July has swept many changes into my world.
Instead of writing, I’m editing. I’ve sent rejections to writers. But while I dashed their dreams, I gave them tips on what they needed to study and hopefully encouraged them. I’ve learned that editors aren’t mean wannabe writers who want to rewrite my book. I didn’t really think that, but sometimes while deep in the trenches of revisions, I did wonder.
I’ve learned editors know what works in fiction and what doesn’t. We’re not in love with the writer’s characters before we even start the book, we can see the flaws, and we want to help fix it so we along with readers will love the characters the same way the author does. I think wearing the editor hat will make me a better writer. And I will write again once I get caught up on editing books that got bottle-necked in the transition of buying a publishing company.

I only have one cat now. My fourteen-year-old female, Smokey got really sick back in April and I learned she had hyperthyroidism. Initially, once she was on medicine, she thrived and was her old self. I moved her into my office so I could keep an eye on her. But eventually the disease and her age took a toll. As she stopped eating and grew increasingly weak, I had to make the painful decision to take her to the vet for the last time. Charcoal, my fourteen year-old male and I miss her. But she’s not suffering anymore.
The screened in porch next to my office is now an enclosed sunroom. I loved the porch, but I live in the South. Weather only permitted me to sit out there a dozen or so days out of the year. Now it’s a year-round haven. When I get tired of working at my desk, I take my laptop and work out there. Someday soon, I’ll write books and read them in the comfort of my cozy sunroom. The picture is of the view. That’s my parent’s shed and a glimpse of their house. The entire wall is windows from floor almost to ceiling and you can see the construction materials still in the yard. And yes, that’s a cat door built in the storm door.
I had to break down and get a new desktop computer. Mine was eight years old and it wouldn’t do anything without spinning first for a LONG time. We drove over an hour to Little Rock to computer store number one and I picked out the one I wanted. It was white and not in stock, but a black one was. I wanted white. My husband thought it was weird. But my office has seafoam green walls and my desk and all of my bookshelves are white.
Computer store number two had the white one and a technician to load programs for me. We ended up having to go back the next day to pick it up. When my husband carried the box to the car, he questioned if I was sure it was all in there because it wasn’t heavy. I insisted it was and we went to eat. But while we ate, I worried. When we got back to the car, I decided we should open the box to make sure it was all there.
There was no computer in the box. Just the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. No brain – the thing that sits in the floor with all the wires connected to it. We discussed the notion that maybe they put them in the monitor now. Nah, that can’t be. So we went back to the store. I found the technician and told him the computer wasn’t in the box. Yep, they’re in the monitor now. But he assured me I wasn’t the first one to think my brain was missing. See my pretty white computer among my desk clutter. A busy desk is a cluttered desk in my world.
What hasn’t changed, I still love Contemporary Romance. Our small press publishes Inspirational and/or clean titles. Lately, I’ve edited a Romantic Suspense and a Contemporary Romance. I’ve contracted Historical and Contemporary Romances. I’ve rejected Contemporary Romances and requested changes on some others. I know good writing when I see it, no matter the genre. But my favorite is still Contemporary Romance. I thought it might be fun to explore why. So here goes:
I love happy endings. Reading time in my world is a precious commodity. Life doesn’t always have a happily-ever after, so I expect a book to. I used to dabble in Women’s Fiction some, but I soon learned there isn’t always a happy ending, so now I’m afraid to trust my time to that. In Contemporary Romance, it’s a given that the hero and heroine will end up together. What keeps the reader reading is the journey to the happily-ever after. I need a guarantee right up front.
I’m a modern girl. Mr. Carrier – the inventor of air conditioning is my favorite person in history. God knew what he was doing when he put me in the present day. I love modern conveniences. If I’d lived back in the day when women wore nineteen layers of clothing, I’d have created a scandal by ripping it all off, chopping the hem of my skirt and whining, ‘It’s too hot for all this mess, people.’ I don’t rough it well. No electricity and plumbing is not my idea of a fun read.
