Hi Everyone!
Maybe it’s my upcoming move to Missouri, a subconscious effort to focus on something other than packing, or the fact that I’ve just finished a very rough draft of the last book in my Abundance series, but I’ve thinking about what I should keep the same in my life and what I should change.
Of course, those New Year’s resolutions that I make every year have come to mind. Yes, I should eat better. And yes, I should exercise more. Hmmm. Those would both be good changes to make, but motivation is a bit low here during the pandemic.
So I’ve been considering something more fun, taking a big-picture assessment of my writing life, pondering questions like what to write next, how many books should be in my next series, and whether I should type or dictate my books. My answers seem to fluctuate a lot, but I’m thinking I’ll write more contemporary Christian romance, create a new series with four books, and perhaps try dictating again. It’s much easier on your wrists than typing, but I have struggled with adjusting my brain to a new way of working.
One other area I’ve been thinking a lot about is my author newsletter. Newsletters are generally seen as the very best way to keep in touch with readers. Unlike something like a Facebook page, unless you have personal computer crisis (been there, done that, hope never to do so again), you control access to sending email. Some authors have had very bad experiences when Facebook, for some reason or another, turned off their account. And nothing is more exciting than when a reader replies to one of my author newsletters! It’s a lot like getting a real, handwritten letter in the mail. So I think that newsletters are important and I want to make mine a good one, one that readers will look forward to. To try to improve, I’ve read other authors’ newsletters. I’ve read articles and books about author newsletters. But none of has fully answered the questions I wonder about.
That’s why I’m hoping you can help by sharing your opinion about what makes a good newsletter.
I’ve got a quick, four-question survey that I’d love for you to take. It really would be a big help me to me! Everyone who answers all four questions will be entered to win a $10 Amazon gift card.
There are no wrong answers! Even if you say you never read author newsletters, that helps me know whether writing one is a good use of my time.
Ready? Please answer like this in the comments below:
- 3
- 2, 3, and 6
- 2
- Yes, because I love their books
- How often do you want to hear from an author? (Pick one.)
- I never read author newsletters
- Weekly
- Every two weeks
- Once a month
- Less often than once a month
- When you read an author newsletter (or if you were to), what types of information do you like to see? (Pick as many as you’d like.)
- Updates on their new books, cover reveals, etc.
- News about sales/freebies of their books and others in the same genre
- Books the author has been reading and enjoying
- Personal information about the author’s family, like photos of their kids, etc.
- What their life as a writer is like—how long it takes to write a book, etc.
- Recipes
- Other (please describe)
- What would make you want to read an author’s newsletter? (Pick one.)
- If I love, love, love their books, I want to read their newsletter. Otherwise, I’m not interested.
- Even if I’m only lukewarm on an author, I’ll read their newsletter a few times to see if it’s interesting
- I read all author newsletters! I love all information about books!
- Nothing, see Question 1, answer 1, above. :)
- Is there an author whose newsletters you always read? If so, why?
That’s it! Thank you so much for helping me (and possibly another author or two!) improve my author newsletter! If you’d like to see mine, I’d love to have you sign up. Just click here. You’ll get a free copy of my holiday novella, Christmas in Abundance, when you join.
If you’d like to be included in the drawing, please comment by Monday evening, Nov. 2, 2020. One commenter on this post who answers all four questions will be chosen at random, notified by email, and announced in a Sunday edition. *Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.*
Fun survey
2. 1,3,5, 7 (While I like to see whats happening with a family I also know that can be dangerous for a writer as you don’t know who is on the mail list and I know of authors who have attracted stalkers) But general photos like garden, pets would be nice (just not children for safety reasons)
3. 2
4. There are some but cant say off hand.
I would rather read a newsletter that has info on new books, cover reveal etc than read one that the author thinks has to go out even if they have no real news to put in it.
1. 2
2. 1,2,3,4
3. 2
4. I always read yours and Lorana Hoopes. I also always read this newsletter from inspyromance. The only newsletters I don’t like are when the author keeps sending the same newsletter out.
Ok. Here goes.
1. 3
2. 1-5. (Not into recipes!!)
3. 2
4. Always read newsletters I’m subscribed to. Very rarely unsubscribe but have done so when a so called ‘clean’ author wasn’t. (Never a problem with Inspy, by the way.)
