Since I found out about InspyRomance’s closing, I’ve considered a hundred possible blog topics for my very last post… Should I write about being in my “Firefighter Era”? Wax on about whether my books are clean or sweet or Christian or closed-door or minty? (Maybe all of the above? I don’t really understand anything anymore when it comes to these terms). Should I ignore the admin rules and post about my romantic suspense books? What are they going to do, kick me out? 😆
Instead, I decided to talk about the trust between a reader and an author.
The issue of trust is one I sometimes talk about with fellow authors, usually ones who are a bit newer to the Christian fiction genre (as though I’m some veteran with my 5 years of experience). And talking to them about how readers of Christian fiction specifically have a “barrier” to entry for new authors that non-Christian fiction authors don’t necessarily have to deal with.
It’s the barrier of trust.
See, a Christian reader trusts that a book in their church library isn’t going to lead them astray. They trust that a book from THAT big Christian publishing house will deliver a good story without something explicit.
But when they see a cute cover in the Amazon store? Sometimes it feels like a huge gamble to try it out. Because they don’t whether they can trust that author.
Is there going to be bedroom scenes? Will the characters swear? Will the story even be any good?
To combat this lack of trust, Christian readers are professional sleuths, I’m finding. Here are a few things I find myself doing (and other readers doing) before trying a new author:
- scouring reviews for content warnings or mention of faith
- checking the sales categories on Amazon to see if Christian categories are listed
- reading the author’s bio for any mention of faith
- stalking their website for a statement of faith
- combing through their social media posts for inappropriate content
And of course, the other risk-management strategies?
- Sticking with authors I know and trust
- Taking word-of-mouth recommendations from friends
- Or, for the last ten years — trusting a site like InspyRomance to provide a wonderful list of Christian authors and letting you get to know them beyond the book page on Amazon
It can be challenging to know who to trust when it comes to reading these days. And I’m honored to have earned some of that trust over the last 4 years I’ve spent here at InspyRomance.
If you’re wondering where you’ll find new authors to read after InspyRomance closes, I want to be sure you know about a website I started (along with former InspyRomance authors Mandi Blake and Hannah Jo Abbott) just over 2 years ago.
FaithBooks Romance Recommendations is an email newsletter dedicated to sharing new releases and discounts of Christian Romance of all subgenres, including contemporary, historical, suspense, and speculative! We send short emails 2x a week with deals. FaithBooks specifically chooses to only feature books that are 💖romance💖 and have (at least some) faith element in them. Books also must have a certain number of reviews (with a pretty good average rating), too.
We do free book days 2x per year with a ton of different authors participating, and some pretty awesome giveaways as well!
You can subscribe to FaithBooks emails here!
I hope FaithBooks helps you discover some new favorite authors.
As far as staying up to date with authors you already like? I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my email newsletters. I send once per week (typically on Thursdays), usually some combination of book updates, personal stories, devotional or encouraging thoughts, and book recommendations. This is 100% the best way to stay in contact with me, and I always love to get replies and I read every single one personally! I’m on social media too, though I admit to not sharing as much personal stuff there. I have a reader group called Tara’s Book Nook on Facebook that you can join if you prefer to hang out with me and other readers in a casual online setting. I’m on Instagram and (occasionally) Tiktok.
If you really just want to know about new books I have coming out without all the other stuff, you can follow me on Amazon and they’ll keep you apprised of any new releases or pre-orders, which is pretty cool.
Here’s all the links for the things I mentioned above.
Subscribe to my emails
Join my reader group on Facebook
Follow me on Amazon
The admins cautioned us against making our last post “The Long Goodbye” but again– what are they going to do, kick me out? 😜
It was September of 2019 when I met Elizabeth Maddrey and Valerie Comer at a huge writer’s conference in Las Vegas. On the last night, I chalked up the courage to say what had been on my mind since the moment I met them. “Hey, just so you know… If you ever need a new blogger over at InspyRomance, I’d be really excited to be a part of it.” About six months later, Elizabeth reached out and offered me a spot. Hard to believe that was 4 years (and 48 blog posts ago!). It’s also been 20 more published books since I joined. And InspyRomance has been a part of it all.
I’ve had a blast sharing my random thoughts with you, getting inside the characters’ heads deeper, rambling on during podcast episodes with Valerie, Narelle, and Elizabeth, and all the friendships I’ve developed along the way.
