When it comes to book ideas, I’m like a kid in a candy store. So many stories to write, so little time. Especially this year, what with Covid and being stuck away from home and my PC with its large dual screens for months looking after a baby while home-schooling my two grandsons at the same time. Well, my writing plans finally looked a little something like the cables beneath my desk. All. Messed. Up.
After returning home in August, I took some time to play catch-up on things I was behind on … print book covers for our Chapel Cove series, as well as some of my own. And then I got a request for a book cover. And another. And another. Add to the mix, doctor and bank appointments for my mother-in-law plus several visits for tea from her… I felt as if the universe was just plain preventing me from writing.
Needing to get my next Chapel Cove story written (which has been something akin to pulling teeth), I decided I wasn’t going to write a short story for the Mosaic Christmas anthology, and informed my Mosaic author friends. But that beautiful cover I’d created kept hounding me. I needed to use it, and this was the perfect opportunity. So I took a chance, signed up (again) for the Mosaic Christmas anthology, and spent a chunk of September writing One Christmas Wish.
I’m so excited about this story. And so are my beta readers. Here are two reviews…
In One Christmas Wish, Marion has explored some serious challenges that happen way too frequently in society. Her insight into the issues and the personal ramifications of those issues makes for a fascinating and moving story. As usual her descriptions set the scene and put the reader in the midst of the setting. In this one, however, she takes you into the heart and soul of the main character. This is a story I’ll read again. I’m sure I’ll find a deeper meaning each time.
~Judith Robl, Red Quill Editing
Simply beautiful… The cover had me head over heels in love from the start of this read. The bond between mother and son reflects the true meaning of the story etched in-between. Pages so tenderly written with the love God places in us, even in times of doubt and sorrow.
Delaney’s story is one of a true heroic character that deeply touches your heart. All the feels and emotions of how God walks with us in our time of need and guides us to a life we deserve. A delightful story that I devoured in one sitting. You’ll fall in love with Delaney and Lucas just as I did!
Marion always fills your heart with divine words, and this story is no exception!
~ Sharon Dean
What the friend I dedicated One Christmas Wish to wrote after reading the book, really touched my heart.
[One Christmas Wish] is beautiful….it really is! And not just because I can relate on so many levels, but because you also deliver it beautifully. You touch on such deep aspects of an abusive marriage in a respectful way.
That’s what writing is all about! Touching readers’ lives. One book at a time.
One Christmas Wish is published in the Mosaic Christmas anthology, A Star will Rise, which also features these short stories and novelettes (note some stories are not romances):
A Christmas Homecoming by Brenda S. Anderson
Love and Unexpected Stress Responses by Eleanor Bertin
Sixty Feet to Home by Sara Davison
The Twelve Days of Mandy Reno by Regina Rudd Merrick
Returning to Christmas by Angela D. Meyer
A Garland of Grace by Candace West
This anthology will release at the beginning of November, but will be going on pre-order any day now. I thought I’d share the blurb with you and hopefully whet your appetite for my story.
Can one start over by disappearing?
With a change of identity for both herself and her infant son, Delaney and Aidan Jamison flee a bad situation to start a new life far away from everything they love. Soon, they settle into a relaxed lifestyle in a small town on the western coast of South Africa. Well, as relaxed as Delaney can be while looking over her shoulder every day.
Then came those fanciful wishes made on a shooting star with her kind—and handsome—neighbor that first Christmas Eve. And everything changed. Again.
And, I have a book trailer you can watch, too.
Once this novelette was written, edited, and submitted, I turned my attention back to my next Chapel Cove story, Ride with Me, as well as my writing schedule, which needed tweaking…again. With a book to write, not only was I too far behind to get my first Mosaic novel written by the submission date of end December, but I was also invited to join a group of authors on several upcoming series for 2021-2023. No ways I could do that one. Anyway, I went back to our wonderful Mosaic VA and told her there was no way with all the delays—no, make that a complete stop—in my writing this year, I’d be able to get that story done. She was understanding and said I wasn’t the only one struggling to write this year, and that we’d relook the 2021 schedule.
With some breathing room to at least get my Chapel Cove story done, I reworked my writing plan, making sure to schedule fewer books now that life is getting in the way of my work. With the grandkids a plane trip away and needing care during some of their school vacations, at least four times a year, I’ll be away from home for a few weeks. And it will be difficult to write during those weeks away. In fact, our next trip is already booked for the end of November. My granddaughter, Oliva, turns one, and my grandson, Liam, turns seven. So one big Llama / Unicorn party is coming up. Or should that be a Llamicorn party?
