Narelle here. In a recent StoryChats @InspyRomance episode #7 with Jaycee Weaver we talked about kisses in CCR (contemporary Christian romance) books. Our conversation started me thinking about why I love kissing books and why I like kissing to be included in romance novels.
In a romance story, the main characters are falling in love and on their journey to happily-ever-after. The physical expression of their romance journey will include attraction, affection and, in a CCR, a growing level of intimacy for Christian characters that’s consistent with Biblical values. If the characters make unwise choices, they’ll be dealing with the consequences of their actions and decisions in the story. CCR books are often described as clean, wholesome, and family friendly romance reads.
I don’t like gratuitous kissing, in the sense that I like the kisses to be a meaningful addition to the story. Kissing is nice and fun but it’s not the only reason I read romance. I can enjoy a romance story if there’s a compelling reason for the kissing to be either low key or postponed until the very end.
Today I’m going to share a few CCR’s I’ve read that include fun and memorable kisses.
Marry Me for Real, Cowboy by Valerie Comer
Book 1 in Valerie’s Cavanagh Cowboys Romance series was the obvious CCR to mention because the first of many kisses happens in the opening pages of the story!
If you haven’t read Marry Me for Real, Cowboy, check out the first kiss scene in the Amazon sample and you’ll be hooked into reading this fun and faith-filled fake engagement cowboy romance set in Montana.
Riley and Adam are adorable characters who spend a lot of time trying to convince themselves that their ‘kissing for show’ in front of his family isn’t real and isn’t stirring tender feelings of love. A satisfying romance develops that will also appeal to readers who may have reservations about fake relationship tropes. Adam and Riley experience real consequences and relationship complications due to their deceptive behavior that challenges their faith in the story.
Hope for Freedom by Elizabeth Maddrey
Book 4 in Elizabeth’s Hope Ranch series set in New Mexico has Indigo and Joaquin dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Indigo isn’t a Christian at the start of the story and she meets Joaquin at her sister’s wedding. They’re both very attracted to each other from the start, and they share many kisses during the story.
Joaquin and Indigo’s romance is messy and beautiful and very complicated. I loved travelling with them in the story and experiencing all the emotions and uncertainty that goes along with their journey to parenthood.
Indigo’s faith journey is one of my favorite aspects of the story. I loved seeing her turn to Jesus and accepting him as her savior. I’m not necessarily a big fan of conversion scenes in CCR because they can slide into ‘preachy territory’. That said, Indigo’s faith conversion is a stand out and one of the best I’ve read in CCR.
If you haven’t read Hope for Freedom or visited with the characters in the Hope Ranch series, you’re missing out on top quality CCR with very satisfying kissing scenes!
If for Any Reason by Courtney Walsh
Book 1 in Courtney’s Nantucket Love Story series has Emily and Hollis sharing their first sweet kiss at the tender age of eleven. The young lovebirds are separated for many years due to Emily’s mother dying in a car wreck on the island and Emily’s grandparents abandoning their summer vacation home on the beach.
Emily returns to Nantucket when she inherits the derelict beach house that needs to be renovated. Hollis is now a retired baseball star who’s staying next door with his daughter and family for the summer.
Emily is one of those characters who you want to embrace in a big hug. She’s lost and vulnerable and has memorised the letters addressed to her from her mom’s diary. A dual storyline with Emily’s mom unfolds and provides an insight into Emily’s mom’s early life and her kisses with Emily’s father. The island holds the key to unlocking the secrets in Emily’s family that have torn them apart, and provide hope for redemption and forgiveness and reconciliation.
A lovely romance develops between Emily and Hollis as they become more-than-friends and share many memorable kisses. If for Any Reason is a charming CCR and the perfect summer read with a pretty beach-themed cover!
Star Rising by Janet W. Ferguson
I shared my book recommendation for Star Rising last month in my Inspy Romance post that can be found here. In the Kissing podcast episode #7 that can also be watched on YouTube, I read a short excerpt from a kissing scene in Star Rising. I’m mentioning Janet again because she’s a CCR author who writes satisfying and memorable kissing scenes in her books.
There are a number of CCR authors (and many of them blog at Inspy Romance) who I could have included in my post because they write amazing kissing scenes. Unfortunately time and space limitations mean I’m stopping at four books, and I’ll save those books to talk about later.
Questions for you: Do you have a preference regarding the kissing content in CCR books? Have you read any of the books I’ve mentioned? Can you list any CCR books or CCR authors you’d recommend to readers looking for memorable kissing books? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
I’m giving away a $10 Amazon US gift card to a reader who comments on this post. The giveaway will close on Friday, March 5 and the winner announced in the Sunday Edition.
