Crazy times we’re living in, aren’t they? As if our world wasn’t overstressed and sending us safe into the escape of fictional worlds already, now we’re facing the uncertainty of a new virus pandemic, quarantine, and a multitude of other new stressors. And many of us are trying to find new ways to cope because the old ways aren’t always working.
Everyone I’ve spoken to (by phone and internet, of course, ha ha!) since this whole thing began has talked about how their anxiety, stress, and even depression symptoms have magnified in unprecedented and unexpected ways. I can certainly vouch for this in myself. One major change I’ve noticed is that I can’t immerse in fictional worlds the way I’ve always done. Books and authors who’ve long been my standbys now can’t hold my attention.
And I found I’m not alone in this issue. A lot of readers I’ve asked are experiencing the same frustration and changes in their reading patterns. Some can’t engage in the story. Some are reading slower. Some find a lack of interest. It’s not fun and throwing many of us for a loop!
So what do we do when life interferes with our favorite escape method? I have a few ideas for you.
- Find a new place to read. I know, options are limited. But maybe move outside. Sit on the balcony or patio or porch. An isolated spot under a tree somewhere.
- Read deeper. This one hasn’t worked for me, but it might for you. By this, I mean, find an author or subject that’s more intense, more suspenseful, or longer than your usual choices.
- Read lighter. ChickLit. Romantic comedy. Cheesy and predictable. Just find something lighthearted that’s guaranteed to make you laugh.
- Reader shorter. Basically, try novellas or short stories for awhile. This one’s been working for me. When I’m stressed or anxious, I need a quick one-sitting book.
- Give yourself permission to put the book down. It’s okay to put one book down and grab something different without finishing. It’s okay to put down half a dozen different books and read a chapter of each and rotate through them. You don’t HAVE to finish a book before choosing another. I’m saying this for you type A readers out there who need permission. *wink*
- Many of the ARCs can wait. Apologies to all of my author friends out there who have a book releasing soon and are depending on your ARC readers. I’m right there with you, having a new book out on May 12. But right now, knowing you’ve committed to reading a book for someone can place added pressure on a reader’s brain. That pressure of having to read certain books by certain dates can make reading even more difficult for an overstressed mind. On behalf of authors who love you and know we could NOT do this without you, I’m giving permission to set the ARC aside and read what YOU want to for a little bit. The stress will pass. You will faithfully come back to that ARC as soon as you can. Authors trust you with their ARCs knowing you take this responsibility seriously, but we’re readers too. We get it.
- Change up reading scripture. Even reading your Bible right now can be tough. I get it. Try changing translations for a bit—the Message and the Voice are pleasantly different.
- Take a book break. *gasp!* I know. It’s unfathomable. But sometimes, it’s necessary. Find an Inspy book turned movie and let your brain wander into a visual space. Go for more walks. Play with the kids. Pick up other hobbies you’ve set aside for too long. When you’ve decompressed, your love for literature will still be there.
I happen to know many of our Inpsy Romance authors have a variety of content to offer you in this uncertain season. There’s a great list here. A ton of us are offering additional free books and you’ll find many are pushing to release more rapidly for those who are fortunate to not be experiencing reading distress during quarantine. I hope and pray you’re doing well where you are, and that you’re handling things okay. I’d love to hear your thoughts if your reading has been impacted by stress or other emotional upheaval. What have you found helps?
Let’s leave with a GIVEAWAY today! I’d like to send an advance copy to one giveaway winner. My latest novel, Whatever Happens Next is up for pre-order and releases May 12th, but one commenter will be drawn at random for an advance release copy a whole month early!
She needs to stay. He has orders to go. They’ll have to trust God with whatever happens next.
Growing up in nowhere Oklahoma gave US Air Force vehicle maintainer TSgt Dyson what his momma calls itchy feet. His wanderlust has kept him from romantic entanglements for years, until the day an over-dramatic, strawberry-scented chatterbox slams into him and turns his world upside down.
Jenna Davis was a quintessential good girl, deeply rooted in her family and faith until one mistake three years ago changed everything. Unable to admit her failure, she goes through the motions watching everyone else live their dreams. But it’s hard to find her purpose when opening up to anyone—even God—feels impossible. Then she meets Dyson, who personifies the strong, silent type.
Dyson gets her to open up and begin dreaming again, rebuilding the trust she’s lost in men and especially in herself. But Dyson has something important to tell Jenna, and he knows it’ll be the end of everything they’ve built. After all, how can he ask her to leave everything and everyone behind when he can never stay?
I think the title Whatever Happens Next is so perfect for our current times as is your advice.
