My husband Joe and I met on a blind date. Mutual friends invited us to dinner to meet each other and we hit it off the moment he walked in the door. I was dazzled by his huge blue eyes and friendly smile, and I already knew he was a godly man. (Although if I hadn’t, I soon would have learned, since for our second date he parked the car and hammered me with theological questions.)
It wasn’t long before we were serious, and he popped the question at the end of one of my shifts at Taco Time. It was probably just after midnight, I was tired and greasy…and I said, “NO!” He was stunned, of course, but I told him if he couldn’t do better than that he’d just have to try again.
The second time was only marginally better. We were in the kitchen making sandwiches when he again asked if I’d marry him. The only problem is he had to speak loudly because my roommates were fighting in the other room.
I gave him a pass and he bought me a ring, presenting it to me on Christmas morning in front of my family (now THAT was romantic!)
We were married six months to the day we met, on March 21, 1987. A couple of days ago we celebrated 34 years together.
I believe in love at first sight because it happened to me.
Romance novels, especially short ones such as novellas or Harlequin Love Inspired with their short word count, often take place over a short amount of time, sometimes weeks or even days, so there’s often the need to suspend disbelief and simply enjoy the ride. But I’m willing to keep writing them if you’ll continue to read them!
Over to you now. Do tell!
For those of you who married, how long did it take until he popped the question? (Or did you do it?)
For all you readers out there, what was your all time favorite book proposal and why? (I think mine might be Mr. Darcy’s FIRST proposal to Elizabeth when she shot him down!!)
Will answer the second question first I really am not sure my favourite proposal.
I am not married but mum meet dad and I think she fell for him. She was leading Christian Endeavor for one of the first times and this man walked in. She knew of him because he was a soldier who they had been praying for and was now discharged. Not sure what month that was but on NYE one of the men asked mum who was taking her home and she said Jack is and turned to him and said Aren’t you. Seems he had wanted to ask her out from the day they met but was scared she would say no. They were engaged at the end March over Easter and married the next year.
I have no trouble accepting the idea of love at first sight. I know it could never have been me. It would take an absence of fear that was never true of me. I needed the time that it took to become friends and to grow from there. My wife and I dated for two years and by the end of that time, we were both talking about marriage as a done deal. We even went ring shopping together. The only surprise was when I actually “officially” asked her and gave her the ring. Maybe it was love at first sight but we were both near-sighted, LOL.
I loved your story! Mine isn’t a good one, but the one of a colleague is. He proposed to his girlfriend about 25 years ago in the drive-thru at a taco joint. She said yes, but he always regretted that he hadn’t proposed in a better way. Just after their 20th anniversary he took her to Chicago to see a taping of the Steve Harvey Show. He had conspired with them to bring her up on stage, where he gave her a most romantic proposal complete with music and red roses. The show then sent them on an all-expenses paid honeymoon!
The Mister never proposed, we just kind of knew.
I love the Darcy proposal too.
We met the end of November and he proposed in May! Each new proposal I read is my favorite.
We started dating in June and were engaged by November. Two years before that we had played tennis together.
My favorite book proposal is whatever book I happen to be reading at the time, or just finished! I’m not married; however, one guy I dated a few times told me we were getting married. Didn’t ask, told. We didn’t.
We didn’t fall in love at first sight, but we’ve blasted another cliche all to bits that people say “can’t happen.” We met and started dating in high school, and we’re still together “cough number” of years later.
I believe in love at first sight, but I think its important to temper that with making sure you know each other well before you say “I do”. Its sure fun to read about though.
Oooh!!! This story tickles my romantic fancy in so many ways!!
Congratulations , Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. My husband and I have been married for 43 yrs and together for 44 yrs. I first saw him when he applied where I worked, I didn’t talk to him that day, but I really liked him. Well needless to say I was really hoping he would get the job , and less than a week after he started working there. well, we talked and we went out and in less than a 4 months we moved in together. Well, we lived together for a year and then he asked me to marry him, so we got married and been married ever since. I do believe in love at first sight. Have a great week and stay safe.
Love it! I think most people probably approach relationships as a slow burn. But my husband is 12 years older than me and he was READY to find the one. I always figured I’d settle down when I found my person.
Aww! That’s so awesome. That is the one thing we regret…we never had a honeymoon because his miserly boss wouldn’t let him off. We’ve had a couple of great cruises with The Texas Tenors, though.
It’s amazing how much may go unsaid but nevertheless be true in committed relationships.
There was something about Elizabeth slamming Darcy that I just love. He was such a snoot!
I love writing proposals. Each one is so very different.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Listen up, men. ASK, don’t TELL!!
Aww! I love it. High school boyfriend/girlfriend.
