Last month my husband and I were able to get away for a short trip to Disney World. I craved sunshine and heat and had found an amazing deal. Sadly, the weather didn’t cooperate. It was literally freezing one morning. Below is the outfit I wore on our last day in the park. It was below freezing and my husband wanted to be at Hollywood Studios before it opened. I think I’m wearing four layers on top and leggings under my jeans lol.
What is a girl to do when all she wants is sunshine and to be warm? Well, she improvises. I had had a migraine the night before our first day in the parks, and I just couldn’t manage the crowds and cold temperatures. I’m generally a glass half full kind of person, so I wasn’t upset at all about this–totally serious.
My sweet husband was game for anything, so we left Magic Kingdom, and we went resort hopping. I found a warm spot to enjoy the best cup of coffee I think I’ve ever had the pleasure of drinking, while my husband explored the resort. I realize it’s not hot chocolate, but with my gluten intolerance, coffee was a safer choice. :) I wish I’d taken a picture of the amazing little spot I enjoyed, but I did think to get a shot of one of the beautiful plants there. Doesn’t it make you want to go to Hawaii?
Don’t let the sunshine fool you. It was windy and very cold, but you know what, visiting that resort for an hour was one of the highlights of our vacation–we plan to stay there on our next trip. Sometimes it’s the unexpected that turns out to be the most fun.
Speaking of something positive, my publisher has bundled four of my books into one collection and is selling it for only 99¢. It’s also in Kindle Unlimited. Until next time, happy reading and stay warm!
We have sunshine and heat aplenty here in QLD. I’ll send you some.
Hi Kimberly!Thanks for sharing your Disney adventures. While the past few days have been cold in SW Michigan, we have had four days of sunshine (yes that made the news). Being a mile from Lake Michigan most of our winters are gloomy and overcast. This year has been unusually warm, but the last few weeks temperatures have been below freezing. Joshua Nowicki has been capturing unusual ice formations on our beaches – ice balls and shards of ice. Plus further north, ice volcanoes. Like you, I prefer to see these from the comfort of my warm home or warm car. But hope and spring is in the air, the sun shines brighter and warmer. Posted a review for your boxed set. Enjoy your stories – part romance with mystery. As an avid reader, who visits her local librarians, I enjoy the Librarian Sleuth series. Best wishes and stay warm and safe.
My daughter ran the Dopey Run at Disney and was wishing for cooler temperatures in January as she is from WI and was struggling running in the heat. It was humid and in the 80’s last month.
Yes please!
Thanks, Renate! I appreciate the review and the sentiment..
PTL for spring! Enjoy the sunshine.
I think that’s the norm there. I sure wouldn’t want to run in that heat and humidity! She would probably have enjoyed when I was there if she doesn’t mind running in cold and wind.
I have never been to Florida. It’s funny but I always think of it as being warm and not cold like in Ohio.
I finally feel like Spring May be getting closer where I live. I think the snow is beautiful, but I was definitely getting tired of shovelling my driveway.
I’m glad you got some sunshine, even if it was cold.
I live in central Vermont, and I’ve become a pro at turning the negative of snowy days into the positive opportunity to watch movies and read books all day! LOL! 😊
I love the cover of A Love to Treasure, every time I see it that puppy makes me smile and go aww!
I thought the same, Lori. I think it mostly is hot there.
We seem to be having an early spring here too. I noticed cherry blossoms were starting to come out while I was on my walk yesterday. It’s very early!
We’ve had a sunny week here PTL. Very cold mornings, but it’s been warming up nicely.
It is a gift to be able to make the best of a not so fun situation!
That’s a great way to turn a negative into a positive, Caitlyn. :)
I’m glad you like the cover. Want to know a little known secret?
I have a lot of say in my covers with my publisher. I when found that picture with the dog and wanted to use it. So…I went back to writing and wrote the dog into the story.