I was stressed especially when they told me I was potentially exposed. Turns out it was a gift for me, because by staying open to what was happening around me, I was able to work through my fear, my rebellion about being told to stay at home and catching a respiratory bug (not covid-19) and now I am living a life I love trusting in the process/God/the universe to see my needs are met. Now I am in a place I choose and as long as I keep clear and don’t confuse choices/consequences I feel happy and am more able to care for myself and contribute to my family and communities.
As I type this YouTube has just started playing The Seekers A World of Our Own, this is our world and it is a wonderful world because God gave us free will to choose in it. Take care.
I so relate to this post! I keep seeing people posting on social media how they are reading MORE, but I have been reading less over the past month. I’m starting to get back to it now that I’m getting more used to the new normal. Thanks for posting this!
Hi Jaycee! This retiree and avid reader definitely identifies with this post. I have been reading less, because I have difficulty concentrating. Also in SW Michigan we have had a few days of warm sunny weather, so I have been walking more and sitting on my patio watching people walk by and hearing birds chirp or cry out an alarm every afternoon around 3 pm when two hawks soar in the wind currents. Been reading more historical novels (Lockets and Lace series & North and South series) and cozy mysteries. Needed a chance of pace in genre and length. Wishes readers and authors best wishes.
I am one that overworks when stressed so I have been spending hours raking and cleaning off my gardens etc. I just can’t seem to get my reading done and if I do then writing the review is challenging. Thank you for sharing. Blessings
Thank you for the reminders. Happy Easter.
Fortunately, I haven’t been struggling to read right now. Hopefully those who have can find something to get into again soon.
Thank you for the opportunity. Reading for me right now consists of light and feel good .
I’ve been reading more. The first week or so (when I also had a nasty cold as well as a bad case of anxiety), immersing in a fictional world was all that gave my head a break. Sadly, I’ve had trouble immersing in my OWN fictional world, but the ideas and the desire are starting to return.
I haven’t been struggling to read, thankfully, as reading helps me to relax. I have found I’m not reading quite as much during the day, sometimes, but it varies. I’m fighting allergies, which is hard since I’m not on meds, and our pollen levels are so high. We finally got rain the other day, but we’re still very close to drought conditions. Your book sounds good!!
Thanks so much for your thought provoking comment. This is definitely a time for focusing on trusting the Lord with our every days. I’m glad this season has been beneficial for teaching you new things!
My pleasure! It definitely takes time to adjust to the new normal, doesn’t it? :)
Thanks, Renate! A change in genre while soaking up the spring weather sounds pretty fantastic!
I completely understand that! I spent yesterday sewing masks for my husband and some of the guys at his work. I did finally finish one of the ARCs I’d been struggling with. It was really, really good, but the topic was heavier than my brain could process. I think I’ll wait on writing the review until I can think clearer. Totally understand the challenge!
And a glorious Resurrection Day to you as well!
You’re very fortunate! I pray you and your loved ones are doing well in this crazy season, however it may be impacting you. :)
Totally! Have you found anything you’ve particularly enjoyed? I’m always on the lookout for light and happy.
I’m glad you’re finding the light at the end of that tunnel, or at least starting to! It’s definitely been interesting to see how all of this has impacted people so differently. I’m slowly seeing an upswing in my reading, but I’m still all about the novellas right now. Haha!
Thanks, Trudy! I sure hope you find relief from the allergies. My youngest gets shots for hers because they impact her immune system rather than respiratory stuff. But my nephew can hardly breathe for his, so I understand the misery!
I haven’t had much trouble reading, thankfully. But I have been spending most of my time in nonfiction and group readings and Bible studies. So I took a break and re-read some of my favorite authors. One that I kept thinking about was a romance written in a worldwide pandemic (fantasy). I didn’t know if that would help or not. It did for me. It helped remind me that life still goes on, and some good things will still come out of it. Then I re-read Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard, about Much-Afraid becoming a new person, and it was just what I needed!! I highly recommend this Christian classic, especially during this time. I’ve even started a devotional that goes along with it!
I’m really glad you’ve found something beneficial to work through the feelings this situation can evoke. I haven’t read Hinds’ Feet in years (maybe ever). I’ll have to check it out again. I know it’s a Christian classic.
Hi, Jaycee! I love your tips for reading…or not… during this time! Just know that I have the arc for Whatever Happens Next up next for my reading list….lol…not feeling any pressure 😁
Another thing you can do is reread a favorite.
LOL I am so glad you don’t feel any pressure! I hope you enjoy it! And my proofers found a few things in the ARC, so if you want a clean copy, just say the word!