Hi Sally! Thanks for a fun survey and for this avid reader and retiree, an Amazon Gift card is a motivator and incentive. I have been interacting with this blog since I retired in 2012 after reading a Farm Fresh Romance by Valerie Comer. I enjoyed the diversity of the authors from several continents and backgrounds. While my life with grandchildren keeps this Oma very busy, I prefer to limit my reading of newsletters, since that cuts into my reading time. Presently I am my grandchildren’s (Grade 10, 7, and 1) teaching coach. Kids attend virtual school at our house, since dad works from home. Very little time for reading during Covid epidemic.
Answers to above questions:
1. #4 Once a month (hopefully not always on the first of the month).
2. #1, 4, and 5 – not fond of long excerpts from books. Love reading more personal Information about travel, pets, writing spaces, inspiration behind the story (this is helpful in writing reviews). What makes this story special – not just the Happily Ever After.
3. #1 & 2 (Through boxed sets and blogs, I have found new authors.)
4. My adventure with Inspy Romance began with Valerie Comer, and branched out through Marion Ueckermann since this German American loves to travel even if it is only from the comfort of my own home. Marion and I have many things in common – mother of sons, grandchild #3 finally being a bundle of pink – European roots and more. Yes I do read newsletters. Also enjoy some Michigan cozy mystery writers, like Hope Callaghan.
Best wishes and thanks for a wacky Wednesday.
1. 4
2. 1,4,5,6
4. All of them!
Thank you so much for taking my survey! You make some excellent points and I really appreciate hearing them!
Hi Lori! Thank you so much for taking my survey! I really appreciate your help!
You are so kind to always read my newsletter!
Hi Margaret! Thank you so much for taking my survey. It really helps me!
I especially appreciate your comment about recipes. I’ll be interested to see if anyone does like them. They actually take quite a bit of time to include. When I was in journalism school, I wrote feature articles, including recipes. There was less pressure than covering crime, for instance, but if you made a mistake, like 1 Tablespoon of salt instead of 1 Teaspoon, you got an F! So I always triple-check my recipes!
Thanks again!
Hi Renate!
Thanks so much for taking my survey and for the extra insight you offered. It is such a help! For instance, I never thought about how the story behind the story might help a reviewer! (There’s an idea for a future newsletter right there!)
Your grandkids and your son are lucky to have you!
Hi Paula Marie!
Thank you for taking my survey! Your answers are a big help! (You’re the first person to say they like to read recipes, so I’m especially glad to get that feedback. They do require extra proofreading, but I also kind of feel like they are sharing a bit more of me.)
I’m learning so much!
I’m working on building my newsletter, so I’m curious to the answers to these question, too!
Here are my answers:
1. 4-5.
2. 1, 5 definitely. — 2, 3, 4 in small snippets; 6 is cool, but I never try the recipes I see….
3. 1-2.
4. Roseanna M White – she has a good blend of interesting and helpful in an easy to ready style. Too much block info and it’s too much to read it.
1. 4 or 5
2. 1,2,3,5,6 and 4 if it’s related to visiting a place from a book or what books your family members are reading
3. 2
4. Kaitlin Nolan – I love her books, writing, and sass.
Liwen Y. Ho – Her newsletters and blog are so pretty and fun.
Sally! I taught journalism. I also enjoy recipes, in books. For 3 years belonged to a Book Club for Foodies. Many cozy mysteries have recipes. I do ARC reads for Hope Callaghan and have edited her recipes! Not easy to do in a newsletter.
1. 4
2. 1-5
3. 1 & 2
4. Yes, I love their books & the extra videos & content they show online (interviews, live Q&A, gorgeous IG theme/photos & thoughtful content)
1. Every two weeks
2. 1, 3, 4, 5
3. 3
4. there are several, I can’t remember them all. Roseanna M. White, Katherine Reay, Valerie Bodden, etc.
Hi Sally!
1. 4
2. 1,2,4,5
3. 3
4. I read all the author newsletters I receive but there are a handful of authors I really love and always look forward to their newsletters to hear about what’s going on in their lives, about their current work in progress and their upcoming releases.
Hope this helps you out!
I do enjoy newsletters as a way to get to know the author. Works of art (like books!) are created by real people and seeing how the two connect makes both come alive for me.
1. 4 or 5
2. 1, 2, 3, 5 (no recipes :)
3. 1
4. Yes, once I opt in, I pretty much go on autopilot, only rarely deciding to opt out. Usually because I’m getting overwhelmed in the inbox.
1. 2
2. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
3. 3
4. 4 I always look forward to reading about my favorite authors.
