Do you have a book buddy?
Whether you’re a reader or a writer, do you have that special someone or group who you can talk about books with? Or enjoy a reading adventure together?
I do! And I’d like to introduce you to her today.
I think you’ll like my book buddy because I sure do. She challenges me to keep writing, even when I don’t feel like it. And if she doesn’t feel like it either, she declares a Play Day and we go hang out at Starbucks or somewhere like that.
So, it’s with great pleasure that I introduce to you my bestest Book Buddy – Patricia Pacjac Carroll.
Patty writes historical romances, Mail Order Bride romances, Contemporary romances…. And I know there’s more. She’s a brave soul who will jump into an opportunity first and ask questions about it later. Whereas I’m the more cautious one. Usually I stand back and watch to see if she SPLATS or Jumps up and dusts herself off. When she learned about becoming an Indie Author, she galloped off, going for it. That’s the kind of brave frontierslady she is.
After thinking and planning, I ended up following along. Being the kind of thoughtful pioneer I am. Since then, she has dragged, coerced, hog-tied… me into one writing and marketing adventure after another. And along the way, we share our story ideas, talk about our characters like they’re real people, and debate whether outlining or writing by the seat of your pants is the better way. Wanna take a guess at who’s the outliner?
Welcome Patricia Pacjac Carroll! Thanks so much for agreeing to help me with my post. At the last minute. Without any warning or notice… Anyway, let’s get to this interviewing stuff.
JC) Patty, do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
PPC) I do have my parameters. Happy ending is a must. No swearing or sex. Got to have some fun in there. Other than that, I let the story roar through the pages and follow along.
JC) Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the story?
PPC) I am a seat-of-the-pants writer. (Did you guess right? tee hee – JC) So no, I never have the reins. And when I think I do, my characters laugh at me and go off in totally different directions than what I thought. I almost hate to tell people what the current book I am working on is about, because then it all changes. My characters and the story like to keep me guessing. But then I do love the surprises.
JC) Right. Yes you do. And though I do try to make an outline, sometimes my characters decide they like their plotline better than mine. Then who knows what’ll happen. Ha! Does your family support your career as a writer?
PPC) Yes, my husband is the best. He works hard so that I can keep writing, hoping that someday I can set him free. But he is always encouraging me. And my son is the same. Of course there is the dog, Jacs. He makes sure I get up and get some exercise to let him outside. I have an awesome family.
JC) What is something memorable you have heard from your readers?
PPC) That my stories encourage and refresh them. That’s what I desire. To write heartwarming stories that encourage readers in their own lives.
JC) I’ve heard many time you saying that you just want to write stories that make people happy. And I believe you do that. Anything you would like to say to our readers?
PPC) Thank you for reading the books. It’s my heart to write stories that will encourage and entertain you.
And they do! So Patty, tell us a bit about your most recent book and why it is a must-read?
The Judge’s Bride (Montana Brides of Solomon’s Valley Book 1)
He was lonely. She was desperate. Can love find a way?
Oh, did I tell you she had 10 children? No, well, she didn’t tell him either.
Rachel held the letter in her hand as she watched the banker come up the lane. He was taking the farm. Wasn’t it enough she’d been widowed 2 years ago. Worse, good meaning townspeople wanted her to disperse her ten children to families who needed them. She had to keep her family together. The letter from the judge in Montana held her only hope of keeping her family together. She’d go west to Montana as a mail order bride.
Judge Solomon Taggart groaned at having to referee a dispute between the two feuding families. That even their children were at each other made him doubt the wisdom of sending that letter to the widow in Minnesota. She had children. She didn’t say how many, and he hadn’t asked. He grabbed his rifle and swung up in the saddle, praying there’d be no bloodshed. And then he prayed he’d been wise to send that letter.
So how about you? Do you have a friend or group where you can talk about your favorite stories and discuss the characters as if they were real people? (In our minds, I think they are.) ;)
Did you know Inspy Romance has a page on facebook? Have you joined it yet?