I always forget that one. LOL! I’m so bad about rereading it isn’t even a thought in my brain. But that’s a really great idea! Thanks for sharing. :)
My TBR list is still pretty long, so I’m working my way through it. It includes some non-fiction as well as a big bunch of IR authors. (I’m caught up on yours, Jaycee. No, wait. Adrift is still on the TBR. More fun!) I’m currently reading a book on writing called Three Story Method. It’s looking really good. I’m also writing. It’s a novella/novel with an ensemble cast centered around an aerospace engineer who has fallen into a major depression brought on by the sudden death of his twin brother and deepened by his workplace until he loses his job. Will the people in his life be able to help him? Will he be able to make it out of the pit? Will God bring beauty from the ashes? Okay, that gives it away. Anyway, it’s my first novel. Remember that experience? The perfect balance of genius and raging insecurity, LOL!
And speaking of Cheesy fun, how about kids choruses?
When Noah took his family on the ark, on the ark,
The sky up above them, it grew dark, (oh, so dark).
But the window on the ark was up on top
And until the rain did stop, he didn’t look around,
He just looked up.
He didn’t look down, he didn’t look around, he just looked up, up, up!
He didn’t look down, he didn’t look around, he just looked up, up, up!
He didn’t look down in deep despair. He didn’t look around to a world of care.
He just looked up and God was with him there.
So let’s be transformed by the renewing of our minds, remembering that as we think in our hearts, so are we. Our God is so much bigger than all this and His ever present love is everlasting.
And if we keep our head buried in the sand, the love of our life will be kissing the wrong cheek. Just sayin’, LOL!
I’ve been reading less and watching more TV.
Thanks so much for the chance to win! I haven’t had too difficult a time reading lately, but some days are easier to get into a story over other days. I think it depends on how much I’m focusing on everything going on right now instead of remembering that God is in control and I can only do what I can do and nothing else. Happy Easter everyone!
This is an awesome post! I am finding myself so distracted during all this craziness and my reading has been slower. Glad to know I am not alone. Thanks for the encouragement! ❤️ Everyone take care! We are gonna get thru this 🤗
Love the advice you gave. Have put some of this into practice already. Also looking forward to a new read!.
My concentration has been off, so I put down a few books–will get back to them–and am reading ones which seem to flow better.
😂 That last line!! LOL!! And since my husband is an aerospace engineer, I’m thinking I just may have to check out your book when it’s all said and done!
I think that’s true for many of us, though in my house it’s been rewatching favorite movies.
Amen to all of that!
Aw, thank you AND you’re welcome LOL! We for sure will get through this. God is always good!
Awesome, thank you so much for stopping by!
Sounds like an excellent plan! I’ve had to do the same often the past few weeks.
I’m reading every night before bed. Stay safe and healthy!
When you do read it, you will LOVE it!
Thank you for this post. I’ve been having a hard time finding balance with working at home and learning all there is to distance teaching.
I was also chosen to be a judge for a writing contest and so I’ve been needing to read a lot of books I might not.
So the pressure is more, but I took the time to read your book. (It was my break kind of book.) And I loved it because it was fun and refreshing. BTW – I look forward to posting my review soon!
I like to grab books from authors who I know are light easy reads, or who’s style I enjoy if I need a break.
Hello. Reading is one of my gifts to myself (particularly to unwind) so I am reading a lot – especially since my work stopped over 3wks ago and I have a lot more time.
I have noticed that I am drawn to lighter material, a desire to mix up my genres and reread “old” favorites that are much loved yet stress-free reads. I’m also reading much shorter novels (as you mentioned), and I am reading 3 and 4+ books at a time – bouncing between them when I feel the conflict/tension is more than I want at that moment. I’ve read 2 or 3 books at a time before, but have never been so quick to drop one & move on to another. I even opened a new “file” in my Kindle and titled it “Books in Progress” so I could remember & locate all the titles I’m flipping through. Ha. I did complete 2 “in progress” books today so I am working through them, but in a rather unusual manner – for me. ;). But I figure, whatever works!
Gardening and being outside in the sunshine also brings me joy. When the weather allows, I am outside preparing the soil and removing old leaves, even if it means wearing several layers of clothes. We are expecting 3-9” snowfall and cold weather for next 4days, but after that I have a “drive-up” order ready (with zero contact) for a 1/2 flat of hardy pansies/violas from a local nursery. I can’t wait to play in the dirt planting them. They will even tolerate our snow – should we get more before our spring weather truly stays in place. <3
I feel blessed to be able to be outside reading or gardening. We are very fortunate with our location.
Strong, Silent type sounds great.
I’m finding time to organize things in my craft supplies and read a bit more.