I love romance. Remembering what those butterflies felt like the first time I saw my husband. The giddiness the first time he noticed me. The way he still curls my toes with a smile. I love reliving all those special memories through the course of a fictional couple’s story. And putting my husband’s qualities in a hero is how I hope to show young girls they don’t need to settle, that they should wait for Mr. Wonderful who focuses on God. Men like that do still exist and the best place to find them is in church.
What about you? Have you had any changes lately? Why do you love Inspirational Contemporary Romance? All comments will go in the drawing for my two in one Counting on the Cowboy with Jill Lynn’s Her Texas Cowboy. Deadline: August 8th
Wow, everything is changing, sometimes I feel like I am dancing with chaos, when I have the energy that is! I love all inspirational stories, the anticipation is wonderful and I love surrounding myself with positive everything. Thanks.
Honestly, the only thing that’s really changed for me is grocery shopping. It’s become a bit of a scavenger hunt. It is getting better, but depending on what I’m looking for, it can honestly be a scavenger hunt! I went to four stores one day to find Bisquick. I found it at the 4th store! I love Inspiration Contemporary Romance as it shows that even with all of the “conveniences” people still need God, and that He’ll see us through the difficult times. Also, it shows how people work through things and gives me ideas of what I can do, too.
Life is in constant change, and with the pandemic and now a hurricane warning , instability seems to be predominantly present. Life goes on and you adapt and create a new normal filled with online shopping , food deliveries etc. Though I do miss spending time with family, friends and the hugs.
Great post! Shannon, I just wish I’d been at the computer store!! Lol!! The weight of the box seemed too good to be true, didn’t it? Changes all around us, both in and out of writing-world! I’m releasing a self-published book at the same time I’m helping to celebrate the birthday of Scrivenings Press LLC!! Oh, and I sprained my ankle Thursday. Yeah. I’m with you on Contemporary Romance. If I think there won’t be a HEA, I don’t have time for it! Lol!!
I agree with you that there needs to be a HEA. I read to escape and relax, and I want it to be happy eventually. Thanks for the chance, and have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Shannon. :D. So many fun topics! Your sunroom sounds delightful! I’ve always wished for a covered deck/porch. My hubby encouraged a tree next to our house to twine it’s branches over an arbor (he built) to provide the shade I craved. It’s not quite the same, but a corner of our deck is indeed now in the shade nearly all day.
I’m sorry about your kitty. We lost one of ours last fall after a 6mos battle. She was 15.5yrs Himalayan/barn cat. Our other kitty, Sophia, is 12 and a tortie sweetie.
I also need that HEA and I still/always peek at the last chapter to confirm my “good guys” don’t die or likewise before investing my time (and check the blurb). I figure life has more than enough angst (which I avoid in my reading), and struggles. I read various genres, but mostly love action & adventure novels (proximity/danger trope in any genre) and definitely HEAs. For me, I need that happy ending but prefer to mix up the journey & the setting to get me there (the world even!). Then I am happy. My mystery authors aren’t HEAs though so I heavily couch them with guarantee “Pick Me Up” titles.
And funny thing, I look for character qualities similar to my husband in my MMC – integrity, humor, strength, confidence (sometimes bordering on arrogance, which I kid him about), decisiveness, and honor. And of course, he’s manly. ;). Ha.
I love inspirational romance because of, not the only the happy ending, but the growth of the characters along the way and how the situations they go through often mirror my own life.
Agreed Dianne, a lot of my friends who read, read anything and everything. I only read inspirational, whatever the genre. I want to know I’m not going to be sideswiped with smut.
The scavenger hunt is getting old, Trudy. I haven’t been able to find thin, boneless pork chops that my husband wanted for his birthday back in April. But I’m thankful we haven’t gone hungry. And there are these tongue and groove yellow planks that we’ve used in a lot of our remodeling. They’re gone, like they never existed. They’re not even on Lowe’s web page anymore. I guess we’ll do the laundry room in something else. But that is the only room left, so at least we got the rest of our projects finished. And maybe eventually, they’ll reappear.
