A couple of weeks ago at our church the Gospel reading was from the Book of St. Matthew from the Sermon on the Mount. I’m sure most of you are familiar with it. “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown down and trampled underfoot,” (St. Matthew 5:13).
While I’ve heard or read the passage dozens of times over the years, as often happens with the Holy Scriptures, this time it came alive for me in a new way.
I’ll be honest with you and admit I’ve been struggling with my writing (well, really, with my life) recently. I’ve had all sorts of health issues, everything from fracturing my left wrist flying off a moving treadmill (yes, you read that right) to the bronchitis accompanied by a lovely fever I’m currently working through. I’m also the full-time breadwinner and my husband’s caretaker, so there’s no shortage of things upon which I can find to whine about. And trust me—sometimes I do.
And that day at church, I was asking the Lord why He had called me to write. It isn’t the easiest career, nor, despite what some might think, the most glamorous.
“What am I doing?” I asked God, thoroughly exhausted and discouraged. “Am I completely off the mark here?”
He answered me with the Gospel reading from St. Matthew.
I write inspirational romances so I can season my work with God’s Word and characters who learn more about Him. It is my constant prayer that my words will reach readers’ hearts and encourage them.
And then I got to thinking about that salt thrown down onto the ground to be trampled underfoot. Even that salt can melt ice. My witness, through the books I write—is to show readers Jesus, the one who can melt their hearts of ice and offer them the warmth of salvation. And what better way than romance to show love, not only between the hero and heroine, but also between them and God. Because ultimately, salvation is a love story with a happy ending.
I don’t know where my books go, nor who reads them. But God does offer purpose through my writing. To be salt to the world.
How do you season your world?
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Deb’s next release (technically a re-release) is a two-for-one with Debra Clopton. Watch for it in May or preorder it HERE!
Dianne says
Sounds amazing!
Laurie Larsen says
Praying that things get easier for you soon!
Angeline Farrow-Douglas says
That scripture verse is one of my favourite, I read that recently as I was reading Matthew right now I am reading Mark chapter 7
Lori R says
I am so glad you write inspirational romances. They have touched my heart!
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
Praying for blessings to come your way. Just keep shining your light. Blessings
Megan says
That’s a very good reason to write!
Trudy says
I’m definitely not a writer; however, I’m a caregiver, so I can only imagine how you managed to care for your husband with a broken wrist! Then, throw bronchitis in there, too! Wow! There’s no way I could have done the little I do for Mom when I broke my wrist. Thankfully, she was still able at that time to help me! Mine was my right, and I’m right handed. You honestly don’t know how much you take things for granted til you can’t use them, though!
Ausjenny says
Being a caregiver is a hard but rewarding time. It has highs and lows. I am glad you got an answer to why you write. I am not sure if you have support or not. Here in Australia we have help where we had someone come once a week for about 3 hours. It started with her just visiting so I could have time out on my own and then she would do some cleaning for an hour and spend the rest of the time with mum. But it meant I could go out (or stay home doing my own thing) for those hours knowing mum had someone spending the time with her. While I did go out to do shopping and other things this 3 hours was time I had to myself knowing someone else was there to take care of mum. I found it really helpful.
denise says
So important to find the good even when one is not feeling her best or going through a rough time.
Melynda says
Being a caretaker of any sort can be so hard on our bodies and minds. Whether you’re caring for children, spouses, patients, etc, it can take so very much out of us if we’re not careful to let God replenish us.
Lincoln says
Salt, seasoning the world around you with the presence of God. What an amazing calling. But even more, your DH knows the presence of God through you! Praying for strength, peace and joy for you.
Deb Kastner says
It’s so important for us to immerse ourselves in the Holy Scriptures. I find it so amazing how God can take verses we’ve heard dozens of times and make them brand new to the moment we’re currently experiencing.
Deb Kastner says
Deb Kastner says
Thanks, Lucy. I trust that God has a purpose through all of this and look to Him for answers…which He gives in amazing ways!
Deb Kastner says
Thank you! It’s truly a blessing.
Deb Kastner says
It is. And to be able to write my characters’ faith into books…I honestly can’t imagine writing any other way.
Deb Kastner says
Isn’t that the truth? Socks are a big one for me right now. Oh, and shoes. You’d think putting socks on a 65 year old man would be easier than a toddler, but not so much, especially when his left side doesn’t cooperate.
Deb Kastner says
That’s a great idea, Jenny. I might be able to work something out with some of his fellow Knights of Columbus to get a small break once in awhile. And then he would have male fellowship, as well.
Deb Kastner says
I’m not great at that, Denise. I am ashamed to say I’m of the “glass half empty” persuasion and I’ve had to work to learn to see the sun (or SON) through the clouds.
Deb Kastner says
I never seemed to have as much trouble with my children–maybe it was because I was younger and still had energy, LOL. I watch my grandson in addition to caring for my husband which can be very draining. I think we all need to learn ways to self-care and let God take care of us.
Deb Kastner says
What a lovely reminder that I’m touching my husband’s heart through my care. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Deb Kastner says
What a lovely reminder that I’m touching my husband’s heart. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Angeline Farrow-Douglas says
Amen Deb when ever I am reading a book in the bible, I always gain something new from the scriptures I am reading.
I love to read and my hands down favourite book is the bible with Revelation being my favourite.
Arletta says
I hope your health issues are over for awhile. It sounds like you have your hands full! A writer’s life always sounds so glamourous but I guess they can have struggles just as much as readers can!
Linda Herold says
What a good reminder that we don’t always know what someone is going through! Wishing you the best this year!
Susanne says
I think praying is one of the most important things we can do for anyone.
Prayers coming your way Deb God Bless You in Everything You Do! I Love The cover of your book! And I love reading your books ! You are an Amazing Author!
Ausjenny says
That would be great. Here I know they have a few male cares (or people who do this job. I often see one of them taking a client shopping or for a coffee)
Tracy Fritts says
Prayers for you. I know I have been struggling with the life latley. I hope everything works out soon.
Caitlyn Santi says
Hi, Deb!
Excellent post! I’m always in awe of just how well God knows our hearts and that He never fails to give us the perfect reminder just when we need it most!
Praying for you! ((Hugs)) 😊
P.S. I just recently grabbed a copy of The Cowgirl’s Christmas Gift and I’m so looking forward to reading it soon!
Sunnymay says
Listening to one’s heart never steers us wrong. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and writing those true to life words in your stories.