bookkeeper, tax preparer, garage manager–but my main objective was raising those blessings, so that’s what I did.
Our plan had been to travel after that. I thought maybe I’d like to take some college courses, though I had no idea what subject. I can tell you it probably wouldn’t have been related to literature. Math was always my thing. Then my husband became seriously ill. The man had never even drunk one beer in his life, and he ended up with cirrhosis of the liver.
So there I was, an empty-nester with an ailing husband. I couldn’t go back to school like I’d planned. I couldn’t get a job because there were days when he needed my constant attention. But there were also days when he’d go to work and I was free to do, well, nothing.
Then out of the blue, God called me to write. And I do mean out of the blue. It started with a Bible verse.
Feed my sheep.
That’s what He kept saying to me. Then I asked, what sheep? And, how do you want me to feed them? Writing was His answer and it floored me. The important thing is, I was willing.
Here’s the thing about God asking you to do that thing you feel unprepared to do, He will supply what you need. I didn’t have a clue what my first book would be about. He supplied the inspiration. He has sent me a cover designer, editors, critique partners, educational resources, and the list goes on. All of it stuff I had no clue was needed to produce a book, but He supplied it.
I now have ten books behind me and I’m still writing. My latest is titled Waiting For You and that’s the eBook I’ll be giving away to one of you lovely commenters. Be sure to check out Sunday’s (4/26) post to see if you won.
Waiting For You is about Wade, the oldest of the Spencers. Since the death of his dad, Wade has held all the responsibility that goes along with taking care of his family and the farm. He hasn’t had time to even think about dating. Then Dani shows up with her broken dreams and a daughter in tow. Could she be the one God has in mind for Wade’s future?
I hope you all have a blessed weekend. I look forward to getting to know you better here at InspyRomance!
Hi Andrea! Welcome to Inspy Romance. Greetings from SW Michigan. I am a mom to three sons, Oma to four grandkids, retired pastor’s wife and retired high school German, English, Creative Writing, and Journalism teacher, an avid reader who loves to travel. Best wishes. Stay safe and stay healthy.
God is so gracious to us! So glad you’re here!
Glad you needed the call and produced such wonderful books :)
Thanks for the welcome! Sounds like you’ve been a busy woman. I haven’t done much traveling, but I’d love to.
Yes, He is! Glad to be here.
Congrats on your first article here! I LOVE Wade’s story!!! I hope everyone will buy a copy. :-) Plus, I’m so glad you followed the Lord and became a writer because otherwise, we might never have met! I love you, sister-of-my-heart!!!
The book looks like a good read!
Thanks! And I’m thankful we met too. Love you!
Andrea, I am thrilled to see you here! I just adore all of your books and am.glad to have read them! You have touched me with your stories and I am blessed to count you as one of my favorite authors ❤️
God is good all the time!
God is good all the time!
It’s great to have you here, Andrea!
Welcome to IR, Andrea. I look forward to more of your posts.
I thought I was the only writer out there that didn’t “dream” of being a writer since I was old enough to, well, write.
I came into writing out of the blue, if you will, as well. I woke up with a dream that wouldn’t leave me alone. I knew NOTHING about writing. I lost that story somewhere along the way, but I still remember quite a bit of it. Maybe I’ll write it someday. :)
Be blessed.
Welcome, Andrea!! I’m caregiver to my Mom, so I can relate that way! I’ve been home with Mom for 8 years now. It does make for a different life, but at least I was already working from home when this coronavirus hit. I knew I’d like being home, and I do! Lots of time to read, do my work, and take care of what I need to take care of here! I do miss the ones I worked with, but since we’re all friends on FaceBook, that’s great!!
Welcome, I don’t comment often but I read all the posts. I’m so sorry about your husband. I love the way you told the story of how you came to be a writer. Isn’t God just that way?!
I’ve always wanted to be a writer and I do write now. The more I write the more I realize I have yet to learn. That’s one of the joys of it as well as bummers. :)
I’m grateful to have found another author to read. Have a super weekend.
Welcome to Inspy Romance, Andrea :)
Me, I’m so dense I would’ve thought of literal sheep. But then, we’re farmers who’ve raised sheep and then considered getting into them again! So “Feed my sheep” would probably have had me contacting area farmers looking for a few lambs to get started with again. ;)
Thank you for sharing.
Andrea, welcome, and thanks for sharing your inspirational story.
God has had me in many roles and yes, He does give grace. I was amazed at the things I learned to do while raising three kids, homeschooling my youngest, in home daycare for 30 years, teaching kids classes at church, etc. Now we’re having fun being retired near our kids and grandkids and loving it. God is good
Welcome and congratulations on being here. Blessings
Hi Andrea, welcome to the blog! Thanks for the chance to win. I’m glad you were faithful to follow God’s calling to write. Being willing is all He really asks of us, isn’t it?
Welcome, Andrea. I so enjoyed your contribution to Once Upon A Christmas. I’m looking forward to enjoying more of your work. Thank you, too, for your testimony of obedience. It is a great encouragement to me.
God called me to lead a small group last fall. Leading is not something I felt equipped for — never wanted to before! But I clearly heard the Lord tell me to take this step of faith. I kind of had the same thing with writing, not feeling like my stories were good enough. But at least I knew I had some gift in writing and wanted to use it for Him. Maybe I need to step back again and ask if I’m really using my writing where He wants me to.
Wow. That’s quite the story! Thank you for sharing it. I have done a few things that I felt God called me to do. My biggest blessings have been the friendships made along the way. I’m trusting God sowsvthe seeds and otherwise accomplishes what He intends through my obedience.
❤ Blessed to count you as a friend!
Yes, He is!
I had lots of those types of dreams before I started writing. So far, none of them have turned into stories. I could daydream about a dream I had for days, adding to the ‘story.’ Now I think it was God’s way of training me for when it was time to start writing.
There are sweet moments mixed in with the difficulties of being a caregiver. Thank God for that! Praying all is well for you and your mom.
Thanks! There is a lot more to being an author than most realize, that’s for sure!
I’m guessing sheep farming can be a calling too, but I’m glad that’s not what He meant for me. Lol I take care of my daughter’s animals when they go on vacation , and that’s enough for me.
Thank you for taking the time to read it!
Thank you!
Grandkids are the best, aren’t they? That’s what I’ve missed the most during this lockdown.
You are correct on the willingness part. Thanks for the welcome!
Glad to have been an encouragement! And I’m happy you enjoyed Upon A Dream. I had fun writing that one.
Great idea. The thing about each story- they are not for everyone but they are for someone. Someone out there needs to hear YOUR stories.
Welcome, Andrea!
Wow.. we share the same first name. My name is also Andrea and I am an avid reader. I love to read all the time.
Welcome to the blog. I am thankful that you listened to God and area writer. By the way your book you mentioned in this blog looks like it will be a great read.
I have a kindle fire.
Yes, He is!
And I love our name!
My daughter was told she would never have a child. She was raising her stepson at the time. But she had her Miracle baby and he will be 16 in September.
She also drove a truck over the road for a few years.
I enjoyed reading your blog post.
Your new book sounds really interesting. I read many books a year. I thought about writing children’s books when my three children were small. I would make up stories for them. And my children are miracles also, since they came after two miscarriages. And now I’m blessed with four grandchildren.
Thanks! I’m praying for a miracle baby for my daughter now. She has been told the same thing for a different reason.
Praise God! And grandchildren are the best!
Thank you for sharing and thank you for answering God’s calling on your life. Your book looks like a really great read.
Congratulations! You’re the winner of the ebook copy of Waiting For You! I sent you an email with the link to claim your copy.
Happy Reading!
Thank you!