I think so too, Patty. :)
I popped over and got the collection from Amazon. Looking forward to reading it. Congrats on your vacation improvising. You proved that the glass wasn’t just half full, it was refillable!
I’m sorry, but I had to laugh!!! So many people think FL is hot and sunny ALL of the time, but we do get our cold days, which I love!!! I’m a FL native, and it always make me laugh when people come to visit (one of my own aunts) and can’t believe it’s cold, when we tried to tell them!! Sorry it was cold for your visit, though. Come back any time from May to Octoberish (could be until December!!) and it won’t be! We’ve had upper 80’s since your visit! I’m on the Space Coast, by the way.
Welcome to winter in Florida, lol, yesterday was 82 degre s and tomorrow the high is expected to be just 51…..sigh
I seem to always go when it’s cold, but a friend said the same thing about the weather. Out of three trips to FL only one lived up to Florida’s reputation.
Wow, Paula. I guess you shouldn’t put away your winter clothes just yet.
I love the refillable glass concept, Lincoln!
I hope you enjoy the series. :)
Yes the plant makes me want to go to Hawaii (plus the fact I am currently trying to decide what photos to print from my big trip in 2011 have culled about 150 of 1,200 so far.) In 2010 we had such a bad spring it was cold and it looked like never warming up and I wanted warmth so I planned a trip to Hawaii (I think I had been planning for a bit) Had 13 days there and ironically most of the time Hawaii in winter was warmer than Australia in summer (where I live). It was a cooler summer that year.
The biggest positive of the trip was being where I couldn’t be contacted (Mum was in a nursing home) Before most times I took a trip before mum was in care I would get a break but still have to ring home every couple of days so never really got a real break. Being in Hawaii I was too far away to ring home or to visit and it was a real break. Most times when I went away I didn’t want to go home and but this time while I loved Hawaii and would have loved to stay longer I didn’t feel as bad about going home. I realise now its cos other breaks while away from home I still had that responsibility. I use to dread having to ring home. In Hawaii I had freedom. (I think anyone who has been a carer would understand this).
One other time cos of rain I had a whole day to fill in and I am not a shopper. I get what I want but can’t just window shop. The second Lord of the rings film was coming out in a month and a cinema was replaying the first one I hadn’t seen. It was 3 hours and it filled up the afternoon and I loved the movie. If not for the rain I probably wouldn’t seen it and the remaining 2 at the cinema
You have to find the positives in life to get through the unexpected.
What a wonderful vacation! We saw a movie on our vacation too. We needed a warm escape from being outdoors.
Very true, Denise!
I usually like to try to see the positive in most situations. Because the situation is still the same, whether I view it negative or positive. Therefore positive thinking is better. I don’t always do that, but I try to most of the time.
I really enjoyed reading your post today! My son was in Florida last week for a teachers’ conference and got to visit the Disney sights in the afternoon. When I was at Walt Disney World eons ago, it rained!
My husband and I also went to Disney World in winter. And we did not bring enough clothes. It was really cold back home in NY but we figured one big jacket was enough to make the trip to the airport… well that jacket was too much for Florida but nothing else combined prevented the cold feeling of wet winter that met us there.
So true, Judy. You have a good attitude.
Thank you, Linda! I’m sorry you had to deal with rain.
The day we went home it was finally warm and sunny. We had to catch the bus at 1:00 and by then it was raining. When we arrived at the airport it was pouring. I was shocked because there was zero indication based on the morning weather.
FL has an interesting climate for sure. :)
What a bummer, Priscila. I hope you were able to enjoy yourself anyway.
Wow. Good for you! I agree that keeping a good attitude while on vaca is important. And, at least, we aren’t at work. :D.
Our family has changed plans from outdoor plans to (many) underground cave tours during cold & pouring rains. As scuba divers, we once watched an entire week’s worth of diving lost due to a bad incoming storm that lasted our entire stay – no boats (of any kind) left the harbor all week. Another time, we stayed in a unit with no heat & it rained & was freezing cold the entire time – while we attempted diving. We &;our room was was cold, damp & wet.