Ok, my answers: 1. 2; 2. 1, 2, 3, 4 3. 2 4. yes I’d also like to add, larger print, not huge, but larger than 8 point, is good! There are a couple of author newsletters that I open, but don’t read, because the print is too small. Also, colored background/busy background turn me off, as they mess with my eyes.
1. 4
2. 1,3,4
3. 2
4. Yes. I always read a few of my go to authors.
I’m pondering my newsletter and blog posts for 2021, as well! Here are my answers:
1. 4
2. 1-5!
3. 1
4. Several, but there are a few special ones- Laura Frantz, Johnnie Alexander, DiAnn Mills, Patricia Bradley – to name a few
Very true, Renate!
Hi Danielle! Thanks for taking my survey! I’ll tally it all up at the end, so if you’d like a compiled version of the answers, send me an email at author@sallybayless.com and I’ll be happy to share.
Hi Elle! Thank you so much for your help with the survey! I really do appreciate it! Have a great Wednesday!
Hi Nicki! Thanks for taking my survey. It really helps me to know what readers enjoy! It’s easy to know what I like, but much better to see a big picture. :) Have a great day!
Hi Lila! Thank you so much for taking my survey! The readers of this blog are so kind and helpful!
Hi Megan! Thanks so much for your input. It really, really helps me as an author. Have a great Wednesday!
Hi Lincoln!
Thanks for taking my survey. I really appreciate the help. I am learning so much today!
Hi Mary! Thanks so much for taking my survey. I really appreciate the help and your comments! Blessings!
Hi Trudy! Thanks for taking the survey and for your comments. You are so right that newsletters need to be easy to read. Excellent point!
Hi Trudy! Yes, larger print is a plus. I agree no busy backgrounds. Nice header and subtopics in bold. I am 70 so my eyes aren’t what they used to be.
Sally, I agree as I read the responses. Lots of good suggestions. With different time zones, saw mentioned live Q & A – doesn’t work for me. Since I do lots of reading in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep and life isn’t so hectic with three grandkids, I am not fond of video. Would wake my husband in the next room and he turns into a grumpy bear. I like a well organized newsletter, that I can skim and pick and choose the parts when I am busy. Would be fun if an author in this blog took the various responses part and made a survey for us to vote: video, live, recipes, etc. I think either Elizabeth Maddrey or Heather Gray did something on blogs a while back.
Thanks you so much for your help! I really appreciate the input. I didn’t realize how excited this blog post would make me feel about writing my newsletter! I guess it’s just wonderful to see how many people really enjoy author newsletters!
Hi Regina! Thanks for taking my survey! I’ll tally it all up at the end, so if you’d like a compiled version of the answers, send me an email at author@sallybayless.com and I’ll be happy to share. Have a great Wednesday!
1. 2
2. 1 ,2,3,4,5,6
3. 3
4. Yes I receive and read other authors newsletters, because I like their books and I like to know when they are being released and I like to read information about their new books and I love to see their new book covers.
1. 4-monthly. I know some authors put out newsletters more often then this, but I also know it might be hard to do with their writing schedule too.
2. All of the above. Really, I enjoy whatever the author wants to share in a newsletter. I especially like learning what books they are working on so I know what to look forward to! :-)
3. 1. Again, if I know the author and love their books, I enjoy reading their newsletters. Or it’s also a great way to get to know a new-to-me author!
4. I read every authors newsletter I get in my email. I’ve subscribed to many so I can’t possibly name a favorite.
1. 3 or 4
2. 1,2,3,4(but not endangering),5
3. 2
4. Yes. Authors whose books I love. But sometimes life takes over😊. I watch my grandkids ages 12,9,4, 10 months on weekdays. The older two are doing virtual school at our house during the day. It can get a little crazy.
Lori I agree with the author keeps sending the same newsletter out. I had a couple who had a new release and I got more than one a day plugging the book and one was sending about 3 a week with the lure of preordering and providing proof to unlock extra content. I have to say I unsubbed cos of the constant plugging (this started about 2 months before the book was released)
1. 4
2. 1,3,4 other stuff is good, but those are the basics
3. 1,2
4. Becky Wade has a fun Newsletter, I also usually read Lori Benton’s, and Laura Frantz.
1. 4
2. 1, 2, 3, 4- quick photos rather than long paragraphs
3. 1 &2 (if lukewarm – browse over quickly cuz might be a gem inside)
4. Yes. looking for info on new release, looking for a Sale/free item of theirs, looking for a referral author I might also enjoy, possible ARC opportunity, etc.