Satisfied I’d shifted my planned books to workable dates, I decided I needed to contact the organizer of the series I’d been invited to that I spoke of earlier to tell her I just couldn’t take part . Sigh. As I said at the outset of this blog, so many books to write, so little time. I was about to email her, when I noticed the book length they wanted. Minimum 22,000 words. Hmm, if I worked really hard, I could write that in two or three weeks. Maybe I could do at least one for now. And so, I did what I said I couldn’t do…I signed up to her series releasing next summer. I’m excited, and also really thrilled that next month is Nanowrimo (National Novel Writers Month)—the one crazy month when authors around the globe aim for that insane goal of writing 50,000 words (or more) in a month.
Not having been able to take part in Nanowrimo last year, I’m looking forward to giving it a bash again. And hopefully getting this novella, and maybe the next (or part thereof), written during this wacky month. Even if I don’t cross the 50K finish line, I’ll still get a whole chunk of writing done in November with this goal in mind.
Here’s hoping, and praying really hard, I won’t need to make any further changes to my 2021 and beyond writing schedule in a hurry.
What about you? Have you first said yes, then no, then maybe, to something (or someone) in life?
Absolutely, but it’s normal to waver. At times.
For sure. I mean, what’s a mind for if it can’t be changed :)
Goodness Marion, I feel tired from all that. We decided to just stop this week and allocate two days to clearing up the small stuff. It is a real challenge to not let life get in the way sometimes. I feel deep down you probably know what is right for you and if you follow that feeling you will be successful. Though there will always be hiccups, I choose to live an abundant life and as long as I remain steadfast things flow! Good luck and how lucky to see the grandchildren so often.
Hi Marion! Best wishes to you doing these fun filled days of chaos. Can so relate. Been a most unusual year. Besides seeing our three older grandchildren Monday thru Friday for Oma’s Virtual Academy, they have been staying with us the last four days; so their parents can celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary. Our gift to them. Grandkids and grand puppy are really good, but it is exhausting with extra meals and activities. Best wishes.
I have definitely said yes, then questioned it and said no. What a beautiful trailer! I cannot wait to read your new book!
Love the trailer and the chance to “meet” a “new” author
Wow, I am so impressed with everything you have been through this year…you are amazing!
I have definitely been through the yes, no, maybe, okay fine stages!
LOL, somehow I always manage to get those books out on time. Only by God’s grace.
I hear you about exhausting, Renate. But oh so fulfilling :)
Thanks, Lori. So glad you enjoyed the book trailer of my story that will release soon.
Thank you, Yvonne. I hope you get to read some of my books soon :)
LOL, I love that you added a stage or two into the mix :) Ha, I feel the year hasn’t been as productive as I would’ve liked. But as they say, all work and no play … Guess it was right to take some time off for the grandkids. Although a lot of that was work, it was pleasurable and rewarding.
You really do have a crazy writing life! I don’t know how you get it all done and do it all so well!
I can’t wait to read One Christmas Wish and the rest of the Mosaic Christmas stories!
My default is set to “no” so thoroughly I almost don’t recognize a God-sent opportunity when one lands in my lap! It’s hard to keep all the stories and series lined up, marching toward a timely finish when there are SO MANY MORE ideas dancing in my head begging to get into that line-up, preferably by elbowing everything else out of the way! So, I certainly get that yes/no/maybe scenario you’re describing!
I’ve done this too. I tend to add a lot to my plate and then think I can’t take on new things, but I find the important stuff always manages to get done somehow. It’s a God thing, for sure.
I have done this, though I don’t like to do it. I like to make up my mind and stick to it. Sometimes, that just doesn’t work out, though.
Yes, I have done it before,and more then not it turns out to be for the better. I love, your book trailer! And your book sounds like a very good read, I love, love the cover. Thank you so much for sharing your story, God is Good and He knows the timing. Have a Great week and stay safe. God Bless you and your family.
I never like to say “yes” to something unless I know for sure that I can do it. I don’t like to commit if I don’t know for sure that I can do what I say I can. There are times when unexpected things come up, and usually people understand that. I just hate disappointing someone! It makes me feel bad.
