One of my youngest daughter’s favorite games is “Would you rather?” You know, the game where you’re asked a question with two equally good (or equally bad!) choices and you have to pick one. So I thought we could play “Would you rather…Inspy Romance style” today!
Remember, you can only choose one option for each question!
And of course, one last question that doesn’t need to be asked…would you rather read or do anything else? I think we all have the same answer for that one.
Thanks for playing! I hope you had fun. How about you: do you have any “Would you rather” questions for the rest of us?
Hi Valerie, this was fun! I have a question, bouncing off one of yours:
Would you rather be the beauty or the beast?
Absolutely fun, though definitely neither to some (no royalty, prefer privacy). Read, read, read, lol!!!!
Fun! And how about…would you rather
A. Be a newlywed looking forward to building a family
B. Be an empty nester looking back on the joys of raising kids?
Cool questions.
Would you rather date someone with cats or dogs
Good one Lincoln. As an empty nester, who’s sons are raising kids; we do a lot of looking back at joys and sometimes heartbreak in raising kids.
Hi Valerie! Thanks for a fun interactive Monday blog. My first grade granddaughter plays Would You Rather in her weekly SEL Zoom meetings (Social Emotional Learning). Fun to hear the kids questions and responses. Leaving on Vacation this week with the grandkids and the Let’s Go travel journal has would you rather questions. Fun! Blessings this Memorial Day and last day of May!
This was fun and so interesting to see all of the votes!
That was fun!
This was fun!!! I find it very interesting that everyone chose to date a cowboy, and no one picked a celebrity! It’ll be interesting to see if that one changes!
Some are neither, and then I caught myself wondering how the other person in the relationship would respond, like on the date on a bet question..
Thanks! This was fun.
I loved this!
Hi Valerie,
Thanks! I enjoyed this!
That was fun
This was fun! And it’s really interesting to see which options are winning. ;-)
Fun poll! Here’s my question: You’re dating a great person, but it’s just not working out. Would you rather be dumped or be the one who does the dumping?
Glad you enjoyed it! That’s a good question. My instant answer was the beauty, but now that I think about it, I do love the redemption story of the beast (I forgot to mention that I’m terrible at choosing one answer in this game, lol).
True! There are some I’d have to answer neither and some I’d have to answer both (if I were to break my own rules, lol!). But yes to read, read, read!
Oh man, that’s a hard one! But since my kids are getting closer to that age of leaving the nest, I might have to say I’d love to go back and do it all again (and then I remember the sleepless nights and diapers and think I’d better change my answer, lol!).
Oh, good one! I’m totally a dog AND cat person, so that’s hard to answer. I think I’m going to go with dogs though…no wait, maybe cats (oh boy, I never should have made that rule about having to choose only one answer). Okay, dogs–final answer. :)
I always love listening to my daughter’s answers too (she does would you rather as part of her speech and language therapy). And she’s come up with some pretty insightful questions of her own. She had one the other day that really made me stop and think, but now I can’t remember what it was! Have fun on your vacation with the grandkids–and your Would You Rather questions! :)
I had fun with it too! Some of the votes surprised me, and some were exactly what I would have guessed (both answers for the fairytale retellings question are tied right now…can’t wait to see which wins!).
Thanks, Toni! I had fun with it too! :)
I thought that was interesting too! And that the Beauty and the Beast retelling and Cinderella retelling are tied right now (although my daughters and I were split on that one too). :)
True! Sometimes it helps to think of it from the other person’s perspective too. I’m not sure anyone really wants to be dated because of a bet…but in a book I can see that leading to love. The beauty of the happily ever after! :)
Thanks, Mary! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks, Julie! I’m so glad!
Thank you, Janet! So glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks! It was a little too much fun coming up with the questions, lol!
Thanks, Amy! And I agree that it’s interesting to see which ones are winning. I had no idea how many people wanted to date a cowboy, lol. :)
That’s a good one! I hate confrontation or the idea of hurting someone’s feelings, so I’m going to say I’d rather be dumped. Ouch–I’d better post this comment before I change my mind, lol!
Of course I’d rather read than do anything else :-)
Some of these questions were hard to answer because I didn’t like either option…lol! For instance: Be the one afraid to commit or be in love with someone afraid to commit and Date someone because of a bet or be the one dated because of a bet. I just had to choose the lesser of the “evil”.
Fun poll today! I like the “would you rather questions” because they make you think.
I know what you mean, Trixi! It was probably kind of mean of me to put those questions in there…but then I thought of the poor characters from romance novels who have to deal with those situations, so I figured maybe we should have to think about it too, lol! Sometimes all you can do is choose the lesser evil. But “would you rather” questions really do make you think. :)
I found a difficult one: Would you rather be the heroine whose life is in danger in a Christian romantic suspense or the heroine in a dystopian fantasy story?
Personally I would prefer the romantic suspense fleeing a serial killer should be easier than having a whole society against it.
That’s a good one! And I have to agree with you, both because I’d rather have to flee one serial killer than have a whole society against me and because dystopians don’t always have such a happy ending–and I need my happy ending, lol!
Thank you for such a fun way to think about what maybe. I would always love to read. God bless you.
Thanks, Debra! Glad you had fun! :)
I agree, this was fun. Reading always the first choice.
Hi, this was alot of fun! Thank you so much for posting this for us. Have a Great week and stay safe. God Bless you and your family.
Ohh…great question but hard to answer.
Yay, I’m glad you had fun! No contest–reading wins over anything else. :)
Thanks, Alicia! Glad you enjoyed it!
Fun quiz! I had rather be reading!
I’m with you there! I’d rather be reading than pretty much anything else you could fill in that question! :)
A very unique article/poll Val! I would listen to books WHILE doing other things!
I thought of a couple:
Would you rather be an author or work for an author! (fyi….I’ll stay in our rolls!)
If you have turned your back on God and your relationship with Him for several years: Would you rather go back and do things differently/continue to walk with Him or learn from and use your past mistakes to reach out to others by coming alongside them and help to show how you have won those battles step by step?
Maybe I should have said would you rather go on a date with a pet lover
or a person who doesn’t like pets.
For the first question its easy Cats cos I am scared of dogs.
Good ones, Deb! To the first: I think I’ll stick with being an author, though I hope working for an author is a pleasant experience too. :) To the second: I keep going back and forth, but I think ultimately the second because God uses everything in our lives, even our mistakes, for our good and his glory–and it’s such a blessing to see how he can use those experiences to enable us to reach out to others.
That would make it easier for me to decide–a pet lover for sure. :) Or someone who could become a pet lover at least!
That was so much fun!
Would you rather meet your love while skydiving or scuba diving?
Love that question! I’m going to have to say scuba diving because there’s no way you would catch me jumping out of an airplane, lol!
Love both reading but also camping.
Would you rather marry your childhood best friend or worst enemy to this day?
True! I suppose there’s room for more than one favorite activity, lol. As far as your question, I’m going to have to say best friend (I may be partial since my husband and I were friends for a long time before we started dating). :)