I’m so done with all of this, Yvonne. I’m so hoping it’s leading right into the end of the world and we’re almost out of here. I’d rather be in Heaven anyway, even back when things were normal.
I love not having my brain in the floor, Regina. It’s so freeing, not having that box under my desk and catching the wheels of my chair on it. It had been 8 years since I bought a new computer. I love my new sparkling white one. I may even clean off my desk, so it’ll look even prettier. Happy Birthday Scrivenings Press. Sprained ankles are the worst. I hope you’re staying off of it. I’ve got a few Women’s Fiction on paper and in my head. If I ever get published in that genre, mine will have happily ever afters.
Yes Kathy! I read to relax too. It’s not relaxing if the hero dies or they don’t end up together. I’ve taken classes on writing and learned if there’s not a happily ever after, you’re supposed to create a satisfying ending. The no HEA books I’ve read didn’t have a satisfying enough ending for me.
Hey Penelope. I still love screened porches. We’re going to screen part of our front porch in now. But I love my sunroom even better. The air conditioner guy came this week and put a vent in, so it’s truly a year round comfortable room now. We bought a wicker day bed to put out there for company.
I do miss Smokey. Especially since for the last few months of her life, she was in my office. When she wanted attention, she’d come stick a claw in my leg. It worked like a charm. I’m sorry about your kitty too. But wow, 15.5 years is impressive. I always thought I’d lose Charcoal first. He’s been snake bit, got a horrible tick disease, attacked by coyotes and the list goes on. We joke that he’s on his 12th life. But he’s still going strong.
I can’t do the read the end of the book thing. It ruins it for me since I don’t want to read it once I know how it ends for sure. I’d like to get published in Women’s Fiction some day, but mine will have guaranteed happily ever afters. You sound like me. If I do dabble in a different genre and it doesn’t have an HEA, I follow with a guaranteed feel good book.
Life is awesome when you’re married to a real life hero. I’m glad you have one too.
Yes, Megan. I love seeing characters change and grow. Especially nonbelieving characters.
I love contemporary romance because it is uplifting and encouraging. Characters often face real-world concerns, issues, or problems and there are always words of encouragement in the story. Sometimes the character’s experiences and thoughts provide a new perspective on similar situations in real-life. Of course, the books have a happy ending and that always provides hope that each of can experience our own happy ever-after in life as we view life through new perspectives.
Well said, Suzan. I love getting a new spiritual truth from a great book while I enjoy the story.
Hi Shannon and thank you for the post! I love Inspirational Contemporary Romance – we all need some Inspiration and Romance in our lives, right? :)
Changes are coming with the beginning of the new school year and I don’t even want to think about it with two high-schoolers, one middle and one elementary students… It will be tough – God is my only hope! Trusting Him in this craziness.
Mine graduated this year Natalya. He was quite happy that they let school out in March and since he was caught up and had good grades, he was officially done. They’re having a social distanced graduation next week. I’m glad we don’t have to worry with school anymore. So far he’s working and still living at home.
I got interested in CCR by way of romantic suspense (I call RS my gateway drug, lol). I, too, long for the happy ending. I also like seeing characters with some real depth navigate genuine relationship problems (not just ones that come from steadfastly not talking to each other). I’ve even learned a thing or two about how to love my wife ;). I grew up on mystery stories. They have their own style of happy ending with the baddy caught and peace and justice restored. At some point, I may shift to another genre for my dominant reading but CCR definitely has a place in my heart.
Best wishes for the new publishing venture. No doubt the new computer will help! And, yes, computer years are even worse than cat or dog years, probably 15 to 1. So, your old machine served long and well.