I haven’t been here since the beginning, but I’m proud to be here at the end.
Huge thanks to the admins for all their work over the years and for inviting me to be a part of it. To the other authors for their encouragement and godly example. And most of all – thank you, dear readers, for reading our words, sharing your thoughts, praying for us, and generally being wonderful.
-Tara Grace Ericson
I burst out laughing at breaking the rules and talking romantic suspense what can they do kick me out on wait its my last post. I lalso laughed at the different titles Minty is new to me but makes a lot of sense.
I get the faith books email and as a rebel one of my favourite authors Penny Zeller was featured for March.
I have found some good books due to inspy. I also understand about the not being sure about amazon and reading reviews etc. I get really frustrated with some of the books I am checking and the info is very genetic with an avatar or blank picture and no web presences at all. and most reviews are from people who were given a free book to read.
It’s been good getting to know you and thanks to Storychats know how to pronounce your first name. Here I went to school with a few Tara’s but here we pronounce it more like Tar (as in star) and a (sounds like ah) All the best for the future.
This is the first time I’ve heard that InspyRomance is CLOSING! Oh, no! I’m so sorry!
I’ll admit, I don’t do too much research into authors/books, I tend to just go by the cover and blurb and then skip any parts that make me uncomfortable (if there are any), but I signed up for FaithBooks so fast hah, it sounds like something I need.
I like to browse Goodreads lists, Amazon recs, Twitter, this blog, author newsletters, all of them help me to find new authors to try :)
Some authors don’t have books listed in Christian categories and then I get pleasantly surprised when I open a book and see faith content inside. That’s usually the point where I go to check their bio or website. It’s definitely much easier when they put it in the blurb or title though so you know what you’re getting from the start.
Just signed up for your newsletter!
Hi Pepper! We are sad, too. The announcement was made here:
Aw, WHEW for not making us fire you in the last week! LOL I remember that day at the conference and hanging out with you. Good times.
I’m already stalking you, too!! lol!! LOVED this post, and the “rebel” coming out!! I find new-to-me authors through author newsletters, Avid Readers of Christian Fiction, and other places! I have to say, before I had my Kindle, I read mostly traditionally published books. With my Kindle, I’ve found so many great indie authors, that I don’t read mostly traditionally published anymore, but indie!! The way some of the publishing houses are changing things, to get what I want, it’s got to be indie!
I found new authors on Social Media, FB , Goodreads, Bookbub, and Amazon books.
Thank you for all your posts Tara, i will miss reading you here and on storychats. I’m already a newsletter subscriber and I always enjoy your devotionals.
I will really miss InspyRomance as a great source of new authors. I’m signed up to faith books, I’ve found some good books through them too. I like book recommendations from author newsletters too. I also check reviews, and I try and put something in my reviews about whether a book is a faith based read. I have learned that just searching online stores for eg Christian romance does not always bring up the right sort of books lol.
Sorry, my post appeared as a reply to you and Valerie Pepper, not sure why!
Thank you for your post today. I get your newsletter, follow you everywhere you are, and subscribe to FaithBooks. I have met a lot of good, Christian authors here, follow them, and get their newsletters (sometimes to many of them). I am grateful to InspyRomance and will miss the blogs. But this is not good-bye, but see you on other outlets.
God bless you. ❤❤
Thank you Tara for your wonderful post. Hugs. God bless you.
The truth in the secular market with the growing popularity of romance full of trigger warnings, the practice of Christians looking for disturbing content in their books is not uncommon hahha let’s add that I’m glad that just as there are about 10 classifications of how vaporous and obscene is a book for secular romances from “normal” to “erotic” (with subcategories in that) there is still a LOT to choose from in the spectrum of what a Christian can read, long live the options!
I wonder what that minty thing is though…does it sound like “clean with a little steam” or maybe it’s so clean it’s fresh? there are no kisses even? well anyway I would read that hahaha.
I’ll sign up, I’m afraid that once this blog is gone, only my general romance sites and author blogs will be left.
OMG! What a great story! I want more, though. Can we have more chapters, PLEEEEEEASE???
Congratulations Tara you have me laughing and crying.
I know when I had the temerity to ask why couldn’t an author shifting to a slightly different genre/trope [I have no idea what the appropriate word is most the time] I certainly heard that it was CCR only. Will check out Faith Books, thank you for sharing that and it has been an absolute pleasure to read your posts.