1. 4
2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
3. 3
4. I open all author newsletters and skim through them, some I read more thoroughly than others.
Here it goes:
1. 2 or 3
2. 1, 2, 3, 4
3. 3
4. I open every letter, but read thoroughly the ones that catch my attention. I read every letter from Jessie Gussman – she makes me smile every single time :)
1.Yes, because I love their books
How often do you want to hear from an author? (Pick one.)
When you read an author newsletter (or if you were to), what types of information do you like to see? (Pick as many as you’d like.)
1.Updates on their new books, cover reveals, etc.
2.News about sales/freebies of their books and others in the same genre
3.Books the author has been reading and enjoying
4.Personal information about the author’s family, like photos of their kids, etc.
What would make you want to read an author’s newsletter? (Pick one.)
1.If I love, love, love their books, I want to read their newsletter. Otherwise, I’m not interested.
Is there an author whose newsletters you always read? If so, why?
1. Yes there are a few because there my favourite authors.
1. 4
2, 1,2,3,4,6
3. 2
4. I’ve never read *every* newsletter of any one author….I try to read as many as I can. :)
Hi Alicia! Thank you so much for taking my survey! I agree–I love to see new book covers too!
Hi Trixi! Thank you so much for taking my survey and for your comments! It really is a big, big help to me!
Hi Diana! Can I just start by saying I’m tired just thinking of watching four grandkids and supervising school! Your family is so lucky to have you during this pandemic! Thank you so much for taking my survey. It really is a big help to me!
Hi Patty! Thanks for taking my survey! I have to laugh when I see your mention of Becky Wade’s newsletter. I get it too and really enjoy it, but I know I could never offer fashion tips like she includes. I think maybe her sister offers them? Anyway, I don’t have a sister and I am not a person for fashion advice. I knew right off the bat when planning my newsletter that I wouldn’t offer that, lol! Have a great day!
Hi Penelope! Thank you so much for taking my survey and for your comments. I really appreciate your input! Great suggestion on photos rather than long paragraphs. Authors have to find a balance, because too many photos makes your newsletter end up as spam, but I agree. I’d rather see pictures!
Hi Denise! Thank you so much for taking my survey! I am learning so much from people’s responses. I’m so grateful for the InspyRomance readers!
Hi Natalya! Thanks for taking my survey. The input really helps me! Have a great day!
Hi Amy! Thank you for taking my survey! I am learning so much from everyone’s responses! Blessings!
Hi Sabrina! Thank you so much for taking my survey! Your input is a big help! Have a great day!
This was fun!
1. 3
2. 1, 2, 5
3. 2
4. I know that there are some that I read, but I can’t think of all right now. I try to at least skim must of them
1. 2
2. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
3. 2
4. I usually read all authors newsletters. If an author is someone I’m not sure about I will read a couple of different newsletters by that author. If I decide not to follow that author I will unsubscribe from their newsletter. It’s the same with any ARC copies it may take me awhile but I always leave a review on any ARC I’ve received.
Hi Angeline! Thanks for taking my survey! I was a little hesitant to do this blog topic because I was afraid people wouldn’t enjoy it, so I’m glad to hear it was fun. The information is going to be a really big help to me! Blessings!
Hi Pam! Thanks for taking my survey and for your comments. I really appreciate it! Have a great weekend!
Oh, Renate! Live Q &A would totally frazzle me! LOL!
Hi Sally, Thanks for asking our readers about their newsletter preferences. I’m looking to revamp my currently inactive newsletter and this information is very helpful. 😊
1. 4
2. 1,2,3,5,6 I agree with another commenter about not including children’s pictures. It’s too bad that this an issue!
3. 2
4. Yes. I’m just interested in what they have to say.
1. 4
2. 1,2,4
3. 3
4. Mary Alice Monroe. I enjoy her books. I also like hearing stories of her work with the sea turtles.
Hi Narelle! I have learned so much from this survey. So grateful to all who have taken it!
Sorry, Kathy, I don’t know why my reply to Narelle ended up as a response to your comment.
Thank you so much for taking my survey! I appreciate your help so much. And I agree, posting children’s photos is a bad idea. My kids are old enough that I wouldn’t be worried for their safety, just sure that they would complain, lol!
Hi Debra! Thank you so much for taking my survey! I am learning so much from all the replies!
Oh wow, thanks so much, Elle, for reading my newsletters and blog! I appreciate your support!