As for change, I feel like I am able to be creative and productive again by writing. I have a WIP that is contemporary fiction whose main theme is Recovery. The protagonist is rising from a pit of depression and anxiety after the death of his twin brother. There is a romantic subplot where his younger sister, who is a young widow, starts to open up to love again. All of this is capped off with some excitement where the protagonist is put to the test by an act of sabotage in the satellite project which he has been brought in to lead. I have a plot planned out through to the end and the writing is about 60% done. I have really been enjoying the process of creating. It’s been too long.
Thanks for a fun post.
All men should read CCR, Lincoln. You’re one of the brave. I read Romantic Suspense every great once in a while. It keys me up and I usually read to relax. But then when I’m dying for the hero and heroine to get together, that’s not relaxing either. I relax in knowing it will happen.
I love the new computer. It’s definitely made me more productive. No more spinning. My 18 year old son thought it was really funny that I couldn’t find my brain.
Good for you on the writing. Some day I’ll do that again. I got to accept a manuscript yesterday and make an author’s day, so that was fun.
Hi Shannon, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pet. I love to read Inspirational contemporary Romance because the always have an HEA and that is Always nice! The book cover is Beautiful, than you for sharing about the book. No big changes over here for us, except we didn’t get to have our youngest grandson that lives 6 hrs away come visit us, but Godwilling after all this is said and done , things will get back to normal. Hope is all we have and we will keep on praying, God is Good. Have a Great weekend and stay safe. Thank you for the chance.
I agree! It is getting old! Hopefully, you’ll get the planks you want sooner rather than later!
Thank you Alicia. I rescued her from the humane society and she had a good life. So that helps. This mess has been tough on families. We’ve been wanting to go to TX to see my husband’s family, but I guess it will wait. I’m ready for it to be normal again or for Jesus to come get us and be done with it.
I love reading and writing contemporary romance. It was what made me fall in love with reading–I used to steal my mom’s books. All were chaste. Not as many Inspirational romances back then.
Congratulations on your new computer.
First off Sorry for the loss of Smokey never easy to say goodbye. (although at early morning when they bring me in a suprise I could say goodbye til morning).
I also got a new computer just a laptop but a better quality one about 5 weeks ago and it is so much better. Its faster and keeps up with my typing. I love it.
While others are struggling this time of slowing down etc has been good for me. I have constant migraine type pain and have found by not going out as much (I use to shop most days at the supermarket due to not having a car) I am doing so much better. I didn’t realise how much the lights and music affected me and the extra stimulation. Now I try to restrict it to twice a week and if its an extra trip in and out as quick as I can. I have learnt I don’t have to go out all the time. I do church cleaning at least twice a week (we have a craft group Thursdays so have to clean after that) but I can do it on my own so its quiet.
When it comes to reading I like most genres except heavy suspense, horror and I don’t really like Women’s fiction or chick lits. my favourites are historical and contemporary. I like the HEA but I like that they are a clean easy read and often I can learn something in them (More with History). I prefer smaller towns to a big city and down to earth characters rather than rich characters. I like to be taken away to another place.
I read my aunt’s clean books in my teen years, Denise. There wasntvinspirational back then. I’ve tried clean since but I miss the spiritual thread so I stick with inspirational now. I’m really liking the new computer. It’s so much more productive.
Hey Ausjenny. I do miss Smokey. Especially since she was in my office for the last 2 months. And now she’s not. It’s kind of lonely.
I’m glad you’re feeling better these days.
I love small town romance. It feels like home since I live in a small town.
Great to hear from you Shannon! I am super excited about your new job as editor. I know from experience that you have the right stuff for it!
Around my house, we changed from me working my day job from home, to going back onsite thirty minutes away, to coming back home again. I love the lack of a commute, because it gives me more writing time.
I have been at a loss about What to write. But, the last person to take a look at my WIP suggested reading Debra Dixon’s Goal, Motivation and Conflict. One of the exercises in the book was to tackle a story in a genre you’ve never written in before, so I imagined a historical set in rural Arkansas just after the Civil War. I am loving the research, and getting to know my characters. Keeps my mind busy.