Tell us where you find your Book Buddies and PacJac will pick one person to win an ebook of Ellen’s Lesson.
Happy Reading
Blessings and Peace,
Jackie C.
Hi:) I am blessed to have a beautiful friend who loves reading inspirational fiction. We have similar enough tastes that we will often have read the same books, different enough to introduce new books to each other. She is a special lady, rare in my world of people who don’t see the value in reading fiction :(
Glad you both have each other, I imagine writing can be a lonely thing at times!
Hi Jackie and Patricia Pacjac Carroll. Always fun to meet new authors and hear their stories. I belong to a Book Club for Foodies: Tales You Can Taste. This unique book club reads books with a food theme. It is a collaboration between our local School of Cooking and library. Our librarian hosts the hour book discussion. Our School of Cooking prepares and serves a meal based on the theme, setting or recipes found in the monthly book selection. We read a variety of books: fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, or cozy mysteries. About 20 ladies have been meeting for two years. Best wishes and happy writing.
Thanks for introducing us to Patricia, Jackie. For as long as I can remember, my mother was my book buddy. Sadly, her dementia prevents her from retaining much of what she’s read. I’ve got a great writing buddy though.
I am thrilled to have a book buddy that I met on a small blog! She sends me books, and we E mail often…talking books! She is younger than me, smarter, and I am delighted to know her!
I am an avid reader of Christian fiction.
What a cute post!
Hi Patricia! Waves!
Book Buddies are the best, and every author needs one for sure!
I met my book buddy, critique partner and good friend Shannon back when I very first started writing inspy romance in 2013. I entered one of those pitch contests Love Inspired run periodically – online speed dating with an editor. She PMed me some suggestions on my pitch, we started critiquing each other’s writing, and it’s gone from there!
We talk books, writing, brainstorm plot and character when either of us is stuck, I love her insight into both story and relationships.
My sister and I have always been book buddies. Of course we’re buddies on everything in life too.
I need a Book Buddy! What a great idea. Having someone declare a play day and then joining me would be the best. I’m glad you have a book buddy. :)
I’d be your book buddy if we lived closer of course.
I have a group of friends at church and we all frequent the church library. I get to suggest good books for them to read and vice versa.
All my paperbacks I read and review go to my church library.
Yes it can. I’m happy to hear about your book buddy. There’s something sweet about having someone to share a good story with.
What an awesome idea!! How cool
i second or third that. Love my writing buddy.
That would make me hungry : )
Aw, bittersweet memories for you I’m sure. Glad you have a writing buddy. We do need one another.
It’s fun to find someone you can relate to.
I love it when the Lord gives you that friend where iron can sharpen iron. First you have to trust and then God can go to work on both. It’s such a treasure. Waving Autumn : )
Books are a fun way to connect. Glad you have your sister.
My mom is the one who got me to love reading. Now it’s my daughter who will share her favorite stories with me. But writing buddies are the best, I’ll not argue there.
Thank you. So glad you have a book buddy. What fun!
Praying the Lord connects you to just the right book buddy. God Bless
That’s great. I think God draws certain people together to help each other out.
Amen to that. Patty and I live fairly close, so that’s nice. But we text and talk on the phone a lot, too.
I don’t have a book buddy, but don’t know of anyone close to me that loves to read as much as I do. Some think I read too much….is that even possible? lol I do have a friend I try to drag out once in awhile as she always on the go and I like to enforce some relax time for her, though we’ve not been out to wind down for over a month.
I haven’t actually met my book buddies, but have really connected with a couple of ladies on Facebook who are avid readers like myself. They love the same kind of genres I do and have read a lot of books I have. One of them also has a book review blog so I follow along and trust her judgement on books. I know if she loves one I will or if she hated it, I will too :-) We are also connected on Goodreads and read each others reviews on there for books we’ve both enjoyed. I’d love to one day meet them, but we live on the other side of the country and the other one in Canada! I think we’d have a grand old time if we ever did meet :-)
Unfortunately I do not have a book buddy! I do review the books I read and I do go to Facebook parties to find new authors!