I think Joe and I talked round the clock for those six months. Plus, we went through some stressful times that bonded us closer together.
Thank you for the well wishes! I got a kick out of your story. My youngest daughter is in charge of hiring for her Sam’s Club. I can totally see her hoping a cute guy would be a good hire for her.
We had our first date (a week after we met) in July and we married the end of October. He proposed in late August. We just knew and we’ve been married 28 years.
Our first date was Valentine’s weekend to the Fine Arts show in college. By the end of the semester, we knew we were going to be married. After graduation, I spent a few weeks with my family. Then I visited him and his family for a week or so in June before I started my contract as staff at the college. It was there that we went ring shopping so he had an idea of what I liked. He officially popped the question and gave me the ring a couple of weeks after he returned to the college for his Master’s classes on August 25. So just over 6 months. I could only take my vacation (honeymoon) on a specific week the next year, so we were married on May 25, 15 months after we began dating. I put a few of these details in my second novel, Her Heart’s Jealousy.
My now hubby got to know me in a group setting for over a year, then we “pre-dated” for a few months, then we finally were officially dating. We dated (officially) for a year and a half and then got engaged. We were married 10 months later. I tease him often for how slow he was – especially because we were both in our 40’s!
I asked about the engagement and Mum said they went to Adelaide to visit Dads family and introduce them to her. (Dad use to send money home to help the family) His mother saw mum as a rival and once they would get married the money would stop (not that he made much anyway), But they were having dinner with his siblings and families (those already married) and Aunty Ivy suddenly said Whats that on your finger are you engaged. they had walked past a jewelers and went in and bought the ring. She said it was never really discussed but they just knew they would be getting married. At that time they had to take the train about 12 hours to visit and I think from what she was saying the fact she was being introduced to the family was the final thing before being engaged.
(Oh and mum said she never intended getting married and was NEVER going to live on a farm. She then was telling everyone she was going to live on a farm as dad was a farm hand).
My husband and I had our first date on St. Patrick’s Day in 1986. We were married October 14, 1988. We knew we wanted to get married about six months after we started dating. Larry officially asked me to marry him on December 12, 1987. We were going to wait until 1989. We decided it was not going to make any difference on the feelings of the family if we waited. We were together all the time except when we were working or sleeping. We decided while on vacation to see my family that it did not make any difference so we moved the wedding date.
My family moved to US on March 15 – my hubby’s birthday :)
We started dating June 28, he proposed November 28, and we got married February 22. Celebrated 18 years in February <3
My late Husband and I meet through my cousin we dated for about a year and then he ask me to marry him We was married 35 years yes I believe Love at first site Happy Anniversary ! Blessing’s To You!
Happy and blessed Anniversary.
How I met my husband? I arrived in a particular country at 3pm one afternoon 54 years ago. I saw my ‘now husband’ around the supper table at 5pm the same day and we have been married for 52 years. If not ‘love at first sight’, it certainly was ‘interest at first sight’.
It was not love at first sight for me, but my now has been wore me down. We got engaged about eight or nine months after our first date. Then another about eight months before we get married.
Happy Anniversary!
We were engaged 19 months after we started dating and married 11 months later. Will be 29 years in October.
Congrats, Penny. I love hearing stories like this! Sometimes you really just know.
So sweet! My parents’ anniversary is also May 25th so it has a special place in my heart.
What a lovely story. Sometimes slow and steady wins the race!
Sometimes you just have to do what is right for the couple. I know that’s how it was for us. Many blessings on your years of marriage!
What an exciting story! Congrats on the 18 years!!
So sorry for your loss, but how wonderful for your 35 years of marriage. Much love to you!
Thanks, Lucy!!
Fantastic story!!! The chemistry was rocking!!
I love that story, how he pursued you. True love!
Congratulations on 29 years!
Aww, thanks for sharing your story!
I don’t know if I have an “all-time favorite”, but a memorable one that I’ve read recently would be Jennie Goutet’s “Philippa Holds Court”, since it’s clear the hero has finally noticed how well-suited they’d be together and has been paying attention to all the small details, thus very much declaring his love for her and wanting to make her happy for the rest of their lives :)
My love story is very long and very complicated so I don’t really want to go into ALL the details. But I think it was a pretty mutual decision for both of us to want to get married. Since we had been very good friends for about 3 years or so before we dated, we knew each other’s personalities & our core values were the same. We probably “dated” for about five months before we got married & will celebrate 24 years in April.
By the way, Deb, I am currently reading your newest book “Opening Her Heart” and loving it! I had requested my library to purchase the ebook through Overdrive, so they did and I was first in line to borrow it. I think I want to strangle Jake though…lol! I bet he’ll endear me to him by the end of the book though ;-)