The other day, I was chatting with a friend about her son borrowing a book from my son, and she said, “Since we’re about to go away for a month, I’ll just buy it for him. Plus, that gives me an excuse to get a book for myself.” So, as is natural when you’re a voracious reader, I asked, “Oh? What are you going to get?” And she cleared her throat and said, “Don’t judge me.” And then rattled off the name of a popular mainstream romance. I’ll admit it, I laughed right before I said, “Um, you remember I write romance, right? No judgement here.”
It isn’t the first time something like this has happened. But it got me thinking…why is it that so many women seem to be embarrassed that they read romance? I’ve even met a handful of authors who seem embarrassed that they write it. I don’t get it. If for no other reason than I have to stop and ask, what is the Bible if not a romance between God and His people? (Now let me be clear, I’m not comparing my contemporary romance to Scripture.)
I love reading romance. And I love writing it. So I came up with three reasons why that I thought I’d share with you today.
- You know from the start that the ending will be satisfying. There is nothing worse, in my mind, than reading a book and experiencing all the emotional upheaval that the characters go through and then, you get to the end, and–bam!–no resolution. (Or, worse, a bad ending.) With romance, you know that the guy and the girl, no matter what they go through up to that point, will end up together. Now, maybe it’s just a “happily for now” ending instead of “happily ever after,” but hey, at least you can spend some enjoyable time building them a dream home and naming their kids when you’re done with the book.
- There’s a lot of scope for tackling tough issues within the confines of a romance. Romance novels don’t have to be light and fluffy (not that there’s anything wrong with light and fluffy! I love those romances, too.) As couples get to know one another and move toward love and marriage, there are a ton of issues they can run into. And when you’re looking at them from within the bounds of a fledgling relationship, youcan get a lot of tension that goes beyond the tried-and-true. And, looking back up at number one here for a second, no matter the depth of the issue, the reader still has that promise of a happy sigh coming.
- There’s a line in the movie “50 First Dates” that goes, “There’s nothing like a first kiss.” And that is true. Even though I’m happily married for coming up on 21 years, I love first kisses. At this point, that means I love reading about them. There’s that humming tension–will he? Won’t he? Should she? You can’t replicate it. And when it comes–wherever it comes in the story–it’s like a time machine that transports me back to my first kiss with my husband and I get to relive that memory a little through the eyes of the characters in a book.
So I’m going to challenge you to stand atop your desk, a la The Dead Poets Society, and proclaim to the world that you love romance novels and you aren’t ashamed to say it! Stop hiding your books behind the cover of Ben Hur or Oprah’s latest book club choice, and embrace the romance. I suspect you’ll find that the people around you are every bit as in love with romance as you are.
Since I have a brand new release (out today!), I’d love to gift a copy to someone. Here’s the blurb:
Not all secrets can be kept.
Jake McGill wants to spend his vacation time in the mountains. As a bonus, he gets to take kids on hikes, teach them to shoot, and run the fireworks show for the Fourth of July at camp. But the instant attraction he feels for the camp director wasn’t something he’d anticipated.
Single mom Deb Magarry has always put her son first. When she agrees to stand in as director for the summer camp they attend together every year, romance is the farthest thing from her mind. Especially not with Jake and all the ghosts he resurrects from her past.
How will Jake convince Deb to give him a chance when she’s determined to keep her heart, and her secrets, under lock and key?
Operation Fireworks is the third book in the Operation Romance series.
You can get your very own copy of Operation Fireworks at Amazon.
Leave a comment and let me know what you love about reading (or writing!) romance novels. I’ll choose one random commenter on June 25th to get a free e-book of my upcoming release, Operation Fireworks.
I love to read and write romance because after watching the news, I need a little happily ever after. I enjoyed your blurb, Elizabeth!
I love reading romance for pretty much all the reasons you listed above. I mean who doesn’t love seeing the happy ending after reading through the obstacles they endure in getting to the happy ending? :)
The first email I opened this morning was from Amazon thanking me for my purchase of Operation Fireworks! :) Looks like I have some reading to do! Yay! :)
Ooh, another new book- that list keeps growing, and I like that !! Hmm, I like (faith filled) romance books because they remind me that no matter what, there is always hope and a happily every after- a reflection of God’s Big Story, where He has rescued us and will take us to our happily ever after. I like that there are challenges, trials etc. to get through- inspires me to keep pushing onwards. Blessings:)
I love to read romance novels mostly for the reasons you already stated, but mostly because it provides a quick scape from reality. Not that I want to neglect reality, but sometimes when we can’t see a HEA in real life, it is really good to read a really nice story. (Btw, I just started Courage to Change and I’m expecting a really sweet HEA specially with the crazy ex making everyone’s life miserable.)
Also shouted aloud this morning that I love reading romance novels. My husband was the only one in the room (does that count?!), he started at me and said “so what?” Then went back to reading the newspaper.
So true about the news, Jill! :) and thanks!
I so agree! Watching characters overcome and then end up with a good outcome is refreshing (since it’s not always that way in real life.) :)
And Yay! Hope you get some time to read soon. Thanks for pre-ordering.