I don’t live for the kiss, but I do like a nice meaningful one. Caleb in An Informal Introduction was a man ready to get married and settle down. On their first planned date, a BBQ organised by his mum, he warned Lily a kiss was coming in a matter of seconds unless she demurred….
I love the podcasts and am enjoying spending time getting to know all the Inspy authors.
Haven’t thought of it a lot I don’t want kissing for the sake of kissing. I don’t mind it for a reason like, engagement etc. I would rather not see it constantly. Cant think of any books right now.
Hi Margaret, I also enjoy the kissing scenes in Heather Gray’s books. I’m glad you’re enjoying the podcast. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Jenny, I’m happy to see a lot of kissing if it fits the story and the characters and comes across as a natural part of the story. No kissing can be better than awkward kissing, unless of course it’s supposed to be awkward – which is not something I often see in CCR. Thanks for commenting. 😊
I love a great emotion filled kiss. Thank you kindly
I love the covers. The colors and graphics are great!
I haven’t read any of the ones you’ve mentioned, though quite a few are in my TBR stack! I think the kissing scenes can enhance the book. I like it to be at meaningful points in the story. Two of my all time favorite books (not CCR) have no kissing at all, and the main characters in one never even go on a date. They’re definitely sweet/clean, in one the characters do go to church.
I have not read these books but I have read books by these authors and have enjoyed them. I don’t mind kisses in stories if it’s important to the story but if that is all the book is about I’m not reading it.
If the kissing enhances the story go for it! I think any physical intimacy, holding hands, kisses needs to be an extension of the emotional intimacy of the couple. It also depends on who the characters are and the guidelines from their church to be realistic. Thanks for another thought-provoking post Narelle :)
Thanks for mentioning Marry Me for Real, Cowboy! Writing Adam and Riley’s relationship as it slid from fake to real might’ve been the most entertainment I had in 2020 LOL.
I actually like just sweet quick kisses in fiction. However, I have been really enjoying Valerie Comer’s books so those a good with me. ;)
Thank you! Going to listen to the storychat!
I enjoy kissing when it is meaningful to the story. Thank you for sharing.
I like your examples. I too enjoy kissing books but agree that there has to be a reason behind the kissing, not just to throw it in there because its a romance.
I’ve only read one of the books that you mentioned, Hope for Freedom was a really good book!
I have not yet read any of the books that you mentioned, but they all sound like great reads. To me kissing in a book a good , only if it is done in a nice and good way. I love it when I read when a couple look into each others eyes and then they kiss , I like books that include kissing because it is a part of romance as long as they did it nicely and they don’t elaborate what goes on behind closed doors.
I love first kisses best…. there’s just something so powerful about it!
I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned yet, but if they’re not on my list, they soon will be. I, too, like kissing if it’s not just for kissings sake, but blends into the story. All of your examples were great!
I haven’t read any of the books you have mentioned Love the covers They all sound great! Thanks for sharing I too like kissing it blends into the story!
I don’t read a book because of the kisses. But I have always loved the books of Becky Wade. Irene Hannon with her Hope Harbor series is also a favourite of me. I haven’t read the books that you’ve mentioned, but they sound great reads! Thank you for posting this!
I like the first kiss a couple has in a book! I stick to Christian fiction because I know the authors would never go over the top on the kisses or the physical side of romance. I think some of my favorite are the awkward first kiss where a couple bumble it, but makes for a good memory. I love when they can laugh at themselves!
Becky Wade’s books are great examples of CF kisses :-)
Hi Kelley, You’re very welcome. I’m with you on loving a great emotion filled kiss. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Jeanna, The book covers are lovely, and it was also fun to find kissing quotes. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Trudy, I agree, a great story doesn’t need to include kissing. If it’s a romance and there’s no kissing, I’m looking for strong emotions and other story elements that highlight the romance in the story. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Lori, I’m with you on the kisses needing to be meaningful and adding value to the story. I hope you’ll have a chance to read the books I mentioned. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Dianne, You’re very welcome. I like the kisses to reveal the growing emotional intimacy, too. CCR tends to be non-denominational, and the CCR authors who write realistic stories will be tackling some of the trickier issues. They will keep certain scenes off-stage to stay within PG/family friendly parameters. There’s plenty of general market romance available for readers who prefer a higher heat level than clean and wholesome. It’s rare to come across a CCR with the bedroom door open because that’s not what CCR readers expect or want to see when they read CCR. Thanks for commenting. 😊
I’m not super big on kisses. I’m fine if there is only one at the very end, or even none (though I can’t think of any that don’t have at least one). I know IRL before marriage, kissing inevitably leads to wanting something more. If the hero and heroine aren’t already married (like a marriage of convenience trope), then I’m not comfortable with many kisses.
I do enjoy a good kiss…especially if it’s a long time coming. I read Star Rising. I think Becky Wade has some good kissing scenes in her books.