I always to to pack away lesson from these “busted” trips . Mine are – be flexible, keep a good attitude, & pack with (or wear on the plane) at least 1 warm (well layered) outfit that can be worn every day, if necessary, if poor weather hits (refined after the Cozumel trip!).
Lol. I have a similar photo as you shared of me at Cozumel (around Christmas time). I, too, am wearing many layers & holding that MOST PRECIOUS cup of HOT coffee.
Wow, Penny you’ve had some adventures.
I learned a lot from this trip for sure.
Oh my, you do look cold! I’ve never been to Florida when it’s been that cold. Either way, you made memories!
You’re right, Arletta, we made some great memories.:)
I’m with you, I like to be warm. It’s in the 20’s here today in Missouri so I’m bundled in a blanket to read. I would welcome spring.
Oh my goodness, Paula, that is cold! Stay bundled.
We did. We just kept ourselves busy and tried to keep warm
I used to live just 5 hrs from Disneyland so needless to say if i had a friend that wanted to go i was in the car so fast except if the weather there was hot as i just can’t take hot. I am a person who now lives in the midwest and when it is cold outside i wear a sleeveless top and sweats when i run around in my scooter, But I got ahead of myself when I had kids my exhusband and his wife and kids used to take my daughter with them to Disneyland every Thanksgiving and they would drive up and down they went at night as then all 3 kids would sleep and ready and good the next day, When my son was 15 and playing baseball well a friend of ours gifted us with a trip to Disneyworld he was going but had to cancel needless to say it was 1st class all the way plus the president of Disneyworld met us at the front gate it was so incredible. We didn’t have to pay for anything and when we went to the room there were presents from Disneyworld for all of us in red boxes with white ribbion. That was my last time there as I have been battling a disease RSD for 35 years and couldn’t go there no matter what the weather was. On the last trip we experienced our 1st hurricane and we were staying at one of their resorts they recommended that we all went down to the restaurant and stay together but my son his friend and i decided that we would experience this in our room and we did as all the water went out of the pool into the cafeteria restaurant . I always am so happy when any child can experience a wonderful place. peggy clayton Although we are in a lot of snow right now so many of the people we call snowbirds run to Fl or Az.
What an experience, Peggy! I can’t imagine getting the royal treatment or experiencing a hurricane. I’m a west coast girl and grew up going to Disneyland. We lived 20-30 minutes away for half my childhood. We could watch the fireworks from my grandma’s house. I think this is why I enjoy Disney so much–fond childhood memories.
I’m sorry about your RSD. Stay warm.
Thank you for sharing I have never been to Florida My oldest Daughter is going to be visiting there this week with her in-laws so she is hoping it will be nice there since our weather has been rainy and cold!
It so happens I have Bay Lake on my weather app. They are predicting sunshine this weekend with a high of 69 and 75. Monday is supposed to be 80. Their lows are our highs here. :)
I hope she has a wonderful trip!
Thank You Kimberly!
I’ve had some sunshine and warm weather during our cruise this week 😁 but it’s over now…
Almost spring…so hold on 😂
That’s wonderful, Natalya. I’m glad you had nice weather. :)
We are having a lovely spring like day today. We even washed the car.
At this point I don’t much care if it is hot or cold. I just want to be dry. We had almost 10″ of rain in January and it has rained almost every day in February .
Glad you could get away for a bit.
Where are you, Shirley? That sounds absolutely miserable.
Unfortunately I can relate. We get a lot of rain in Oregon too–but this year is an exception to the norm and it’s been relatively dry.
I hope the sun shines on you soon!
Bless your heart! I’m so ready for warmth as well. ❤️
Here in Texas it was 29 this morning and so not a fan. I will take the sunshine any time over the cold brisk air!
I love Disney!! And I LOVE being warm!! This native Californian has never adjusted to the cold that comes with living in the southeast.
Great pictures! I definitely prefer warm weather!