I love that, Wemble. God’s Big Story is absolutely the best happy ending. Thanks for commenting!
Priscilla, your husband is awesome. :) (and so are you for following directions ). Escape from reality is so necessary sometimes and I love that books give us that chance with relatively little fuss or expense.
As for Courage to Change, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. At least I hope not! :)
I love romance because I’m guaranteed a happy ending. I love happy endings.
Happy endings are absolutely the best!
I like reading romance for something fun and relaxing. It is interesting that God and human nature are the same through the ages. People get in various situations and God delivers them! :-) I like the happily ever after that romance provides. Real life gives us the reality, but romance gives us a reprieve.
I forgot to add, I have a pre-order copy of your book, so I don’t need one.
That’s beautifully stated, Diana. And thanks for pre-ordering!
I’m a little different. :) Mystery/suspense is my favorite genre, however, I enjoy reading a romance now and then. My favorite romances are set in the old west with a cowboy who rides a HORSE. :) I don’t want my cowboy driving a pick-up and working as a systems analyst. I read romances because I like the process the couple works through and the victory in the end. *sigh*
I love reading romance because I love happily ever after! Life is full of negativity and I like knowing they will end up together.
Oh I love other genres, too. But romance is definitely tops for me. Isn’t it good that there’s something for everyone?
That HEA …gotta love it :)
I used to say that if a book doesn’t have at least a little romance in it, it’s not worth reading. :) I’ve matured a little since then and will concede I can get through and even like a book without romance–doesn’t happen often though.:)
I love seeing their relationship develop. I write romance because of my first stated opinion and it’s what I know how to write. :)
I enjoy reading romance. Add in some adventure or some foreign country, and I’m all over it.
Oh I’m right there with you! Need at least a little romance. (I can push through without it…but I don’t like to.)
Oh definitely. there are some great romances with adventure and new locations.
Usually when I want to read a book, I’m doing it to escape and relax, so romances and happily ever after rank high on my list too :-)
I remember one time telling someone that I write Christian romance, and the person (a man), looked at me with eyes wide. “Heaving bosoms?” I still chuckle about that. It’s funny the perceptions people have about the genre of romance. There’s so much more to it than non-romance-readers realize.
PS – Love the cover! I hope everyone enjoys the story as much as I did! :)
And to think I once thought there was a limit to the number of ways couples could misunderstand/hurt each other and work through it. I’m almost finished writing my 19th (!!!) romance, several of which are unpublished, and I’m finding more and more ways through the tried-and-true romance “formula.” I love it. I love that our human romance shadows the Great Romance of Christ and the church.
I’m about 1/3 through Operation Fireworks and enjoying it! I love the group of guys you thought up for your Operation series almost as much as the guys in your Taste of Romance series.
I love Christian romance!! I guess that’s pretty obvious. :) Enjoyed your post, Elizabeth. I looked at your book yesterday, and I will pick it up from Amazon today. I always say that love began with God loving us enough to send His Son to die in our place, and what greater love story can there be? It all begins with love. I love writing about that cord of three strands in my books. Regarding #3, I like how writing that first kiss reminds you of your first kiss with your husband. That’s a precious thought! :) I prefer to write about that first blush of love and first kisses more than any other scenario (even in Second Time Around, it was like a “new” love for Marc and Natalie as well as for the reader). That first glance, first meeting, first date, first kiss… Sigh. Every beloved book and movie has a love story of some kind at its core. I love writing Christian romance, and I’m not embarrassed to admit I also love reading it. Blessings!
I’m all about the happily-ever-after, and I read AND write romance! :)
Congratulations on your newest release, Elizabeth! Operation Fireworks…what an awesome title!
Books are definitely good for escaping!
Ha! Heaving bosoms indeed. Romance has come a long way.
19! Wow. :) but yes, the ways are varied and many…that makes me happy.
So glad you’re enjoying Operation Fireworks! I love those guys, too. :)
I loved Second Time Around — you did such a lovely job with it!
And yes, I love God’s love story with us. How blessed we are to have Someone willing to woo and pursue us.
Thanks Dora!
The HEA is a strong thread today. For good reason! :)
I really enjoy inspirational romances. They are a great clean escape. They can also inspire you in a good way. I have already ordered the book since I have the others in the series and really enjoyed them.
I will say I love the inspirational aspects (both the Spiritual inspiration as well as other) that are in inspy romances these days. I love that I can think and escape and be entertained all at the same time.
THanks for pre-ordering!
Congratulations on your new release! I enjoyed your post. I, too, love inspirational romances for the happy ending and spiritual aspects included. It’s so exciting that there are so many talented Christian fiction writers now, and I keep finding new ones! My TBR pile is overflowing and becoming a mountain. Your new book looks and sounds intriguing. Thanks for sharing your talents!
Thanks, Winnie! I’m also excited by how much talent there is out there.
I like romance also, as the stories let you escape to another time and let’s you become involved in the life of others. Keep up the good work! Thanks.
Thanks for coming by, Carol!
Amen! And thanks re: Second Time Around. I’m so happy you enjoyed it. :) Wishing you the best with your new book. I have my copy!