I don’t need the kissing in books, but a first kiss is memorable.
I don’t really have a preference regarding the kissing content in CCR books…I love kissing scenes! I’m listening to Star Rising – it’s so good <3
Before my Mom was put in the hospital and rehab center, I would read books out loud to her. I would get uncomfortable it there was too much information given in a romance. I enjoy the store of friendship and then love. No, I have not read any of the books listed. I have not been reading as much lately. Thank you for the opportunity. God bless you.
Hi Narelle!
I liked how you phrased it: “I like the kisses to be a meaningful addition to the story.” I hadn’t really thought about it, but you’re certainly right. I think this may be the difference with why some books may feel like meh, and others are simply 5-stars :) As for books I’d recommend, the one that comes to mind off the top of my head is Jessie Gussman’s rom-com “Me and the Cute Catastrophe”.
I think kisses are realistic in CCR since they happen in real life.
I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned but I love kissing books & doesn’t matter how much detail is in the story.
I don’t mind kissing scenes in CCR stories. I am most interested in the growth of the emotional relationship, the thoughts and intents of the heart, though. Even a kiss like the one in Valerie Comer’s book, that surprised the hero completely, was important because of what it said about the heroine and it set up the story to come.
Displays of affection are healthy in a romantic relationship, especially a marriage where it has the added bonus of making the kids squirm, LOL!
Hi Valerie, You’re very welcome, and I loved Adam and Riley’s story. I’m glad you enjoyed bringing them to life! 😊
Hi Abigail, I’m glad you’re enjoying Valerie’s books. Sometimes it’s the sweet quick kisses that work best for the characters. As long as the kisses make sense for the couple and their growing relationship, I’m happy. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Janet, You’re very welcome. Enjoy listening to StoryChats! 😊
Hi Lucy, I’m with you on liking the kisses to be meaningful. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Megan, The examples were fun to put together. The kisses need an emotional anchor to have meaning in the story. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Angeline, Hope for Freedom is a great read. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Alicia, I’m more interested in reading about the emotion rather than the mechanics. The nice kisses are the natural expression of the couple’s emotions and feelings. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Paula, First kisses are the best, especially if they follow a beautifully written almost-kiss that ups the emotional tension in the romance story. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Kathy, I hope you’ll have a chance to read all the books I’ve mentioned. I’m glad you enjoyed the examples. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Sarah, The covers are beautiful. I hope you’ll have an opportunity to read the books. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Marilene, yes, Becky Wade and Irene Hannon write great kissing scenes. My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade was one of the books I talked about in the StoryChats Kissing podcast episode. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Trixi, yes, there’s definitely a place for humor in the kissing scenes, especially in rom coms. As long as the awkwardness is for a good reason, I’m good. Becky Wade is on my list of CCR authors who write great kisses. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Lila, I also can’t think of any CCR books with no kisses, but I guess it’s possible. I agree, there’s a line that’s best not crossed with too many kisses. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Ellie, yes, the anticipation is a big part of what makes a great kissing scene. Becky Wade writes great kisses. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Mary, I like to read memorable first kisses. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Natalya, Enjoy listening to Star Rising! There’s a memorable almost-kiss that I’m certain both Star and Paul were glad didn’t happen, lol. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Debra, You’re very welcome. I can understand that scenes with TMI could be awkward to read aloud. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Priscila, I’ve heard Jessie Gussman’s books are good, but I haven’t had a chance to read any from her. We won’t talk about the size of my TBR list that’s split up into ‘must-read next’, ‘must-read soon’, ‘must-read this year’, ‘must-read someday…’ lol. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Denise, I agree, it’s good to see realistic kisses in CCR. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Amy, I hope you’ll have a chance to read the books I’ve mentioned. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Lincoln, Oh yes, making the kids squirm is fun, lol. I agree, if the kiss in Valerie’s opening chapter was deleted, it wouldn’t be the same story because that kiss set up the emotional tension in their fake-to-real relationship. Thanks for commenting. 😊
If you want great kisses try a Pepper Basham book! Totally swoony.
I just read an Irene Hannon book Hope Harbor that had a great kiss by two youngish widowed people. Tracy and Michael.
I like kissing in books, but have found that there is a certain level of description that can make me start to feel uncomfortable. Kind of like I’m watching something that shouldn’t be on display. It doesn’t need to be over the line of modesty to make me feel like that either. I can’t really describe what level of description makes me feel like this, but I always recognize it when it hits. Ha!
Hi Paula, yes, they’re great suggestions! Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Melynda, yes, I know what you mean and it’s hard to explain. We have a point or a threshold, for want of a better word, that we know and are convicted about not crossing. Reading content that’s not edifying is crossing that line into a place we’re not supposed to go. Thanks for commenting. 😊