Why do I love contemporary romance best? I am fascinated with the time when young people are leaving the nest, at about ages 18-25. For most everyone, romance is a big thing during this time, as they look for the person they will build their future with.
I used to think my stories were women’s fiction with a heavy romance thread, but as the happy ending becomes more obvious, everyone can tell it is romance.
I am constantly amazed at the way God shows up and shows out in our current world. I will continue to love reading and writing about contemporary life, even as I travel back in time occasionally as well.
Hugs and blessings to you, my friend. Keep those hiking boots handy. You never know when you might need to climb a mountain. :)
The biggest change in our lives happened almost 3 years ago when we started raising our grand-girl & then a year and a half ago when we gained guardianship of her. I won’t go into the circumstances that made that happen, but we absolutely know that we made the right choice for her young life. She turned six in March, so going through the whole schooling thing and having a little one underfoot has been a challenge but a joy none-the-less. :-) See, our youngest graduated from high school in 2016 so we happily anticipated the “empty nest” feeling of just being us. Even though our son still lives at home (and we are okay with that), it’s the feeling of not being responsible for anyone but ourselves that appealed. And just re-connecting as a couple that we most looked forward too….and maybe a little more traveling and enjoying our older years. Well, all that changed with our grand-girl. God has blessed us with the ability to care for her & meet her needs for however long this will last. While there are challenges, He has met every one of our needs and we wouldn’t really have it any other way :-)
I’m normally a inspirational historical romance lover, but over the last year or so, I’ve discovered many great contemporary writers & stories! I think it started when I got hooked reading Becky Wade’s “Bradford Sisters” series…she just knows how to spin a tale! Each character had lives that aren’t perfect, but very much relied on God & lived out their Christian lives to the best of their ability & let God fill in where they lacked. I’ve enjoyed many more authors and stories since then and think what I like best (as with any genre I read) is the characters. If an author can make me care about them & I feel invested in their lives, then that just makes the story for me! I like to see imperfect people live imperfect lives and allow the Lord to help them though it all (the messes we make, the stumbling we do,in all our humaness). I’m not really sure why contemporary appeals, maybe it is the modern day settings, or the modern day “happenings”, or what exactly. Really any genre I read, as long as I’m invested in the story, the characters and the setting, I’m a happy reader :-)
Oh, and Love Inspired books are my go-to ones that I pick up when I really can’t decide what book to read next! I have all lines on my bookshelves to enjoy; Historical, Suspense, Contemporary, Amish :-)
I’m currently editing a historical, Jenny. And wondering if I have the right stuff. I knew it would be the most difficult for me since I don’t usually read that genre. But I’m getting the hang of it and my business partner is planning to go over it before I give it to the author since she does read historical.
I’m more interested in romance right than I’ve been in years since my son graduated. I’ve prayed for the right Christian wife for him since I found out he was a boy months before he was born. I finally had to throw my hiking boots away, they were coming apart. For everyone who doesn’t know, Jenny and I were at a writers retreat. Everybody decided to go on a nature walk and the only shoes I had were gold, blingy sandals. I went anyway and the nature walk turned out to be a mountain. So my gold, blingy sandals became known as my hiking boots. I still have a picture of them though.
I’m glad you and your husband were there for your granddaughter, Trixi. We have several grandparents in our church raising grandkids. Maybe she’ll keep y’all young. That’s what we’ve always said about our son. He came later in life, so he just graduated from high school and I’m about to be fifty-five. I spent the weekend trying to find a skirt to wear since they’re finally letting him have a ceremony this weekend. I don’t want to look like the only fifty-something mom in a sea of late thrities and forty year olds.
I love that series and all of Becky’s books. I have them all except for the newest one. My to be ride pile is about to topple. Surely, I’ll have time to read again some day soon.