2020 sure has been a year where we need to extend more grace, oftentimes to ourselves. It’s been quite a weird year and I oftentimes wonder what other oddball thing just around the corner…..maybe I don’t want to know, lol! One thing I DO know for sure, none of this was a surprise to God :-)
I have said yes to doing something but its often when asked at a time when its out of the blue but when I have been home I have thought of what it really involves and realise I either don’t want to do it or that its not something I could really do physically, or due to health issues etc and have rung back and said sorry I really can’t do that right now
Sometimes it can be like being invited to yet another party for a product, (Tupperware, etc) and especially if its in a group you don’t want to be the only one saying no but then no one turns up. My friend use to say sorry No and people would look at her but after the event the hostess would come and thank her for being honest. Most of the others just didn’t turn up. I am like that with the I may say yes when cornered but if I can’t go will let them know in plenty of time. (Now days I will say can I let you know it will depend on my pain levels).
I have also said no then thought and gone back and said actually I think I could do that. (sorry for rambling I am so overtired)
There have been times when I have said “yes” to almost everything and then driven myself into the ground trying to make good on my promises. There have been times when I have said “yes” and then been unable to follow through. Now, I live in a world of “no” and “maybe”. Saying “yes” and working for it can be so satisfying. Saying “no” and allowing yourself to get needed rest is also a blessing. When I discovered that it was actually a health issue that made me fail at my follow through, I learned that God’s direction is always the last word. I’m still working on seeking it in the first place. :)
Wow!! Love the video!! Sounds like an awesome story! I look forward to the preorder date for the set.
A couple of friends are people I didn’t have a good impression of at the first encounter–proof that sometimes, you have to relook at someone and then find the hidden gem qualities.
Sweet video! That looks really captivating.
I used to always say Yes. Then I started saying either Yes or I’d think about it. Now, there are certain requests that will always be a No, others that I’ll discuss with my hubby first, and still others that can immediately be a Yes. Allowing myself 3 options works best for me. When life flexes, hopefully there is enough Give in my schedule to accommodate it – but yikes! I do best with schedules & lists that go as planned. ;)
LOL, don’t we all, Brenda. I can’t wait for A Star will Rise to release either.
I think that’s a good default, Valerie. I’m afraid my default setting is broken LOL.
Absolutely, Megan. We definitely need wisdom to listen for that small, still voice.
I know, Trudy. I certainly wish I could just say yes or no and be done with it.
Thank you, Alicia. Glad you enjoyed the trailer. Be sure to look out for A Star is Born early November to get it at our special release price (which won’t last long).
Absolutely, Trixi. How comforting to know He holds the future. It’s no wonder that Jesus said we mustn’t worry about tomorrow for today has enough cares of its own.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jenny. Way better to be true and honest with ourselves and everyone else.
Thanks for sharing, Lincoln. It’s a daily process, and we all need to learn that we don’t need to always say yes … there are others who will step in when we say no.
Thank you, Margaret. Soon as I have it, I’ll post it here in a comment :)
That happens to me all the time, Denise. I’m always wary of people when I first meet them, and dare I say, generally don’t like them. A few months down the line, I come to love and treasure those same people.
I hear you, Penelope. I hate tweaking my schedules. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s necessary, unavoidable, and inevitable.
Glad you liked the book trailer. Hope you get to read the story.
YES lol no…maybe – we are doing stucco and I’m still not sure if we should have…maybe – too late now.
PS I love the cover – so adorable!
LOL, Natalya. I’m sure it will all turn out fine. Glad you loved the cover. I feel in love with the image the moment I saw it and knew I needed to write their story :)
Hi Marion,
I tried to comment on one of your other blogs but the comments had reached 65 and I guess comments end there? Honestly 60 is so young – and your sister looks amazing at 70. I am 75 as of September this year, and I only just recently started classifying myself as a Senior. Before 70, when churches use to talk about the ‘young adult group’, I always thought my hubby and I were included in that. One day it finally hit me – I am not a young adult. I am an ‘old adult’, but then how come I have all these little grands 5 and under – 3 under 3 actually, and in 2020, lost three potentials grands in one year (RIP little ones). I still want to run with them, pull them in wagons and in sleds, chase them around the house and play hide and seek, but now I am starting to want to nap when they nap. That’s the difference between ‘young adult’ and ‘old adult’, I guess. LOL Blessings to you.
WOW! loved this blog too, and the One Christmas Wish video brought me to tears. Wonderful – loved your writing and your writings. :)
Would you believe that I’ve committed to writing not only my June 2021 Mosaic novel, but a novella for Christmas 2021 (not Mosaic – Just watch, I’ll probably say “yes” to that, too), and a full-length novel for sometime in 2022 . . . OY!! Now I need to get nailed down what to write next – and deadlines WILL dictate my decision!!