I admit that as a writer, I have The Best job! Not only do I not have to drive to work in April snow storms, I can wear pajamas to the office if I want. I can even pick up my office, on the spur of a moment, and move it anywhere else.
Which is exactly what I did this past week, along with four other authors, including two contemporary Christian romance authors.
For six days, Stacy Monson, Julie Saffrin, Dawn Ford, Sarah Anderson, and I hunkered down in two cozy villas at Christmas Mountain Village in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin where we wrote and marketed and brainstormed. We also took time for some fun, food, and fellowship.
Our villas were right next to an outdoor pool, and both villas overlooked a golf course. Too bad the weather was snowy and rainy and cold… Not that we would have ignored our authorly duties to golf or swim if the weather permitted… Well, maybe…
Ahem, back to my post…
Most of us arrived on Friday April 6, with Stacy straggling in on Saturday due to a Friday conflict. Then Sunday morning we had a worship service with Sarah leading the music and Stacy giving a message. Every day after that, one person was responsible for making a meal of their choice while another got to prepare a devotion for the day. A couple of nights we set aside our laptops, one to talk, and another to watch The Greatest Showman (anyone else see that movie? I’ve only watched it five times now…).
Otherwise we wrote. I finished a short story that will be coming out soon and edited another story, and then it was time to blog and market and update my website.
And I learned to breathe again.
What’s wonderful about getting away from home to write is that laundry isn’t calling to be washed. Driveways aren’t begging to be shoveled. Family isn’t asking when and what the next meal is. Dear Hubby isn’t knocking on my office door just as I get into the story. No one is saying “Mom” or “help” or “Can you drive me to the doctor?” In other words, we shared a week of writing bliss!
I can’t wait until our retreat next year!
If you could work anywhere away from home, where would you want to go?
Hi Brenda, sounds wonderful! How lovely to come together with fellow authors and share time and space and be understood:)
I completely understand the being interrupted part of being at home- productive work only happens when the kids are in bed, kitchen is clean, school lunches prepared…and so on….!! If I could work from home (can teachers do that??:) I would work from a warm, sunny, coastal town- preferably a house with a patio/deck right near the beach.
Hi Brenda! Thanks for sharing. My oldest son and his family also vacationed at Wisconsin Dells the first week in April (Spring Break). The grandkids ages 12, 10, and 4 had fun at the water park and rock climbing and this German Oma had a break from her daycare responsibilities. What an unusual spring we are experiencing in the Midwest. For the past three days the frigid north wind has been howling with blowing snow, I wished I could stay in my PJs; but needed to take grandchildren to school. Fortunately we only have a dusting of snow, unlike some areas in Michigan that received 12 inches. Lake Michigan has 12 feet waves. So thankful for our brave but cautious local photographer Joshua Nowicki for sharing his daily pictures on Facebook. Some brave souls were surfing this week in the frigid waters.
Great question. The location would probably depend on the season. From my travels, my favorite spot in the world is Lake Brienz in the canton of Berne in Switzerland. Hotel Lindenhof is an idyllic tranquil location nestled in the hills above the lake with view of the Alps. A spot were the legends William Tell and Heidi were created. Best wishes. Stay warm and happy writing.
Hi Brenda, I have a writing retreat planned for later this year plus a Margie Lawson Immersion – I can’t wait! I’ll be in sunny Queensland, Australia (no snow there, lol). Thanks for sharing your writing retreat with us (waving to Stacy!) :)
Sounds like a fun time. I want to see a The Greatest Showman.
I’m jealous, Brenda. But even so, I’m glad you got the chance to get away and were productive.
Oh, I agree! It’s so hard getting any writing done when my house demands I pay attention to it!
The sunny, coastal home sounds like an idyllic place to work, if we could!
The Dells is a perfect spring break location!
The Great Lakes have certainly been photo and video-worthy this past week, haven’t they? If we hadn’t been in the middle of a blizzard, I would have loved to travel up to Lake Superior to watch the waves. I can’t imagine surfing those waves! I’ve seen video of surfers on Lake Superior and I just shake my head. :)
If I were in the Alps, I don’t know if I’d get work done as I’d spend all my time marveling at God’s creation!
Oh, does that sound wonderful! Visiting Australia is on my bucket list, but I would be too busy being a tourist to work. :)
There’s never been a movie I could watch on repeat, until The Greatest Showman. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
Someday, Shannon, you’ll get to join us on a retreat! Next time we’re in Branson, you’re getting a call! :)
If I could work anywhere away from home… hmm. I think I’d stay close by. A cabin by a mountain lake, maybe. It would need electricity so I could keep the laptop charged, but not be TOO interesting or exotic outside. When I’m away from our part of the world, I want to be a tourist and immerse myself in the location, not be pulled away to work.
It truly was a privilege to attend this retreat and get to know you gals. I loved the time away and the chance to just focus on my story. Looking forward to reading your new release. Thanks again!
That’s so true. If away from home in a fun, new place, I don’t want to be working! :)
I loved spending the week with you! You brought so much joy & energy to our retreat, Julie! And I’m so glad you were able to get writing done. :)
Sounds like a joyful fulfilling retreat, Bren. I guess I’d go to the ocean. There’s something therapeutic and inspiring about the push and pull of those waves. It would only be in the late winter or early spring though because too many people otherwise . . .
Oh, I agree! We don’t have an ocean close by, but I could easily work on the shores of Lake Superior.
Sometimes just getting away is worth it. Its amazing how a weekend away can open up your mind to think clearly.
Time away from day-to-day life is so important to recharge my batteries and get a fresh perspective. So far our retreats have been in great locations – not too exotic (like Val said, where I want to go out exploring) but different enough to enjoy something new AND get work done. Looking forward to the next “time away!”
I’m always most productive when away from home–it really does help clear your mind.
And spending the time with friends is an added bonus!
I’m looking forward to it, too! Next week soon enough for you? ;-)
Glad you had a good retreat. I live near the beach, but when I go, I don’t want to do anything – just watch for whales or dolphins or enjoy the sun and waves!
Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. So beautiful!!
It was amazing! Thank you, Brenda, for heading it up and organizing the retreat. I got much work done and learned a great deal from everyone while there.
If we had whales & dolphins, I wouldn’t get work done either! I would have to watch them!
That’s on my bucket list!
I’m so glad you could make it, Dawn! If only we could do it more than once a year!